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Wine, the fermented juice of the grape. Of the grape genus Vitis, one species, V. vinifera (often erroneously called the European grape), is used almost exclusively. Beverages produced from V. labrusca, the native American grape, and from other grape species are also considered wines. When other fruits are fermented to produce a kind of wine, the name of the fruit is included, as in the terms peach wine and blackberry wine.


The spread of viticulture

Vitis vinifera was being cultivated in the Middle East by 4000 bce and probably earlier. Egyptian records dating from 2500 bce refer to the use of grapes for wine making, and numerous biblical references to wine indicate the early origin and significance of the industry in the Middle East. The Greeks carried on an active wine trade and planted grapes in their colonies from the Black Sea to Spain. The Romans carried grape growing into the valleys of the Rhine and Moselle (which became the great wine regions of Germany and Alsace), the Danube (of Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, and Austria), and the Rhône, Saône, Garonne, Loire, and Marne (which define the great French regions of Rhône, Burgundy, Bordeaux, Loire, and Champagne, respectively). The role of wine in the Christian mass helped maintain the industry after the fall of the Roman Empire, and monastic orders preserved and developed many of the highly regarded wine-producing areas in Europe.

Following the voyages of Columbus, grape culture and wine making were transported from the Old World to the New. Spanish missionaries took viticulture to Chile and Argentina in the mid-16th century and to Baja California in the 18th. With the flood of European immigration in the 19th and early 20th centuries, modern industries based on imported V. vinifera grapes were developed. The prime wine-growing regions of South America were established in the foothills of the Andes Mountains. In California the centre of viticulture shifted from the southern missions to the Central Valley and the northern counties of Sonoma, Napa, and Mendocino.

British settlers planted European vines in Australia and New Zealand in the early 19th century, and Dutch settlers took grapes from the Rhine region to South Africa as early as 1654.

The introduction of the eastern American root louse, phylloxera, seriously threatened wine industries around the world between 1870 and 1900, destroying vineyards almost everywhere that V. vinifera was planted but especially in Europe and parts of Australia and California. To combat this parasite, V. vinifera scions (detached shoots including buds) were grafted to species native to the eastern United States, which proved almost completely resistant to phylloxera. After the vineyards recovered, European governments protected the reputations of the great regions by enacting laws that allotted regional names and quality rankings only to those wines produced in specific regions under strictly regulated procedures. Today, newer wine-producing countries have passed similar regulations.

Enology: scientific winemaking

Prior to the 19th century little was known about the process of fermentation or the causes of spoilage. The Greeks stored wine in earthenware amphorae, and the Romans somewhat extended the life of their wines with improved oaken cooperage, but both civilizations probably drank almost all of their wines within a year of vintage and disguised spoilage by adding such flavourers as honey, herbs, cheese, and salt water. Wooden barrels remained the principal aging vessels until the 17th century, when mass production of glass bottles and the invention of the cork stopper allowed wines to be aged for years in bottles.

In the mid-19th century the French chemist Louis Pasteur and others explained the nature of fermentation and identified the yeasts responsible for it. Pasteur also identified the bacteria that spoil wine and devised a heating method (later called pasteurization) to kill the bacteria. Later in the century, methods were developed for growing pure strains of specific yeasts in culture. Advances in plant physiology and plant pathology also led to better vine training and less mildew damage to grapes.

Mechanized innovations in the 20th century have mainly contributed to quality control. Stainless steel fermentation and storage tanks are easily cleaned and can be refrigerated to precise temperatures. Automated, enclosed racking and filtration systems reduce contact with bacteria in the air. Beginning in the 1960s, the use of mechanical grape harvesters and field crushers allowed quick harvesting and immediate transfer to fermentation tanks.

The wine grape

The thousands of grape varieties that have been developed, with 5,000 reported for V. vinifera alone, differ from one another in such characteristics as colour, size, and shape of berry; juice composition (including flavour); ripening time; and disease resistance. They are grown under widely varying climatic conditions, and many different processes are applied in producing wines from them. All of these possible variations contribute to the vast variety of wines available.

