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Henry VI

Holy Roman emperor

Henry VI, (born autumn 1165, Nijmegen, Neth.—died Sept. 28, 1197, Messina, Sicily), German king and Holy Roman emperor of the Hohenstaufen dynasty who increased his power and that of his dynasty by his acquisition of the kingdom of Sicily through his marriage to Constance I, posthumous daughter of the Sicilian king Roger II. Although Henry failed in his objective of making the German crown hereditary, like the Sicilian crown, his son Frederick II, who became king of Sicily immediately after Henry VI’s death, was subsequently elected Holy Roman emperor.

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Italy: Henry VI

The death of Frederick Barbarossa’s eldest son, Frederick of Swabia, on the Crusade brought to the German throne his second son, Henry VI (1190–97), who had stayed behind in Germany. Thus, strangely, the son who had not expected to become king and who…

A son of the emperor Frederick I Barbarossa, Henry was chosen German king at Bamberg in June 1169 and crowned at Aachen in August of that year. He was married to Constance, who was 11 years older than he, in January 1186 in Milan. On the departure of Frederick I for the Holy Land on a crusade at Easter 1189, Henry took over the government of the empire. In 1189–90 he suppressed a revolt of Henry the Lion, former duke of Bavaria and Saxony.

In November 1189, William II of Sicily died, leaving his father’s half sister Constance heiress to the Sicilian kingdom, then consisting of the island of Sicily and the southern part of the Italian peninsula. After the death of Frederick I on crusade in June 1190, Henry VI made peace with Henry the Lion and proceeded to Italy, where he was crowned emperor by Pope Celestine III in April 1191.

Meanwhile in Sicily a local party unwilling to be governed by a German emperor chose Tancred of Lecce, an illegitimate son of Constance’s brother Roger, as king of Sicily. After his coronation, Henry, determined to conquer the Sicilian kingdom, besieged Naples. But when Henry the Lion, aided by others, once again revolted, Henry was forced to raise the siege (August 1191) and return to Germany. The Emperor’s position was soon strengthened, however, by the imprisonment of King Richard I of England by Leopold V, duke of Austria, in December 1192. When the Duke turned the English king over to Henry in the following February, Richard, in order to obtain his release, agreed to surrender his kingdom to the Emperor, receive it back as a fief, and pay a ransom of 100,000 silver marks as well as an additional 50,000 marks in lieu of helping Henry conquer the Sicilian kingdom.

Henry the Lion came to terms with the Emperor in March 1194, and Henry VI was then free to turn his attention to Sicily. He had already, in January 1194, concluded the Treaty of Vercelli with the towns of Lombardy, thus ensuring their loyalty. His task was also made easier by the death in February 1194 of Tancred, who left as his heir a mere boy, William III. Thus, when Henry went to Italy in May 1194, he met with little resistance. He entered Palermo on November 20 and was crowned king of Sicily on December 25.

In the winter of 1195–96, Henry induced about 50 princes to agree to make the succession to the crown of the Holy Roman Empire hereditary, and at the Diet of Würzburg (April 1196) a majority voted for it. A minority, however, continued to oppose it, and at the Diet of Erfurt (October 1196) this opposition was increased. Finally, Henry had to be content with the election of his son Frederick as German king in the customary way in December.

In 1197, when Henry was in southern Italy preparing a crusade, a rebellion against his rule broke out in the Sicilian kingdom, which was put down with savage cruelty. In the same year Henry died of malaria at Messina.

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