Rosalind HeldermanOverený účet


Political investigations and enterprise reporter for . Email me at and see more about me at .

Washington, DC
Na Twitteri od: máj 2011


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  1. pred 56 minútami

    NEW: Six White House officials reprimanded for violating the Hatch Act via

  2. pred 1 hodinou

    Trump’s acting attorney general once referred to the president’s behavior as ‘a little dangerous’ and ‘a little outlandish.' and turn up information about AG Whitaker that actually might bother Trump.

  3. pred 4 hodinami
  4. pred 18 hodinami

    That conflict has always bugged me. Mueller certainly explored it. TheUkrainian lawmaker said earlier this year that he was questioned extensively about it in front of the Mueller grand jury in June. So maybe we'll learn more next week. (5/5)

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  5. pred 18 hodinami

    But the New York Times said Cohen told them he brought it to Washington and left it in the office of one Michael Flynn, just days before Flynn resigned. And Sater told us likewise that Cohen had told him that he planned to get the plan to Flynn. (4/5)

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  6. pred 18 hodinami

    What happened to that plan, which Sater gave Cohen in an envelope? An interesting question. Cohen told and me that he took the unopened envelope to his New York apartment and threw it in the trash. (3/5)

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  7. pred 18 hodinami

    In Jan 2017, Sater arranged for Cohen to meet in New York with a Ukrainian lawmaker who gave Cohen a secret peace proposal for Ukraine, which just happened to include a path for Russia to gain longterm control of Crimea (and get sanctions lifted). (2/5)

    Zobraziť toto vlákno
  8. pred 18 hodinami

    With Flynn's sentencing next week, it's time to reflect on another Cohen-Sater production, this one with a possible tie to the former National Security Adviser. (1/5)

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  9. pred 20 hodinami
  10. pred 20 hodinami

    The Sater proposal was not the only Trump Tower Moscow deal Cohen fielded during the campaign. He was also sent one from Sergey Gordeev, a former Russian lawmaker. People knew Trump was still open for business.

  11. pred 23 hodinami

    NEW: 'We will be in Moscow’: The story of Trump’s 30-year quest to expand his brand to Russia.

  12. 29. 11.

    Wow. Cohen plea indicates that he successfully reached an aide to President Putin in January 2016 after he emailed Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov for help on a Trump Tower Moscow deal. He had insisted he emailed a general address and never heard back.

  13. 29. 11.

    As we reported in Oct. 2017, Sater assured Cohen that if he went to Russia in June 2016, he could meet Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, top financial leaders and perhaps Putin. Sater told Cohen that Peskov would arrange the meetings.

  14. 29. 11.

    We first reported in Oct. 2017 that Cohen continued talking to Felix Sater long after he told Congress the Moscow Trump Tower deal was dead. Sater invited Cohen to attend the St. Petersburg economic forum in June 2016. Cohen told us he declined.

  15. 29. 11.

    Eighty women. 80. Pretty much every line of this great story on Jeffrey Epstein's lenient plea deal is astounding.

  16. 29. 11.

    Mueller has been gathering phone records to track ‘16 contacts between Trump and Roger Stone. But record won’t be complete. Stone tells that Trump sometimes called him from other people’s phones.

  17. 29. 11.

    NEW: Trump’s night-owl calls to Roger Stone in 2016 draw scrutiny in Mueller probe via me and

  18. 28. 11.
  19. 28. 11.

    Giuliani says Trump's legal team obtained a copy of the Corsi draft statement of offense the week before Thanksgiving and complained about the inclusion of Trump's name. This was the cause of the delay in Trump turning over his answers to Mueller.

  20. 28. 11.

    Corsi provided early alert to Stone about WikiLeaks release, according to draft special counsel document. From , me,


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