Species and varieties

Vitis vinifera, probably originating in the Caucasus Mountains, is the principal wine-producing plant, with most of the world’s wine still made from varieties of this species. V. labrusca and V. rotundifolia have been domesticated in the eastern United States, the domestication of V. amurensis has been reported in Japan, and various interspecies hybrids have been used for wine production. The high sugar content of most V. vinifera varieties at maturity is the major factor in the selection of these varieties for use in much of the world’s wine production. Their natural sugar content, providing necessary material for fermentation, is sufficient to produce a wine with alcohol content of 10 percent or higher; wines containing less alcohol are unstable because of their sensitivity to bacterial spoilage. The moderate acidity of ripe grapes of the V. vinifera varieties is also favourable to wine making; the fruit has an acidity of less than 1 percent (calculated as tartaric acid, the main acid in grapes) and a pH of 3.1 to 3.7 (mildly acid). Malic acid is also an important acid; only small amounts of citric acid are present.

A third factor attracting winemakers to this grape is its tremendous range in composition. The pigment pattern of the skin varies from light greenish yellow to russet, pink, red, reddish violet, or blue-black; the juice is generally colourless, although some varieties have a pink to red colour, and the flavour varies from quite neutral to strongly aromatic (Gewürztraminer, Cabernet Sauvignon, Zinfandel). Some varieties, such as Pinot Noir, having rather neutral flavoured juice, develop a characteristic flavour when fermented on the skins and aged.

The species V. labrusca and V. rotundifolia seldom contain sufficient natural sugar to produce a wine with alcohol content of 10 percent or higher, and additional sugar is usually required. Their acidity at maturity is often excessive, with a low pH. Varieties of these species usually have distinctive flavours. The flavours of V. labrusca, owing to methyl anthranilate and other compounds, are considered too pronounced by some consumers. This flavour, especially prevalent in wines made from the Concord-type varieties, is commonly called “foxy.”


Grapes, although primarily a temperate-zone plant, can be grown under semitropical conditions. They are not adapted to the cooler parts of the temperate zone, where growing seasons may be too short to allow the fruit to reach maturity or where low winter temperatures (less than −7 °C [20 °F]) may kill the vine or its fruitful buds. V. vinifera is more susceptible to damage from winter conditions than is V. labrusca.

Climate strongly influences the composition of mature grapes. A major cause of the variation among grapes from different areas is the differing quantities of heat received by the vines during the growing season. Other important factors include differences in night and day temperature, hours of sun, and soil temperature.

Grapes begin their growth cycle in the spring when average daily temperature is about 10 °C (50 °F). To reach maturity, they require a certain amount of heat above 10 °C during the growing season. This amount of heat, called the heat summation, is calculated by totaling the number of degrees of average daily temperature over 10 °C for each day of the growing season. A heat summation of about 1,800° is required for successful growth. If the heat summation is less than required, the grapes will not ripen; they will reach the end of the growing season with insufficient sugar and too much acidity. This condition, frequently occurring in the eastern United States, Switzerland, and other cool regions, can be corrected by adding sugar to the crushed grapes. Where the heat summation is much greater than required, as in Algeria and parts of California, the grapes mature earlier and with less acidity and colour than those produced under cooler conditions.

Factors influencing the heat summation of a vineyard and, therefore, grape composition include exposure (in Europe, best from the east), air drainage (preferably from the slopes to the valley), soil temperature (above 10 °C during the growing season), and soil moisture content (not too dry at any time and not waterlogged for more than short periods).

Seasonal conditions also can be critical, especially in regions of low heat summation, as found in parts of France and Germany. When the growing season in such areas is warmer than usual, the fruit produced is riper and better balanced than is usual in cool seasons. In warm regions the sweeter dessert wines may benefit from somewhat low heat summation, resulting in less berry raisining (moisture loss) and giving the fruit better colour and acidity than is achieved when the growing season is excessively warm.

