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The importance of the culture wars

The importance of the culture wars

It’s easy to believe that society is falling apart, especially if you spend any time on social media. My liberal friends are certain that the earth is on the verge of an imminent ecological disaster – probably climate change, but they’ll take resource depletion or overpopulation in a pinch. My conservative friends fill their Facebook feeds with stories and memes about the threat of unchecked, invasive immigration, or warnings ... (Continue reading)

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Court supports going behind backs of parents

Court supports going behind  backs of parents

Law Matters John Carpay PT and his wife have three children, two of whom suffer from Autism Spectrum Disorder.They were kept in the dark by a Calgary public school about their vulnerable 12-year-old autistic daughter’s participation in a gay-straight alliance club, where staff and students tried to convince her that: she was actually a boy; she should transition to being a boy by taking hormones and eventually ... (Continue reading)

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Miracles of sloppy writing

Light is Right Joe Campbell Not for anything would I miss reading my favourite columnists and reporters. Without their revelations, I might never have known what a miraculous age we live in. Consider, if you will, an engagingly reflective bit of writing that has to do with a late pope, a living cardinal and a chapel dear to both. The writer, a columnist I much admire, ... (Continue reading)

How the courts allowed pornography

How the courts allowed pornography

For the past 30 years, Canadians have been increasingly inundated with the most disgusting exhibitions of pornography on television, in the movies, and on-line. How can that be? Throughout this period, the Criminal Code of Canada has clearly stated that everyone commits an offence punishable by up to two years imprisonment who (a) makes, prints, publishes or circulates any “obscene” thing whatever or (b) publicly exhibits “an indecent show.” As ... (Continue reading)

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The log in our own eye

Talk Turkey Josie Luetke Chalk it up to our difficulty eking out cultural ground. Whenever a pro-life politician or other influential figure makes it into the spotlight, many pro-lifers immediately make it our personal mission to defend said person against any and every criticism, simply because we’re so grateful to just have someoneon “our side” to root for, and simultaneously so fearful that their (and indirectly, our) ... (Continue reading)

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Canada’s velvet totalitarianism

Law Matters John Carpay Canada in 2018 is still a relatively safe space for practicing Christians. Especially when compared to Pakistan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, where churches are burned, bombed or banned. Or China, which persecutes believers who attend authentic Christian churches free from government control. Canada’s velvet totalitarianism is such that the British Columbia government did not resort to dungeon, fire, or sword to shut down a ... (Continue reading)

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Dutch experience provides cautionary tale on euthanasia

National Affairs Rory Leishman Less than a year after the Supreme Court of Canada unanimously legalized euthanasia for mentally competent patients in the 2015 Carter ruling, Liberals and New Democrats on the Special Joint Committee of Parliament on Physician-Assisted Dying unanimously recommended that the law on euthanasia should extend to mentally incompetent patients as well. Everyone who supports this so-called progressive reform, should contemplate the shocking case of a 74-year old dementia patient ... (Continue reading)

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A burgeoning industry

A burgeoning industry

George Jefferson from TV show All in the Family. Until I did some research, it hadn’t occurred to me that there might be a cache of racial slurs that target whites. Well, apparently there are plenty of the allegedly offensive epithets. I say “apparently” and “allegedly” because I’ve never heard of most of the entries, and the ones I know about don’t offend ... (Continue reading)

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Killing the Kennedy mystique

Killing the Kennedy mystique

There’s a visual shorthand you see in movies and on TV shows that’s meant to let you know you’re in the presence of Roman Catholics, and probably Irish ones. It’s a picture of John F. Kennedy hanging on the wall of someone’s bedroom, dining room or living room, or in some bar, barber shop or police chief’s office. It might be accompanied by a portrait of whatever Pope is ... (Continue reading)

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Winning isn’t everything

Winning isn’t everything

Talk Turkey Josie Luetke Not-so-breaking news: The Progressive Conservatives won the Ontario election and nine pro-life PC candidates whom CLC green-lighted now have seats in the legislature. I’m sure their activities will be closely monitored and reported on over the next four years, so at least for this column I want to direct my attention to those pro-life candidates who didn’t win, especially those who ran as ... (Continue reading)

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U.S. Supreme Court affirms religious rights

U.S. Supreme Court affirms religious rights

National Affairs Rory Leishman In a significant seven-to-two ruling in Masterpiece Cake Shop Ltd. v. Colorado on June 4, the Supreme Court of the United States struck down a ruling by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission that a Christian baker had no right in law to refuse on grounds of sincere religious conviction to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. That baker can count himself lucky to live in ... (Continue reading)

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What’s missing

Light is Right Joe Campbell "I’m learning about the virtues,” Bimson said. “The virtues?” Molder replied. “You know,” said Bimson, “temperance, liberality, justice, fortitude, that sort of thing. I’m taking a short course in ethics.” “It’s easier to learn about the virtues than to practice them,” Molder said. “That’s what our instructor told us,” said Bimson. “So each time he introduces a new one, our assignment is to find a ... (Continue reading)

Canadian Supreme Court evicerates religious rights

Law Matters John Carpay You know a court ruling is bad when judges deliberately ignore the evidence placed before them. But reality was brushed aside in the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision to repudiate, nullify, and revoke the fundamental Charterfreedoms of Trinity Western University (TWU), its staff, and its students. According to the justices, Charter-protected freedom of religion was narrowed only to what a religion “absolutely requires,” not ... (Continue reading)

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Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey and thinking about the future

Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey and thinking about the future

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the release of Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, a film widely regarded as one of the best and most important in the history of cinema. I’m not here to dispute this judgment – I’m a big fan of the film, and have been since my brother-in-law took me to see a road show screening during its 10th anniversary. ... (Continue reading)

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Survival of the fattest

Light is Right Joe Campbell Am I ever naive. I used to think that overeating is about catering to an unruly appetite. It isn’t. It’s about promoting world peace. Because of it, thousands fail to qualify for military service every year. They’re too fat to fight. Of course, only a quarter to a third of adult North Americans are obese. Never mind. If present trends continue, before ... (Continue reading)

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