Current Students Exams & Results Assignment and subject results

Assignment and subject results

Final subject results

You can access your final subject results on eStudent under the ‘My Results and Graduation’ tab approximately three weeks after the end of each study period. Check result publication dates at Important Dates.

If you have a debt with the University including library fines, student loans or fees, or if you did not show photo ID during an exam, your results will be withheld.

Assignment results

Marks for written assignments will be available via LearnJCU. Contact your lecturer if you cannot find your mark or would like to discuss your mark and assignment.

What if I disagree with a mark or my final subject result?


You have the right to request feedback about your assessment mark. If you feel your concerns are not addressed, you can request a re-mark.

Before requesting a re-mark, contact your lecturer or subject coordinator with your concerns, as you will need their feedback about your performance. If you cannot reach them, contact your College office. It’s also a good idea to seek support or advice from the JCU Student Association.

To request a remark, write to the College Dean. You’ll need to demonstrate how the mark awarded does not reflect your performance with respect to the published assessment criteria for that assessment.

Final subject result

If you have genuine concerns about your subject result, you need to raise these as soon as possible after results are released.

It’s a good idea to first spend some time reviewing the Subject Outline. Check your understanding of the assessment requirements including what was to be assessed, the assessment methods, and the weighting/value of each assessment item.

If you want to discuss your result, you should contact the examiner or the subject coordinator for feedback.  If you are not satisfied with the outcome once feedback has been received, you should address your concerns with the relevant College Dean.

If the matter is not resolved through consultation at College level, you may appeal to the Director, Student Services by submitting an Appeal of Final Subject Result form.  A subject result may only be appealed on the grounds of procedural fairness or the accuracy of the result.

Enquiries should be made as soon as possible and appeal applications should normally be made no later than:

20 working days after the Results Publication Date for the relevant Study Period;
20 working days after publication of deferred and supplementary results.

Before applying for a formal review, it’s a good idea to seek support or advice from the JCU Student Association.

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