Such cultivation practices as weeding and pruning also may influence the mature fruit composition. Although the composition of the soil has an influence on soil temperature, root penetration, water-holding capacity, and vine nutrition, its effect on the quality of wine, varying from region to region, is poorly understood.

Wine regions and varieties

Almost all wines are labeled by the region of production, maturity of the fruit, variety of grape or type of wine, and year of production, and they can be further distinguished by colour, sweetness, and varietal aroma. Specific characteristics are traditionally associated with certain wines, and in many cases these traditions are guaranteed by law.

Discussed below are the wines and viticultural laws of France, Italy, Germany, the United States, Australia, and South Africa. Many other countries produce enormous quantities of table wines. In Europe there are, for example, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, and Georgia. In North Africa and the Middle East there are Algeria, Tunisia, and Israel. In South America there are Brazil, Peru, Chile, and Argentina. In Asia the largest producer is Japan.


In Europe wines are primarily distinguished by the region where they are produced.


Most French wines are everyday vins ordinaires, of no outstanding regional, varietal, or vintage characteristics. The finest wines are entitled to the appellation d’origine contrôlée (AOC; “controlled name of origin”), which is based on a hierarchy of specific geographic areas known to produce the best wines. The largest area in the hierarchy is the region; allowing for some variation, within the regions are districts, within the districts are communes, and within the communes are vineyards, or châteaus. To receive any of these successively more rigorous appellations, wines must be produced within specific areas and must meet standards of grape variety, alcoholic content, quantity of harvest, and techniques of vine growing and wine making. Of the smaller areas, some châteaus and communes receive rankings of quality such as villages, supérieure, and grand cru (“great vintage”).

The greatest regions of France are Bordeaux, Burgundy, Rhône, Loire, Champagne, and Alsace. Following the AOC hierarchy, Bordeaux contains such districts as Médoc, which contains the commune Pauillac, which in turn contains three grand cru châteaus. Bordeaux wines are mainly red and dry (except for those of the district of Sauternes, which are white and sweet). Primary varieties for the red wines are Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, and Merlot; for the white, Sauvignon Blanc and Sémillon.

Burgundy is smaller than the Bordeaux region. It comprises the districts of Chablis (dry white wines), Côte d’Or (red and white), Beaujolais (red), and Mâcon (white and red). The white wines are made from Chardonnay or Aligoté, the reds from Pinot Noir or (in Beaujolais) Gamay.

The Rhône region produces mostly strong, full-bodied red wines from the Syrah grape. The Loire is known for its white wines, the district of Pouilly-Fumé using Sauvignon Blanc grapes and Vouvray using Chenin Blanc. In the Champagne, legal definitions extend to the bottle-fermentation process by which the sparkling wine is produced; Pinot Noir and Chardonnay are the principal varieties. Alsace defines its mostly dry white wines primarily by grape variety, producing Alsatian Riesling, Gewürztraminer, Pinot Gris, and Sylvaner.

Wines receiving the classification vins délimités de qualité supérieure (VDQS; “delimited wines of superior quality”) must meet standards of region, variety, alcohol content, and sensory quality that result in good quality but are less severe than those of the AOC.


Known for its huge output of everyday red vini da tavola (“table wines”), Italy labels its best traditional wines as denominazione di origine controllata (DOC) or denominazione di origine controllata e garantita (DOCG). These wines must be produced in specific regions and must adhere to standards similar to the French AOC. Labels may indicate the grape variety—as in Barbera d’Alba, a red wine of the Barbera grape grown in the district of Alba in the Piedmont region.

Piedmont produces red Barolo and Barbaresco and the white, sparkling Asti Spumante. Vermouth, the flavoured dessert wine of Italy, originated in Turin, the principal Piedmontese city. From the district of Verona in the Veneto region come the red wines of Valpolicella and Bardolino and the whites of Soave. Tuscany is famous for the red wines of the various Chianti zones. Dry white Frascati wines come from the Latium region near Rome, while Marsala, the fortified wine sweetened with concentrated grape juice, comes from Sicily.


