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Claudia Stocks
🐨 Postdoc 👩🏻‍🔬🔬🤹🏻‍♀️ Host-pathogen interactions (bacteria🦠 innate immunity🧫) Environment🌿 Equality✊🏾🏳️‍🌈 Books📚 She/Her
Singapore 🇸🇬Joined August 2013

Claudia Stocks’s Tweets

Our lab is looking for a curious and motivated PhD student funded by a BBSRC White Rose DTP. Exciting project in collab. with fantastic co-supervisor Prof Marjan van der Woude and ! Contact us if you wish to know more: Please RT
Bacteria GIF
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Position available in an exceptional lab both in terms of scientific practise and genuine, supportive people 🙂 Based at , am biased but also a most excellent place to work. Great opportunity to learn and contribute to important, groundbreaking research 👍🏻
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We are hiring! The Inflammasome Lab seeks an enthusiastic research assistant with experience in mouse work. Join us to find out how #inflammation drive chronic diseases. *Please RT* @IMBatUQ @UQ_News
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Last day of #2022ASM 🥲 and time for Part 2 of my Fav session 😁 Also just about time for me to use the livestreaming sorry I do not have a green screen or a seperate mic, 🤞🏻 all goes well 🙃😅
Prep screen for the upcoming session at ASM. 'Host-Pathogen Interactions 2' chaired by Daniel Mediati and Elizabeth Hartland. Currently the video just says 'Thanks to our supporters' with logos of all the various sponsors
Screenshot from the livestreaming platform. Has a side bar with 'Camera; Audio; and Virtual background' options. Can see me (Claudia) in the video looking a little dubious but with a thumbs up. A lovely photo of the Blue Mountains (NSW, Australia) is in the virtual background
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Intriguing (and v. promising work!) from looking to develop new approaches to clear infection with multidrug resistant bacteria by combining a biofilm dispersal agent with an antibiotic to create a Dual-acting biofilm eradication agent 🦠 #2022ASM
Shows Dr Makrina presenting on the left, slide is entitled 'Nitroxide-Functionalised Antibiotics'
Slide entitled 'Biofilm dispersal and eradication of Gram- and Gram+ biofilms'. Example bacteria shown are P. aeruginosa, UPEC and S. aureus
Thought-provoking talk from discussing reimagining and reunderstanding #biofilm as not just a collection of individuals, but potentially as a multicellular organism, and furthermore unique incubators of microbial diversity 🦠🦠🦠 #2022ASM
Image with Anahit Penesyan on the left presenting, slide features an artistic image of bacterial biofilm, with the main info 'Biofilms are microbial assemblages that are attached to a surface and are enclosed within a self-produced protective extracellular matrix'
Slide entitled 'Reimagining biofilms: the multifaceted nature of biofilms'
Slide entitled '2. Biofilms have features of multicellular organisms: the biofilm-centric view'. Features 2 images, one showing the lifecycle of a biofilm and the other the lifestyle of a lichen. The similarities are striking
Slide entitled '3. Our novel perspective: biofilms as unique diversity incubators for the microbial world'
V. interesting work from Kitty McCaffery using RNA Interactome Capture (RIC) to identify proteins of Legionella that interact and/or modify host cell RNA. Really cool technique to identify novel virulence effector proteins 👍🏻🦠🙂 #2022ASM
Slide from Dr McCaffery's talk. Can see her small on the left, title of the slide is 'RNA Interactome Capture (RIC) of Legio Ella effectors bound to host mRNA
Ready and keen for #2022ASM to kick off today 🙂👩🏻‍🔬🦠 Bit sad to not be in Sydney to catch up in person but v grateful is operating as a hybrid setup so I can attend (and present 😁) virtually from Sg! Expect talk highlights over the coming week #PostdocLife
Shows snapshot of the homepage for the online experience of the Australian Society for Microbiology 2022 Conference. The colour theme is orange, with a dark orange side menu bar down the left with options including 'Lobby, ASM Sessions, Speakers, Exhibit Hall, ePoster Hall, Networking'. The current video on display has the title 'asm 2022' and date of the conference 'July 11-14' and is running users through how to use the online platform (powered by Pheedloop)
Snapshot of my online speaker (🙂) profile. Has a small pic of me next to my name 'Claudia Stocks' and position 'Research Fellow, Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering'. Below is a dark orange box to 'Start chat' and below that is lists the session I am speaking in, i.e. 'Host-Pathogen Interactions 2. Thursday 8.30-10 am (Singapore time)'
Come and join us at the IMB to do your PhD. Our global challenges PhD program is now accepting applications - click through to see some great opportunities to do some fantastic science, with outstanding scientists, in a great location.
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1 in 2 Australians live with a chronic disease. Our Global Challenges PhD Program is tackling chronic disease through multidisciplinary approaches. Apply now and understand how cells drive chronic diseases:
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Privatisation has failed. The energy ‘market’ has failed. Governments wrote the rules to suit big corporations, not you. Electricity is an essential service, and as we shift to 100% renewables & support people, it's time to talk about how we get power in public hands again.
Terrifying but v important - Stephen Summers discussing the work he and others are doing to understand the microbiology of the marine plastisphere - yep, the new ecosystem(s) that have been created as a result of all that plastic in the environment 😶 #SCELSE10
Stephen presenting a slide entitled 'What is the Plastisphere?'
Slide entitled 'What is the problem?'
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Bright and early at the Capella Hotel, Sentosa Island 🇸🇬 for the 10th Anniversary Conference 🦠👩🏻‍🔬🙂 #SCELSE10 My first SCELSE conference, and first in person meeting since 2019! Bring on the bacteria and the biofilms 😁 #PostDocLife
Photo of the lovely Capella Hotel Ballroom. Tables with white chairs, and an interesting light feature below a large central skylight. Can see on the stage images for 'SCELSE 10'
Photo of my Poster, titled 'Polymicrobial biofilm formation results in resistance of meeting neutrophils'. Has some background on Enterococcus faecalis, and images of biofilm as well as some data presented in column graphs.