Ohio Library for the Blind & Physically Disabled

 17121 Lake Shore Blvd.
Cleveland, Ohio 44110-4006
Phone: 216-623-2911
Ohio Toll-Free: 800.362.1262
Fax: 216.623.7036
Email: olbpd@cpl.org
Twitter @OLBPD


Monday – Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED


Will Reed


The Ohio Library for the Blind and Physically Disabled (OLBPD) is part of the Cleveland Public Library. In partnership with the State Library of Ohio Talking Book Program, OLBPD serves as the Regional Library for the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) of the Library of Congress, and administers a free library program of braille and audio materials circulated to eligible borrowers in the State of Ohio by postage-free mail. OLBPD and the State Library of Ohio Talking Book Program received the 2010 National Library Service Network Library of the Year Award.

Patron Satisfaction Survey

OLBPD patrons are invited to participate in our patron satisfaction survey. The survey is open now until July 31, 2019, and feedback will be used to evaluate our services, how well we perform them, and ways to improve them as we plan for the future.

OLBPD Public Service Announcement

Learn in this video how OLPBD has impacted the lives of many Ohioans.