The prime viticultural areas of Germany fall into 11 regions, which are divided into districts, villages, and vineyards. A wine of better quality than the everyday Tafelwein and Landwein may receive the classification Qualitätswein bestimmter Anbaugebiete (QbA; “quality wine from a designated region”) if it is produced in a specific region and meets standards of taste and alcohol content. Sugar may be added in the production of QbA wines to make up for Germany’s short, cool growing season. Wines of the highest category, Qualitätswein mit Prädikat (QmP; “quality wine with special attributes”), must come from specific districts and be fermented from their natural sugar. The various Prädikate reflect the ripeness of the grape and, therefore, the sweetness of the wine. In order of increasing sugar content, they are Kabinett (ripe harvest), Spätlese (late harvest), Auslese (selected late harvest), Beerenauslese (selected overripe), and Trockenbeerenauslese (from berries dried on the vine).

About 90 percent of German wines are white. Riesling, Sylvaner, Müller-Thurgau, and Gewürztraminer grapes create the soft, fragrant, low-alcohol wines for which the country is famous.

Regions outside Europe

The newer wine-producing countries, lacking the centuries-old viticultural regions of Europe, emphasize the grape variety in their production of fine wines. Beginning in the 1960s, some of these countries enacted regulations guaranteeing the authenticity of these wines.

United States

Much American wine is mass-produced generic wine, often given such European-derived names as chablis, burgundy, and port. These brands must include an appellation of origin, such as California chablis, on the label.

Varietal wines may be labeled after a V. vinifera grape if the designated variety makes up at least 75 percent of the product. It must then claim an appellation of origin. If the appellation is a county, state, or even the country, then no less than 75 percent of the wine’s grapes must come from that area. If the appellation is one of the growing number of approved viticultural areas, then that area must account for 85 percent or more of the grapes. Wines may bear a vintage date if at least 95 percent of their grapes are harvested in that year.

California produces about 90 percent of American wines. The Napa Valley, Sonoma County, and other cooler areas of the north coast region produce the best wines. Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay are the most prestigious, followed by Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir. The Zinfandel, grown almost exclusively in California, produces a wine equal to those of the classic European grapes. California wines tend to be of higher alcoholic content and more pronounced varietal aroma and flavour than their European counterparts.


The main regions are found in an arc rimming the cooler southern states of New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia. The Shiraz grape produces fine red wines, as does the Cabernet Sauvignon. Prominent white wines are Sémillon and Chardonnay. Sweet dessert wines are produced from Muscat and other grapes.

South Africa

Under the Wines of Origin laws, 75 percent of a varietal wine must come from the designated variety. The wine may claim one of many designated regions of origin only if all of the grapes come from that region (80 percent for fortified wines).

Long famous for sherry-type wines made from the Chenin Blanc (also called the Steen), South Africa also produces wines from several other noble varieties in areas along the cooler southwestern Cape.

The wine-making process


Fresh and fully ripened wine grapes are preferred as raw material for wine making. In cool climates, as in northern Europe and the eastern United States, however, lack of sufficient heat to produce ripening may necessitate harvesting the grapes before they reach full maturity. The resulting sugar deficiency may be corrected by direct addition of sugar or by the addition of a grape juice concentrate. Grapes that are allowed to reach full maturity on the vine or that are partially dried by exposure to sun after harvesting are high in sugar content as a result of natural moisture loss (partial raisining as in the production of Málaga wines in Spain). A beneficent mold, Botrytis cinera, may also be employed to hasten moisture loss (as in the production of Sauternes in France). These grapes are used to produce sweet table wines. Special methods employed to produce these wines include the addition of sulfur dioxide, the use of small fermenting vessels during processing, or the use of cool temperatures—the objective being to stop the fermentation before all the sugar is fermented.

Because of the effect upon grape composition, proper timing of the harvest is of great importance. Premature harvesting results in thin, low-alcohol wines; very late harvesting may yield high-alcohol, low-acid wines.

