Class Registration Schedule

Opening dates and times for class registration are staggered according to study periods and Colleges. Look for your College and subject disciplines or subject code in the schedule below.

Study Period 3, 2019

College/subjectsOpening date/timeClosing date/time
All subjects12 December, 10:00am20 January 11:59pm

Study Period 1, 2019 (early starts)

College/subjectsOpening date/time
Early start subjects
(NS3228, NS3363, NS3771, NS3881,
PS3001, PS3002, PS3003, PS3006)
12 December, 10:00am

Study Period 1, 4, 5, 6, 2019

College/subjectsOpening date/time
All postgraduate subjects9 January, 10:00am
Undergraduate Subjects  
     College of Science and Engineering22 January, 10:00am
     College of Public Health, Medical and Veterinary Science22 January, 2:00pm
     College of Healthcare Sciences 23 January, 10:00am
     College of Business, Law & Governance24 January, 10:00am
     Colleges of Arts, Society & Education24 January, 2:00pm
     IA subjects 24 January, 2:00pm
     Learning, Teaching and Student Engagement (Diploma subjects)24 January, 2:00pm

Check the Subject Schedule to find out which subjects belong to each College.

Who Does the Class Registration Process Apply To?

Students studying on-campus in Townsville, Cairns, Mt Isa, Mackay and Thursday Island.


  • Medicine students do not need to register for classes.
  • Pharmacy, Dentistry, Veterinary Science and Physiotherapy students - class registration for your core subjects is managed by your College. You will still need to register for any electives separately.
  • Students on the intercampus mobility program from Singapore - contact your Divisional Enrolment Team to enrol and register for classes.

How to Register For Classes in eStudent

  1. New students and returning students must both complete enrolment before registering for individual classes.
  2. Plan your class timetable. Registration is completed in eStudent. There are easy to follow instructions available if you need help registering for your classes or printing your timetable.
  3. Our app will give you single sign on access to JCU systems and applications like eStudent and LearnJCU as well as up to date personalised class and exam timetables. It's available for desktop, apple and android computers, laptops and devices.

Classes Full?

If there are no places are left in any of the class options, and a wait list is available (indicated by a grey clock), you can select to be on the wait list for that class. You will be contacted to confirm your place if a space becomes available.

If all of the classes are showing as full and there is no wait list, you should contact the Student Centre.

If you have a timetable clash between a core and an elective subject, you will need to choose an alternate elective. If you have a clash between two core subjects, please contact the Student Centre.

If you withdraw from a subject, eStudent will automatically de-register you for any classes for that subject.

For more information and troubleshooting, refer to eStudent online help.

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