OS-HELP is an Australian Government loan used to help students undertake part of their course of study overseas. Students may receive one loan per six-month period, up to a total of two OS-HELP loans. The period of six months in relation to which a student is entitled to OS‑HELP assistance begins on the commencement date of the overseas placement. Loans are from a minimum of $2,000 up to a maximum of:

Students may also receive a supplementary loan amount of $1,085 in 2019 to undertake language study in preparation for overseas study in Asia.


You can apply for an OS-HELP loan if you are a Commonwealth supported student who meets the eligibility criteria. You are not eligible if you are studying your whole course overseas.

You will be ranked on the basis of academic merit. For more information see the Australian government's 2019 OS-HELP Statement of Terms and Conditions.

How to apply

Complete and submit an OS-HELP Loan Application. You will be notified of the outcome of your application by email within a maximum of 20 business days.

Loan repayment

The loan amount will be added onto your accumulated HELP debt. You can make voluntary repayments of your HELP loan at any time to the Australian Taxation Office, otherwise repayments will automatically be deducted once you begin earning an income above the compulsory repayment threshold.

Lodging an appeal

The decision of the OS-HELP Selection Officer can be appealed only on procedural grounds.  An appeal must include a copy of the letter you received from the Selection Officer and details of the complaint together with supporting documentation.

It must be lodged within 20 business days from the date you were notified of the outcome of your application.

Submit your appeal to:

OS-HELP Review Officer
Student Centre
James Cook University
Townsville, QLD 4811

You will receive notification in writing of the outcome of your appeal within 20 business days; the decision of the Review Officer will be final.

For more information, see JCU's OS-HELP Loans Policy. You may also be interested in JCU's Global Mobility Program.