Harvesting may be completed in one picking or in several. The grape clusters are cut from the vine and placed in buckets or boxes and then transferred to larger containers (large tubs in Europe, metal gondola trucks in California and elsewhere) for transport to the winery. Mechanical harvesting systems, based on shaking the berries from the clusters or on breaking the stems, are widely used in California, Australia, France, and elsewhere.

At the winery the grapes may be dumped directly into the crusher or may be unloaded into a sump and carried to the crusher by a continuous conveyor system.


In modern mechanized wine production, the grapes are normally crushed and stemmed at the same time by a crusher-stemmer, usually consisting of a perforated cylinder containing paddles revolving at 600 to 1,200 revolutions per minute. The grape berries are crushed and fall through the cylinder perforations; most of the stems pass out of the end of the cylinder. A roller-crusher may also be used. Ancient methods of crushing with the feet or treading with shoes are rare.

When red grapes are used to produce a white juice, as in the Champagne region of France, crushing is accomplished by pressing.

Red grapes are sometimes introduced whole into tanks, which are then closed. The resulting respiration in the fruit, consuming oxygen and producing carbon dioxide, kills the skin cells, which lose their semipermeability, allowing easy colour extraction. There is also some intracellular respiration of malic acid. This respiration process is slow and in warm regions may result in wines of low colour and acidity and distinctive odour.

Juice separation

When the juice of white grapes is processed or a white wine is desired, the juice is usually separated from the skins and seeds immediately after crushing. Occasionally, to increase flavour extraction, the white skins may be allowed to remain in contact with the juice for 12 to 24 hours, but this procedure also increases colour extraction, sometimes undesirably.

Two main procedures are employed to separate the juice from the solids. Much of the juice may be drained off by placing the crushed grapes in a container having a false bottom and often false sides. This juice is called the free run juice, and the mass of crushed grapes is called the must, a term also used to refer to the unfermented grape juice, with or without skins.

More commonly, the crushed grapes are placed in a press. The traditional basket press is gradually being supplanted by a horizontal basket press, applying pressure from both ends. Continuous screw-type presses are also employed, especially for drained pulp. The Willmes press, widely employed for white musts, consists of a perforated cylinder containing an inflatable tube. The crushed grapes are introduced into the cylinder, and the tube is inflated, pressing the grapes against the rotating cylinder sides and forcing the juice out through the perforations. Several pressings may be made without the extensive hand labour required for basket presses.

Continuous presses are practical for production of red wines, in which skins, seeds, and juice are all fermented together. Separation of the juice is simplified because fermentation makes the skins less slippery, and the amount of free run juice obtained is, therefore, much greater than for unfermented musts. Separation of the less slippery solids from the juice by pressing is also simplified.

The drained pomace (crushed mass remaining after extraction of the juice from the grapes), from white or red fermentations, may be used to provide distilling material for production of wine spirits. Water is usually added, the fermentation is completed, and the low-alcohol wine is drained off. The pomace may be further washed and pressed or may be distilled directly in special stills.

Must treatment

White musts are often turbid and cloudy, and settling is desirable to allow separation of the suspended materials. Such measures as prior addition of sulfur dioxide and lowering of the temperature during settling help prevent fermentation and allow the suspended material to settle normally. In many areas wineries centrifuge the white must to remove the solids. In this process a strong pulling force is created by circular motion. Musts are sometimes pasteurized, inactivating undesirable enzymes that cause browning. The addition of pectin-splitting enzymes to the musts to facilitate pressing is uncommon. Bentonite, a type of clay, may be added to musts to reduce total nitrogen content and facilitate clarification.

There is renewed interest in the prefermentation heat treatment of red musts to extract colour and deactivate enzymes. This process, when performed rapidly at moderate temperatures and without undue oxidation, may be particularly desirable in the production of red sweet wines, which employs short periods of fermentation on the skins, and for use with red grapes that have been attacked by the parasitic fungus Botrytis cinera, which contains high amounts of the polyphenol oxidase type of enzymes that cause browning.


