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The Interim Book Shop

Another great way to support The Interim and educate your friends, family and colleagues is to buy them a book or video about the Pro-life efforts of individuals and groups who have set a standard to follow.

The Interim Book Shop has several books available for purchase.  Please browse the attached order form which lists 10 books and two videos.

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Here are short reviews of some of the items in our Book Shop.

House of Miracles by Grace Petrasek

There is nothing more inspiring than true stories that illustrate the hand of divine providence in the lives of ordinary people.  I often read to my students such stories from the lives of saints, such as Don Bosco, Padre Pio, or Francis of Assisi, etc.  But the one question that continues to come up is whether such miracles and divine coincidences happen today.  Indeed, nothing has changed; the hand of divine providence is evident to those who trust God enough to step out and walk in the dark, allowing themselves to be used as His instruments.  House of Miracles is a collection of stories that illustrate the hand of divine providence in the inconspicuous lives of those who serve at Aid to Women in Toronto.

Yes, I’d do it again, by Rev. Ted Colleton, C.S. Sp., Interim Publishing Co., 1990, Toronto.

Following the success of his earlier book, Yes I’m a Radical, Father Ted here gives us an autobiographical account of his experiences, especially in a country very remote from our own. His Irish home, he tells us, was a haven of happiness and security, the emotion he felt on revisiting it after years away, was overwhelming. “I was sent to the best schools,” he writes, “and got the worst results.” So, naturally, he entered the priesthood and soon found himself in exile. “We are sending you to Kenya,” said the Provincial Superior of the Holy Ghost Fathers. Since that was in the long-distant time when priests gave unquestioned obedience to their superiors, he simply said, “Thank you Father” and went.

Borowski: A Canadian paradox

This book tells the story of Joe Borowski and his fellow Canadians through three tumultuous decades. A typical biography, albeit of a very untypical Canadian, it also documents the history of a nation on the path to self-destruction and Borowski’s monumental efforts to stop it. Although many unsung Canadian heroes contributed to that same effort, Borowski’s manner of shouting injustice from the rooftops would not allow him to go unnoticed.

Against Judicial Activism: The Decline of Freedom and Democracy in Canada

The Charter and expansive versions of the federal and provincial human rights codes were supposed to safeguard the human rights and fundamental freedoms of Canadians. Rory Leishman argues that this experiment in radical constitutional reform has failed because judicial activists and human rights adjudicators have read their ideological preferences into the law rather than upholding the law as originally understood.

Raising Hell: What Stops Parents From Handing on the Faith to Their Children.

Not so, says Deacon St. Clair McEvenue in a new book called Raising Hell. Isaiah says, “Woe to those who call good evil, and evil good….” Mr. McEvenue calls evil and good by their names, and does so not only on the strength of long and varied experience–in the Navy, in business, as the father of ten children, and now as a permanent deacon–but experience informed by the Faith as by its soul. The book is an antidote to the Gary Wills philosophy so deftly described by Fr. Callam above. It is not just the secular world which knows neither Christ nor His Father (and so had made secularism into a religion), but school boards and teachers and teachers’ unions and, so often, parents themselves, who are inculcating in their children not faith in God but faith in this world, as if man really did live on bread alone. St. Clair explodes this thesis in informative detail.

Alone A Grandmother’s Struggle for Life

In 2000, Gordon Trustcott self-published a book entitled,

Alone: a grandmother’s struggle for life, about the childhood, passion and dedication of Linda Gibbons who for many years has valiantly, yet peacefully, opposed abortion. Today, Linda is in jail in Ontario again for her peaceful protest.

Linda speaks from experience. Her second pregnancy was terminated with an abortion. Today, she has three adult children, several grandchildren and now, a great grandson whom she has yet to see as he was born during her present incarceration.

Linda Gibbons has saved over 100 human lives from Canada’s unborn baby slaughterhouse, many of these children of course, totally unaware of their debt to her. She simply spoke one-on-one with their mothers, explaining that if the mother would consent to give birth that she would not have to bear the guilt that Linda does. She tells women what their doctors have usually not told them—about the complications they might experience after their abortion – but only to those women willing to give Linda the time to speak. Linda’s crime, for which she is in prison, is telling the known and scientifically documented emotional, mental and physical truth of abortion complications.

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