If you want to order a copy of a library item from us, you have several options through our Copies Direct and Loansome Doc services.

Copies Direct

A fast, easy and inexpensive way to order copies of articles, chapters of books, photographs, pictures, maps, manuscripts, music, sound recordings from our collections, as well as the collections of other libraries.

Please note copyright may restrict the amount of copying that can be done.

Copies from our collection

To place a request for a copy of material either:

Copies from the collections of other libraries

Use Trove, WorldCat or any other library catalogue to check the details of the material you want to get a copy of.

  1. From Describe item and add to cart choose the 'order form for copies and reproductions' option specifying your material type.
  2. At the order details part of the order form select 'from another library' in the 'average delivery' drop down menu.

Borrowing from another library

This service is available to individuals who are able to visit the National Library in Canberra. The material must be used in the Main Reading Room at the Library.

  1. Use Trove, WorldCat or any other library catalogue to check the details of the material you wish to borrow.
  2. If you are onsite at the National Library you can locate and order material directly through Libraries Australia via the 'Get this Item' button
  3. From Describe item and add to cart choose the 'select loan form' and complete the form.

We may not be able to borrow or copy some material due to preservation, copyright or other permission restrictions.

Copies from state and territory libraries

If the material you require is held in any of the following libraries, contact them directly for a faster turnaround time.

Loansome Doc

This is a service which allows you to order articles from the U.S. National Library of Medicine's PubMed website and the articles are delivered by the National Library of Australia.

You need to be a registered user to be able to access this service.

  1. Become a Loansome Doc user, then
  2. Order directly from PubMed.

The Copies Direct Service is open 9.00am - 5.00pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time), Monday to Friday. Please contact our Document Supply Service with any enquiries.