The process of alcoholic fermentation requires careful control for the production of high quality wines. Requirements include suppression of the growth of undesirable microorganisms, presence of adequate numbers of desirable yeasts, proper nutrition for yeast growth, temperature control for prevention of excessive heat, prevention of oxidation, and proper management of the cap of skins floating in red musts.

Grape skins are normally covered with bacteria, molds, and yeast. The wild yeasts such as Pichia, Kloeckera, and Torulopsis are often more numerous than the wine yeast Saccharomyces. Although species of Saccharomyces are generally considered more desirable for efficient alcoholic fermentation, it is possible that other yeast genera may contribute to flavour, especially in the early stages of fermentation. Saccharomyces is preferred because of its efficiency in converting sugar to alcohol and because it is less sensitive to the inhibiting effect of alcohol. Under favourable conditions, strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae have produced up to 18 percent (by volume) of alcohol, although 15 to 16 percent is the usual limit.

Use of the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe has been proposed for the early stages of alcoholic fermentation. Because it metabolizes malic acid, this yeast would be useful in excessively acid musts, but commercial applications have not yielded consistently favourable results. The addition of lactic-acid bacteria to musts, using strains metabolizing malic acid, is now common.

The number of undesirable microorganisms is greatest in partially rotted or injured grapes. Such damage may occur in harvesting or during transportation, particularly in warm climates. Suppression of undesirable microorganism growth is required, and the most common method used is the addition of sulfur dioxide to the freshly crushed grapes at the rate of about 100 to 150 milligrams per litre. Sulfur dioxide is more toxic to undesirable microorganisms than to desirable microorganisms. When it is used in musts, an inoculum of the desired yeast strain, usually called a pure yeast culture, is added. Musts are rarely pasteurized, although this process may be applied when they contain undesirable amounts of oxidizing enzymes from moldy grapes.

Enologists, technicians in the science of wine making, do not agree on the most desirable yeast species and strain, but strains of S. cerevisiae are generally used. The chosen strain is allowed to multiply as much as possible in sterilized grape juice and is then transferred to larger containers of sterilized grape juice, where it continues to grow until the desired volume is reached. Suitable pressed yeasts of desirable strains are added directly, avoiding the troublesome practice of building up and maintaining a pure yeast culture. About 1 to 3 percent of a pure yeast culture, or sufficient pressed yeast to provide a population of 1,000,000 cells per millilitre, is used.

Temperature control during alcoholic fermentation is necessary to (1) facilitate yeast growth, (2) extract flavours and colours from the skins, (3) permit accumulation of desirable by-products, and (4) prevent undue rise in temperature, killing the yeast cells.

Optimum temperature for growth of common wine yeasts is about 25 °C (77 °F), and in many viticultural areas of the cooler temperate zone, grapes are crushed at about this temperature. Fermentation is seldom started at so high a temperature, however, because it is then difficult to prevent the temperature from exceeding 30 °C during fermentation.

Extraction of flavours and colours is not a problem in white musts; the crushed grape mass is usually separated from the skins before fermentation. Fermentation of white musts at relatively cool temperature (about 10 to 15 °C [50 to 60 °F]) apparently results in greater formation and retention of desirable by-products. An undesirable feature of such relatively low-temperature fermentations is the longer period required for completion (six to 10 weeks compared to one to four weeks at higher temperatures) and the tendency for the fermentation to stop while residual sugar remains. (This is not always considered undesirable—i.e., in German wine production.) In practice white table wines are usually fermented at about 20 °C.

In red wine musts, the optimum colour extraction consistent with yeast growth occurs at about 22 to 28 °C (72 to 82 °F). Alcoholic fermentation produces heat, however, and careful temperature control is required to prevent the temperature from reaching a point (about 30 °C) where yeast growth is seriously restricted. At still higher temperatures, growth will stop completely. Modern temperature control is accomplished by use of heat exchangers. Older methods include placing the fermenters in a cold room; using cold pipes in the fermenter; pumping the must through double-walled pipes, with cold water in the surrounding pipe; pumping the must through a sump containing cooling coils; and pumping the coolant through jackets surrounding the tank.

