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Politicized courts

National Affairs Rory Leishman New York Senator Charles E. Schumer, Minority Leader of the Democrats in the United States Senate, has aptly described the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States as “one of the saddest, most sordid chapters in the long history of the federal judiciary.” Is it conceivable that judicial nominees to the Supreme Court of Canada could ever ... (Continue reading)

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CHP wins court battle over transgender posters

CHP wins court battle over transgender posters

On Oct. 4, the Christian Heritage Party scored a legal victory over the City of Hamilton, Ont., regarding removal of their political advertising about transgender issues from bus shelters in the city. In 2016, the CHP purchased bus shelter ads that depicted a male entering a door with the sign “Ladies Showers.” There were also words “Competing human rights: where is the justice?” On August 10, 2016, the city required ... (Continue reading)

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Canada’s giant legal pot experiment

Canada’s giant legal pot experiment

On Oct. 17, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s experiment in legalized cannabis became a reality. The Criminal Code changes prohibiting use and possession of marijuana required provinces to change their laws and municipalities to alter their bylaws as the country begins a new regime of decriminalized pot. Provinces have different rules governing the sale of legal marijuana and cities have different rules governing where and how it can be consumed. Under ... (Continue reading)

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Former CHP Jim Hnatiuk, RIP

Former CHP Jim Hnatiuk, RIP

Former CHP leader Jim Hnatiuk We, the leadership and national board of the Christian Heritage Party of Canada, want to offer our condolences to the family and friends of Jim Hnatiuk. Our contact and relationship with Jim go back to the days when – as he often explained – he planned to start a Christian political party and found to his surprise that one already existed, ... (Continue reading)

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CLC launches petition asking Doug Ford to scrap anti-free speech bubble zones

Canada’s national pro-life, pro-family lobbying group launched a petition in August asking Ontario Premier Doug Ford to drop Bill 163, which came into effect February. The bill prohibits all pro-life witness, including showing “disapproval” of abortion, within 50 meters of Ontario’s eight abortion centers. It also allows hospitals and pharmacies to apply for zones of up to 150 meters in which all pro-life witness is banned. Elected in a PC landslide in June, Ford “has given us fresh hope his administration ... (Continue reading)

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B.C. voters should oppose proportional representation

B.C. voters should oppose proportional representation

  British Columbians will vote by mail in a referendum on what voting system the province should use for its elections. The referendum is being held by mail from Oct. 22 to Nov. 30. All B.C. residents over the age of 18 can vote in the referendum. This is the third time provincial voters will have their say on electoral reform, having said no to proportional representation (PR) ... (Continue reading)

Democracy under attack

Democracy under attack

19th century Dutch legislator Groen van Prinsterer For Life: Defending the Unbornby the Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity A Nation Founded on Rock or Sand: Groen Van Prinsterer for Todayby Hendrik Smitskamp (translated by Harmen Boersma) Democracy 101by William Baptiste Three recent publications tell a moral and sobering story of what happens when Christian principles and beliefs are abandoned in favour of “progressive” ideals and secular ideologies. ... (Continue reading)

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The log in our own eye

Talk Turkey Josie Luetke Chalk it up to our difficulty eking out cultural ground. Whenever a pro-life politician or other influential figure makes it into the spotlight, many pro-lifers immediately make it our personal mission to defend said person against any and every criticism, simply because we’re so grateful to just have someoneon “our side” to root for, and simultaneously so fearful that their (and indirectly, our) ... (Continue reading)

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The dangers of compelled speech

The dangers of compelled speech

Andrew Lawton This summer marks one year since the implementation of Bill C-16, the legislation that catapulted Professor Jordan Peterson to fame and galvanized a much-needed discussion about freedom of expression in Canada. Though we have yet to see the first public prosecution under the bill, its free speech implications are still very much alive. The bill updated the Criminal Code and the Canadian Human Rights Act to add “gender identity ... (Continue reading)

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Pro-life policies win at Conservative convention

Pro-life policies win at Conservative convention

Grassroots pro-life and pro-family delegates scored a number of victories at the Conservative policy convention in Halifax, August 23-25. Campaign Life Coalition vice president Jeff Gunnarson, said, “overall, the pro-life-and-family movement had a hugely successful convention,” despite missing out on what he called “the top prize” of deleting Article 65. That article, added to the policy handbook in 2016, commits a Conservative government to not introducing any legislation on abortion, CLC ... (Continue reading)

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Ford repeals Wynne’s sex-ed program but problems remain

Ford repeals Wynne’s sex-ed program but problems remain

Ontario Premier Doug Ford In July, the Doug Ford government confirmed it would repeal the 2015 Kathleen Wynne’s sex-ed program, fulfilling a leadership and campaign promise to rescind the controversial curriculum while the government carried out a new, inclusive consultation process. The rollout was botched, with no details of what the consultations would look like and Education Minister Lisa Thompson initially telling reporters that the full curriculum ... (Continue reading)

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Winning isn’t everything

Winning isn’t everything

Talk Turkey Josie Luetke Not-so-breaking news: The Progressive Conservatives won the Ontario election and nine pro-life PC candidates whom CLC green-lighted now have seats in the legislature. I’m sure their activities will be closely monitored and reported on over the next four years, so at least for this column I want to direct my attention to those pro-life candidates who didn’t win, especially those who ran as ... (Continue reading)

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US-UN showdown expected this autumn

US-UN showdown expected this autumn

UN ambassador Nikki Haley has followed lead of Trump administration in keeping abortion out of recent statements. A disagreement over abortion between the Trump administration and European governments has set the stage for a showdown in the UN General Assembly this fall. At issue is the inclusion of various phrases used to support abortion ... (Continue reading)

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Trudeau government sued over summer job attestation

A coalition of Canadian companies and a Christian student ministry are taking Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government to court over its requirement that they declare support for legal abortion and other political stances in order to participate in the country’s summer jobs program. The Canada Summer Jobs Program offers money to groups that hire students for summer positions. In a break from previous years, it now requires participating organizations to sign an attestation that their “core mandate” agrees ... (Continue reading)

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Justice Kennedy resigns

On June 27, Justice Anthony Kennedy announced he is retiring from the United States Supreme Court, providing President Donald Trump an opportunity to appoint his second judge to the top court. In 2016, Trump appointed originalist and pro-life judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Kennedy was appointed to the Court by Ronald Reagan in 1987 after the Senate rejected his original choice, Robert Bork. Over the years, Kennedy has a mixed record on life issues, but he often sided with ... (Continue reading)

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