All prices are in Australian dollars.

Photocopy or scan

Output Original materials Standard service (price GST free) Priority orders - surcharge per Item
Photocopy/scan - print/PDF Books, journals, newspapers, music $16.50 per 50 consecutive pages $20.00
Manuscripts $16.50 per 50 pages per box $100.00
Oral History transcripts $16.50 per transcript $100.00
Photocopy/scan - large format - print Newspapers $16.50 per image - standard paper $100.00
Print - original size Maps $16.50 per image - standard paper $100.00

High quality digital copy or print

Output Original materials Standard service (price GST free) Priority orders - surcharge per Item
Colour electronic TIFF image or JPEG image Books, journals, newspapers, manuscripts, music, pictures $45.00 per image $100.00
Maps $45.00 per image
$45.00 per 10 aerial photograph images (or part thereof)
Digitally derived colour prints - A4 Books, journals, newspapers, manuscripts, music, pictures $50.00 per image $100.00
Digitally derived colour prints - A3 Books, journals, newspapers, manuscripts, music, pictures $60.00 per image $100.00
Custom Photography per TIFF image Books, journals, newspapers, manuscripts, music, pictures Quotation - Minimum charge $250.00 per image Quotation

Oral History recordings

Output Original materials Standard service (price GST free) Priority orders - surcharge per Item
MP3 Audio - CD Oral history recording $16.50 per CD (8 hours) Quotation - Minimum charge $100.00
Audio CD Oral history recording $25.00 per CD (1 hour) Quotation - Minimum charge $100.00
Publication Quality - WAV file - DVD Oral history recording $16.50 per item (4 hours) Quotation - Minimum charge $100.00
Studio/editing services Oral history recording Quotation Not Available

Interlibrary loan and document delivery services from other libraries for individuals

Output Original materials Standard service (price GST free)
Photocopy/scan - print/PDF Books, journals, newspapers $16.50 per 50 consecutive pages (or part thereof).
Surcharge of $13.50 per request
Loan from an Australian library to read at the National Library of Australia Books $16.50 per request
International loan to read at the National Library of Australia Books $30.00 per request