Contact with air must be restricted to prevent oxidation during fermentation. In very large containers, the volume of carbon dioxide given off is sufficient to prevent entry of air. In small fermenters, fermentation traps are inserted, preventing entry of air but permitting exit of carbon dioxide. These traps are particularly desirable during the final stage of fermentation, when carbon dioxide evolution is slow. Following fermentation, small amounts of sulfur dioxide are added to help prevent oxidation. Ascorbic acid (50 to 100 milligrams per litre) is sometimes employed to decrease the oxidation and thus the amount of sulfur dioxide required as an antioxidant, but is not generally recommended.

The cap of skins and pulp floating on top of the juice in red-wine fermentation inhibits flavour and colour extraction, may rise to an undesirably high temperature, and may acetify if allowed to become dry. Such problems are avoided by submerging the floating cap at least twice daily during fermentation. This operation, comparatively easy with small fermenters, becomes difficult with large, tall fermenters of up to 100,000-gallon (380,000-litre) capacity. In large units the fermenting must is drawn off near the bottom and pumped back over the cap. The use of small fermentation vessels permits a greater percentage of heat loss to the surrounding atmosphere, simplifying temperature control.

Postfermentation treatment

With appropriate must composition, yeast strain, temperature, and other factors, alcoholic fermentation ceases when the amount of fermentable sugar available becomes very low (about 0.1 percent). Fermentation will not reach this stage when (1) musts of very high sugar content are fermented, (2) alcohol-intolerant strains of yeast are used, (3) fermentations are carried on at too low or high temperatures, and (4) fermentation under pressure is practiced. Fermentation of normal musts is usually completed in 10 to 30 days. In most cases, the major portion of the yeast cells will soon be found in the sediment, or lees. Separation of the supernatant wine from the lees is called racking. The containers are kept full from this time on by “topping,” a process performed frequently, as the temperature of the wine, and hence its volume, decreases. During the early stages, topping is necessary every week or two. Later, monthly or bimonthly fillings are adequate.

Normally the first racking should be performed within one to two weeks after completion of fermentation, particularly in warm climatic regions or in warm cellars, as the yeasts in the thick deposit of lees may autolyze (digest themselves), forming off-odours.

Early racking is not required for wines of high total acidity—i.e., those produced in cool climatic regions or from high-acid varieties. Such wines may remain in contact with at least a portion of the lees for as long as two to four months, permitting some yeast autolysis in order to release amino acids and other possible growth factors favouring growth of lactic-acid bacteria. These bacteria then induce the second, or malolactic, fermentation.

Malolactic fermentation

Enologists have known for some time that young wines frequently have a secondary evolution of carbon dioxide, occurring sometime after the completion of alcoholic fermentation. This results from malolactic fermentation, in which malic acid is broken down into lactic acid and carbon dioxide. The fermentation is caused by enzymes produced by certain lactic-acid bacteria.

Flavour by-products of unknown composition are also produced during this fermentation. Malolactic fermentation is desirable when new wines are too high in malic acid, as in Germany, or when particular nuances of taste and flavour are desired, as in the red wines of Burgundy and Bordeaux in France. In other regions, some producers may encourage malolactic fermentation, and others may discourage it, depending upon the particular character desired in the wine. In all regions, this second fermentation is somewhat capricious. One product, diacetyl (a flavour and aroma agent), is apparently beneficial at low levels and undesirable at higher levels.

At low temperatures, malolactic fermentation proceeds slowly, if at all. German cellars are often equipped with steam pipes, raising the temperature to encourage this fermentation. The bacteria may fail to grow because of a deficiency or complete absence of essential amino acids. Most lactic-acid bacteria growth can be inhibited by the presence of 70 to 100 milligrams per litre of sulfur dioxide.

