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How do you manage a rambling interviewer?

Job candidates often go on a tangent during an interview especially if they are nervous or unprepared, but when an interviewer strays off topic it can be awkward to say the least. Rambling interviewers take up valuable time by taking the meeting off course in a direction that has nothing to do with the job or your background.

While preparing for an interview, you might not plan for redirecting a discussion that gets off track.  Most candidates depend on the interviewer to ask the right questions and show interest in their background, but when this doesn’t happen it can leave you surprised and disappointed. Leaving an interview without talking about your qualifications and contributions could jeopardize the job opportunity.

A marketing rep once described an interviewer who out of distress shoved a sheet of structured interview questions in a drawer, then proceeded to ask questions that were broad and open-ended without much of a direction.

This could have been a disaster with a candidate who might have been apprehensive in turning the discussion around, but the marketing rep took advantage of the open-ended questions to highlight his qualifications and problem-solving abilities. He used his accomplishments as stories combined with results that helped the interviewer become more engaged, leading to a discussion about the department’s business needs and future challenges.

Throughout your career, you are likely to meet a variety of hiring managers along the way that are very competent technically but lack comfort in conducting interviews. After a long day of interviewing, you could find yourself talking to an interviewer who is tired and unfocused.

The difficulty with a rambling interviewer is that you are not spending time focused on why they should hire you and once the interview has ended you might not get another opportunity to talk about your value.

The good news: You can turn a meeting with an unskilled interviewer into a job offer if you summarize your qualifications for them by using your resume as a guide to reference your experience. Especially when the conversation lingers on areas such as volunteer projects you worked on in the past.

Listen for ways to build rapport with the interviewer and what you share in common. Use questions to redirect the discussion towards the job description and the areas where they need help.

Leverage the interviewer’s conversation towards your interest and particularly how your background matches the job at hand. Always end the interview by clarifying the next action steps and emphasize your key skills, leaving the interviewer with a good impression, even if the meeting felt awkward.

Following up after an interview with the employer is a good habit, particularly if you are interested in the job and want to confirm your qualifications. A good follow-up email can help frame your interests, highlight areas discussed while expressing gratitude. The goal is to move forward through the hiring process without getting stalled by an interviewer who might be fatigued or needs you to clarify your background.

While practicing your interview questions, it helps to plan for ways to redirect the discussion just in case you need to gently keep the interviewer focused toward the job rather than on random topics.

Have you encountered an unskilled interviewer? What did you do to make the interview successful?

Kim Thompson