James Cook UniAkun terverifikasi


James Cook University is Australia's leading tropical research university, with campuses in Townsville, Cairns and Singapore.

Tropical North Queensland
Bergabung Oktober 2008


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  1. 5 Apr

    Inspiration on Tap is back! Be inspired as JCU’s top researchers and academics share their expertise with the local community outside of the lecture theatre.

    Image of someone pouring a beer from a tap
  2. me-Retweet
    5 Apr

    We're official! JCU Connect was launched today at an event in The Science Place Douglas Campus. Thank you to the region's key leaders and industry for helping us celebrate.

  3. 5 Apr
  4. me-Retweet
    4 Apr

    James Cook University enters Indian Market

  5. 5 Apr

    Coral reproduction on the Great Barrier Reef falls 89% after repeated bleaching

  6. me-Retweet
    4 Apr
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    5 Apr

    The number of new corals settling on the Great Barrier Reef has declined by an alarming 89%, following mass bleaching events.

  8. me-Retweet
    4 Apr
  9. 5 Apr

    JCU is set to boost the impact of its world-class research by making it easier to connect with business and industry through

    a man speaks at a lectern, a banner behind him say "JCU Connect, opening doors to opportunity"
    banner in focus in foreground saying "JCU Connect, engage locally, connect globally", people standing in the background
    A woman speaks at a lectern, a banner behind her says "JCU Connect, opening doors to opportunity"
  10. 5 Apr

    JCU Australia has introduced a new program: ‘Masters of Global Development and Master of Data Science.'

  11. me-Retweet
    4 Apr

    presenting the first Legathon. Law, Business & IT students engaging in design thinking the create innovative solutions to access to justice & legal issues in the tropics

  12. 5 Apr

    Warming seas are wrecking Great Barrier Reef's ability to regrow, research shows

  13. 4 Apr
  14. 4 Apr

    'Dead corals don't make babies': Great Barrier Reef losing its ability to recover from bleaching

  15. 4 Apr

    JCU has been judged the best university in the world in its commitment to the United Nation’s goal of reducing inequality.

    three female and one male student stand chatting outside the library
  16. me-Retweet
    4 Apr

    Did you know our gelatinous friends eat off the same menu as some of our most iconic ? Glass shrimp are a favourite among both and . It was an absolute pleasure to sample alongside this 3.5m beauty in last week!

  17. 4 Apr

    Update: overnight fire at JCU Townsville campus - JCU has set up a ‘pop up’ support centre to respond to student enquiries; every affected student will have a bed, with accommodation provided either on or off campus.

    banner saying "accommodation services"
  18. me-Retweet
    3 Apr

    Some good science but bad news for your morning - "Baby coral numbers on the Great Barrier Reef plummet by almost 90%". '...the early stages of a "huge natural selection event unfolding"'. From , published .

  19. me-Retweet
    3 Apr
  20. 4 Apr
    long shot of four students, three female and one male, standing and chatting outside the library

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