Excessive malolactic fermentation may produce wines too low in acidity (flat tasting) or with undesirable odours (mousy, sauerkraut, or diacetyl). Such faults may be prevented by earlier racking, filtration, and addition of sulfur dioxide.


Some wines deposit their suspended material (yeast cells, particles of skins, etc.) very quickly, and the supernatant wine remains nearly brilliant. This is particularly true when 50-gallon wooden barrels, which have greater surface-to-volume ratio than larger containers, are employed. The rough interior of wooden cooperage facilitates deposition of suspended material. Other wines, particularly in warm regions or when large tanks are used, may remain somewhat cloudy for long periods. Removal of the suspended material during aging is called clarification. The major procedures involved are fining, filtration, centrifugation, refrigeration, ion exchange, and heating.


Fining is an ancient practice in which a material that aids clarification is added to the wine. The main processes involved are adsorption, chemical reaction and adsorption, and possibly physical movement. Proteins and yeast cells are adsorbed on fining agents such as bentonite (a type of clay formed mainly of montmorillonite) or gelatin. Chemical reactions occurring with tannins and gelatin may be followed by adsorption of suspended compounds. If an inert material, such as silica, is added to a cloudy wine, some clarification will occur simply by the movement of the particles of inert silica through the wine. This action probably occurs to a certain extent with the addition of any fining agent.

Bentonite has largely replaced all other fining agents. Such fining agents as gelatin, casein, isinglass, albumin, egg white, nylon, and PVPP (polyvinyl pyrrolidone) may be used for special purposes, including removal of excess tannin or colour.

Excessive amounts of metals, particularly iron and copper, may be present in the wine, usually from contact with iron or metal surfaces. These result in persistent cloudiness and require removal by such special fining materials as potassium ferrocyanide (blue fining), long recommended in Germany. Cufex, a proprietary product containing potassium ferrocyanide, may be used in the United States under strict control. Phytates have been used for removing iron. In modern winery operations excessive metal content is rare, mainly owing to the use of stainless steel equipment.


Filtration is another ancient practice, and early filters consisted of rough cloth-covered screens through which the wine was poured. Modern filter pads are made of cellulose fibres of various porosities or consist of membrane filters, also in a range of porosities. The pore size of some filters is sufficiently small to remove yeast cells and most bacterial cells, but filters operate not only because of pore size but also by a certain amount of adsorption. Diatomaceous earth-filter aids, commonly added to the wine during filtration, increase the functional life of a filter by retarding pore clogging.


Centrifugation, or high-speed spinning, used to clarify musts, is also applied to wines that are difficult to clarify by other means. This operation requires careful control to avoid undue oxidation and loss of alcohol during the process.


Refrigeration aids wine clarification in several ways. Temperature reduction often prevents both yeast growth and the evolution of carbon dioxide, which tends to keep the yeast cells suspended. Carbon dioxide is more soluble at lower temperatures. A major cause of cloudiness is the slow precipitation of potassium acid tartrate (cream of tartar) as the wine ages. Rapid precipitation is induced by lowering the temperature to −7 to −5 °C (19 to 23 °F) for one or two weeks. If the resulting wine is filtered off the tartrate deposit, tartrate precipitation will not usually cause clouding later.

Ion exchange

Another method of tartrate stabilization is to pass a portion of wine through a device called an ion exchanger. If this ion exchanger is charged with sodium, it will replace the potassium in potassium acid tartrate with sodium, making a more soluble tartrate. Usually, if the potassium content of the blend of either treated or untreated wine is reduced to about 500 milligrams per litre, no further precipitation will occur. Exceptions may occur, however, and to be safe, tartrate and potassium contents and pH are included in the calculation. The use of ion exchange is illegal in several countries.


Many wines contain small amounts of proteins that may cause clouding either by precipitation or by reacting with copper or other metals to form aggregates that in turn form clouds. The use of bentonite removes some protein, and protein adsorption is increased if the wine is warm when fined. Pasteurization at 70 to 82 °C (158 to 180 °F) also can be used to precipitate proteins, but in modern practice this process is seldom employed to aid clarification.

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