  1. Personen Alle anzeigen

  2. vor 13 Stunden

    Humane MILK is a myth. The dairy industry took all her babies and all her milk. Now it would take her life for MEAT, LEATHER, and BYPRODUCTS She is 6 years old, her natural lifespan is 25 years.

  3. vor 16 Stunden

    The Irish industry has very dark secrets to hide. An opinion piece appeared yesterday on and denouncing an appalling practice disappeared. Please explain?

  4. vor 16 Stunden

    As well as being tasty, cheese is a source of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 helps to make red blood cells, which carry oxygen around your body

  5. vor 21 Stunden

    New shelter helps production, reduces feed wastage

  6. I could never ever again in my life knowingly pay a penny towards this barbarity. There are so many tasty alternatives to dairy now. Please,

  7. 14. März

    What's the best cheese to tempt a bear out of the woods? – bei The Oyster Catcher

  8. 14. März

    . & 's destruction of dairies in America's Dairyland: (1) Walker admin policies boosting milk production even in face of *reduced demand* and (2) sparking and supporting a trade war

  9. 14. März

    On , let's pause for a moment to remember the hard-working families who nourish America and the world. (Pause.) OK, back to work.

  10. 14. März

    Olympic athlete doesn't need to perform her best! 👏🌱 💪 Via:

  11. 13. März

    Bales of Alfalfa leaving Donaghmore today, en route to Nenagh Co.Tipperary. Cows will receive a buffer including Alfalfa at a 3-4kg feeding rate during poor weather conditions

  12. 13. März

    Snuggled up to a rock instead of a mom. :( Wherever you have , you have exploited motherhood and lonely babies who have been stolen from their mothers. Whether sheep, goat or cow, dairy is the exploitation of . Photo credit:

  13. 13. März

    Looking forward to delivering another series of workshops for Dairy Leaders on Recruitment and Retention of Staff beginning in Derbyshire today, Somerset tomorrow and Pembrokeshire on Friday, plus Dumfries next month. With

  14. 12. März

    is dying, and alternative milks are thriving. Almost a decades worth of sales growth was destroyed in just 1 year, and the decline is still going. Even the dropping milk prices can't save it -

  15. 12. März

    We are so excited to have our new truck and trailer on the road an ready to deliver !

  16. 12. März

    Got a chance to check out the Winding River Farms Ltd. and the facility in Nova Scotia. Thankful for the learning opportunity organized by Applied Human Department and 🐄

  17. 11. März

    I made a cake for my daughter's birthday. free, free, free Recipe here:

  18. 11. März
  19. 9. März

    Thank you for the positive response toward my video that spoke out against online bullying. Lets keep the meat movement moving forward!

    Diesen Thread anzeigen
  20. 9. März

    Here's what farms do to cows who no longer produce Can you watch what you pay for? 🥛

    Diese Medien könnten sensibles Material enthalten. Mehr erfahren
  21. 8. März

    On think also of the millions of mothers being oppressed & exploited by the dairy industry, continually impregnated, their babies & breastmilk stolen, sold for human profit. & go hand in hand. Photo: cows chained at Quebec farm

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