Student Charter

Students are at the heart of our University. James Cook University values its students and recognises the importance of quality in teaching, learning and research. JCU is committed to providing a supportive and safe educational environment that fosters student engagement and success.

This Charter outlines the reasonable expectations that students can have of the University while studying. It also documents what the University expects of its students.

The Charter promotes mutual respect and recognises that students and staff have rights and responsibilities to each other and to the University community.

JCU is proud of the cultural richness and diversity of its staff and students. JCU is committed to working towards achieving a genuine and sustainable reconciliation between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the wider community. In 2008 the University adopted a Reconciliation Statement which details how JCU intends to meet that commitment.

A more detailed policy document, the Research Higher Degree Student Charter outlines specific postgraduate student expectations of University research higher degree training, and the corresponding expectations that the University has of its research higher degree students.

Students can expect JCU will:

Provide high quality teaching and learning experiences in accordance with the application of the core principles of the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy.

Provide supportive and inclusive learning environments that recognise academic freedom and motivate students to achieve their potential.

Provide timely, accurate and useful information to students in relation to their course of study, enrolment, policies, legislation, services and processes as well as to their rights and obligations as a student.

Provide learning environments, facilities and student-focused services to support students to succeed in their studies.

Acknowledge the integral role of the Student Association in representing and supporting students and in promoting the social and cultural life of the University.

Recognise the legal rights of students, including those relating to intellectual property and privacy.

Embrace diversity and respect the rights and viewpoints of others.

Behave with integrity and treat all students fairly and equitably and with respect.

Strive to provide a safe and inclusive environment that is free from discrimination, bullying and intimidation.

Provide opportunities for feedback and inform students how feedback has been incorporated into the University’s accountability cycle of continuous improvement.

Provide fair, transparent and efficient complaints and appeals procedures.

JCU can expect that students will:

Participate in learning and research activities in a positive and constructive manner.

Uphold principles of scholarly integrity and demonstrate an ethical and honest approach to study and assessment.

Make genuine attempts to progress academically by meeting expectations associated with attendance, course, subject and assessment requirements, and by taking responsibility for their own academic progress.

Acquaint themselves with University policies and procedures relevant to their enrolment and course of study, adhere to the rules and regulations of the University as they apply to students, and comply with the requirements of relevant legislation.

Treat JCU property and facilities with respect.

Represent JCU in a professional manner when engaged in University-related activity, including industry placements, internships, fieldwork and work experience.

Embrace diversity and respect the rights and viewpoints of others.

Behave in an appropriate manner and avoid conduct that might reasonably be perceived, or considered, as discrimination, bullying or intimidation.

Treat University staff, other students and visitors equitably and with respect.

Provide honest and constructive feedback about academic programs and the student experience.

Seek to resolve concerns informally where possible.

Follow student complaints and appeals procedures, and refrain from engaging in frivolous or vexatious complaints.

Relevant Policies and Protocols that intersect with this Charter:

Critical Incident Policy

Discrimination and Harassment Policy and Procedures

Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy

Records Management

Research Higher Degree Student Charter

Student Complaint Management Policy and Procedures

Student Conduct Policy

Other Links

All JCU Policies

Student Academic Misconduct Requirements

Student Association