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Another reason to study in the regions: extra drawcard for uni students 20 Mar 2019
New incentives for university students and graduates to study and work in regional Australia are another drawcard for international students to study in Australia.
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Overwhelming majority of Australians say international students are important to our economy 18 Mar 2019
Four in five Australians say international students are important to Australia’s economy, new polling confirms.
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Latest Submissions, Reports and Studies

Submission to the review of the Australian Qualifications Framework 15 Mar 2019
Universities Australia (UA) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission in response to the discussion paper on the Review of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
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Additional submission to Regional Education Expert Advisory Group 15 Mar 2019
In the Universities Australia (UA) submission (Attachment A) of 1 February 2019 to the Regional Education Expert Advisory Group (Advisory Group), UA called on Government to:
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