
Student Digital Experience

The Student Digital Experience (SDE) at JCU aims to:

  • Support responsive, accessible and inclusive learning
  • Develop and maintain online environments that meet students' expectations
  • Help develop digital literacy.

Related policies and resources:

Students will access the subject outline and the introductory recording to orientate themselves to the subject and to view subject details during the week prior to the study period commencing.

    Students will engage with:
  • Learning materials that are timely, accessible and inclusive;
  • Materials that comply with legislative requirements; and are
  • Purposefully designed to meet learning outcomes.

Students will regularly engage with digital media, recordings and interactive activities to support their learning via the virtual learning environment (LearnJCU).

Students will engage in all communication, including digital communication, respectfully.

Essential subject communication including announcements, emails, surveys, assessment information, and where appropriate to subject modes, staff-student and peer-peer interactions is undertaken through the subject site.

Students will complete assessment tasks guided by criteria or scales, and access GradeCentre to view assessment results.

Where appropriate students will use online submission and receive feedback electronically.

Students have support for academic learning, technologies, careers and wellbeing via links to appropriate services and materials, and where appropriate subject-specific resources.

Also see our Student Sucess resources.

    Students will engage ethically in learning activities including maintaining data privacy and confidentiality and satisfying academic integrity requirements. Students will develop an understanding of the digital self and maintain their online digital safety, security and reputation.

These grants are provided to enable individual academics to trial next generation learning technologies.

BLINGs feature projects that facilitate innovative learning, teaching and assessment activities. Visit our BLINGs showcase and grants webpages to find out more.