Energy Education

It all boils down to one simple, common sense principle: if it is not in use it should be off.

From collaborating on optimizing operations with staff at the University's Central Power Plant to partnering with students for great energy management in the Residence Halls, the Washington and Lee Energy Education Program works with all members of the campus community to eliminate energy waste.

Low-Wattage Wisdom

Take the Energy Challenge, Earn a Wellness Token!

Using a short set of tips & tasks each week for three weeks, this challenge will guide you through better understanding your energy use habits, and finding simple ways to improve them at work and at home. Participating in the Wellness Program? This challenge is an option under the Environmental Wellbeing category. Take the steps, earn a token, and learn something!

Is Your Desk Lamp Making You Cold?

One hot little bulb can have a chilling effect. Place a lamp too close to your thermostat and you may be tricking your HVAC system into an uncomfortable, and wasteful, mistake.

Is Your Mini-Fridge Cool?

Personal refrigerators can consume as much energy (and cost) as full size refrigerators. Run through this easy checklist to make sure your mini fridge is cool.