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Justice Can Be Achieved

Why Baum Hedlund 2018-11-20T15:33:26+00:00

Why Baum Hedlund

Baum Hedlund Attorneys Speak for Themselves

“Working at Baum Hedlund provides a rare opportunity to work with outstanding, learned lawyers and staff dedicated to the causes of public health and safety. This dedication involves a commitment that goes beyond “winning.” It extends to a genuine willingness to engage the battle that might be necessary to discover the truth and answer the searing question that most clients have: “How could this have happened?” And, not just a willingness, but also a desire to work tirelessly, even in the face of great odds and vast wealth thrown against their cause, to stay the course toward the end that substantial justice can be achieved for our clients, and so that the health and safety of the public can be advanced. Importantly, the culture of the firm, which emphasizes collegiality and spurns overarching egoism, creates the environment that nurtures the principles for which the firm strives. These are but some of the essential reasons why working at this firm, in particular, is such a pleasure.”

Dedicated group of attorneys | Baum, Hedlund, Aristei & Goldman, P.C.

“What I do holds wrongdoing defendants accountable for the injury and death they cause. I like being an attorney in my area of practice because I have an extensive background in the subject matter area of aviation. Most of my clients are family members of those killed in airline accidents. My goals are to hold the defendants accountable and, to the extent possible, ensure their families are compensated for their losses. I like working at this firm because it provides a collegial environment which fosters cooperation and teamwork. Everyone at the firm is courteous and works well with the other members.”

“I enjoy representing plaintiffs because I enjoy communicating with people and helping them to get their needs met following the traumatic experiences of serious injury and/or death that occur in the types of cases that we handle.

“In helping our clients I am attempting to restore their sense of well being, as much as possible, to that which they enjoyed before their loss or injury.”

“I enjoy working for this firm in particular because of the enthusiastic, team spirit approach to problem solving, the empathy we have as a group for our clients, and the congenial, friendly, and family-like atmosphere generated by the staff as a whole.”

Although we remain professional at Baum Hedlund, there is an added element of knowing each client as an individual person that really appeals to me, along with the sense of commitment to a cause and making a positive contribution to our society.”

“What has always attracted me to the firm is the spirit of generosity and sharing. These are people who care about the clients and care about each other. There is a great sense of fair play and integrity. The firm is very people oriented and dedicated to connecting personally with each client.”

“In my opinion, the role of lawyers and judges is a critical, if not pivotal, role in a free, democratic, society. It is my belief that the legal profession stands as the first line of defense of liberty and justice. Thus, it is incumbent upon members of the legal profession to promote the ideals of freedom and democracy, to stand firm against any assault on our fundamental institutions, and to avoid even the appearance of corruption. Lawyers and judges must conduct themselves publicly and privately in a manner that brings respect to their profession and to our legal system. Whether one is vigorously litigating on behalf of a client, large or small, or sitting as a judge hearing a contest, it is imperative that the professionals conduct themselves in such a manner that brings respect to the system, even if the outcome is adverse to their immediate interests. By bringing respect to the profession and our system of justice, and turning back any attempt to corrupt either lawyers or judges, we fulfill the most important role: guardians of freedom and justice for all.”

“Helping victims combat the injustices they have been forced to endure gives me the greatest satisfaction. Being given the opportunity to work on these cases is a testament to the consistently distinguished service provided by our firm and an honor bestowed on us by our clients who have come to trust us.”

“As a plaintiffs’ attorney, I have a chance to make a difference in the lives of others. Frequently our clients have suffered an unexpected and unnecessary death of a family member. I have experienced this loss directly several times in my own family and vicariously many times with the families we represent. It is a very high honor and responsibility to represent these families in order to achieve justice for their losses. By representing these families, I have the opportunity to help them accomplish their goals and obtain justice. We help clients through this loss process in part by exposing those responsible and holding them accountable for the losses they have caused.”

“I will not hesitate to work tirelessly for my clients to achieve a successful resolution of their case. I want to do whatever it takes to make sure a court or jury understands the full magnitude of their losses. This is another step toward closure and reconciliation.”

“The people with whom I work and the working environment we create, provide a ‘can do’ atmosphere. Our staff is ethical, honest, committed, professional, personable, and effective. They are dedicated to the successful resolution of our clients’ cases. This is “the practice of law” the way it should be practiced. This is how we work at Baum Hedlund.”

“I like being a plaintiffs’ attorney because I enjoy meeting new people and helping them through a very difficult time in their lives.”

“I want justice for my clients; to not let the wrongdoers get away with what they have done; compensation for the client’s loss.”.

“I like working at this firm because it’s a great group of people to work with – great personalities, intelligence and passion to work for our clients.”

“It is rewarding to work on a case and get a good result for my clients.”