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Month: August 2013

Open Doors - Aug 30, 2013

My Trip- Meeting Persecuted Christians In Colombia

The following is from the winner of the “One Body, Many Gifts” contest, Alexandria Quinn. As a result of winning the contest, Alexandria was able to go to Colombia with Open Doors, to meet with persecuted Christians there. Take a moment to read about Alexandria’s incredible experience: As an artist, I struggled with the artistic […]

Open Doors - Aug 29, 2013

How a Vacation Bible School Helped the Persecuted Church

Each year, thousands of churches around America host a Vacation Bible School (VBS) for local children to attend. The programs often include fun games, snacks and Bible lessons. It is a great way for churches to reach out to children in the community, and share Christ with them. One VBS group in Wisconsin decided to […]

Open Doors - Aug 28, 2013

I Have A Dream For Persecuted Christians

Fifty years ago today, Martin Luther King Jr. stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and delivered one of the most powerful speeches in recent history. The “I Have A Dream” speech was instrumental in changing the course of civil rights in America. As we dwell on this historic day, Dr. King’s words continue […]

Open Doors - Aug 26, 2013

The 5-5-5 Challenge: A Story Of Persecution In Kuwait

There are a few countries on the World Watch List that we can’t share stories from. Even if we were to use different names, the information could be traced back to the Christians mentioned in the stories. For their security, we are providing a different way to pray for this country this week. Here are […]

Open Doors - Aug 23, 2013

Christian Family in Myanmar Stays In Spite of Rejection

Though it is challenging, many persecuted believers strive to view their oppressors with compassion, just as Jesus did in Luke 23:34 when He said “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” As humans, it seems unnatural to act this way, but the gospel of Jesus can work miracles, even in the way […]

Open Doors - Aug 22, 2013

Help Egypt Now!

  As the violence in Egypt continues, Christians are being targeted for their faith. Our brothers and sisters in Christ are facing more persecution than ever before. Open Doors is on the ground, serving these believers, but we need your help. We are sending this urgent appeal, to ask you to join with us in […]

Open Doors - Aug 21, 2013

How To Support Those Persecuted Christians In Egypt

By Dr. David Curry- President/CEO of Open Doors USA “There isn’t a future, there are multiple futures, and it’s up to us to determine which future we will choose.” -Harvard Historian, Niall Ferguson, in his 2013 speech to the Nobel Inst. There are some issues that seem so big that they are outside of our […]

Open Doors - Aug 20, 2013

Ramadan is Over. Now What?

Photo: Christians in Egypt during Ramadan 2012 holding a sign that says “I am a Christian and I love Muslims.” It has been two weeks since Ramadan ended. Many of you were faithful to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters during this time’ and they really needed our prayers! In Somalia, al Shabaab militants […]

Open Doors - Aug 19, 2013

The 5-5-5 Challenge: A Story Of Persecution In Myanmar (Burma)

Attacks on Christians in Burma continue in Kachin state as Burmese Army troops killed a civilian, and destroyed church property despite President Thein Sein’s order to stop the war against insurgents. A Baptist church in Loije, Bhamo district, held a funeral for 47 year-old Maran Zau Ja, who was shot dead without provocation by the […]

Open Doors - Aug 16, 2013

A Message From Dr. David Curry- President/CEO of Open Doors USA

Thanks to all of you who have welcomed me to my new role here at Open Doors. In many ways, I feel like I’m right at home, even though I just moved my family from Washington State to relocate to the Open Doors office here in California. Despite the many changes, I cannot escape the […]