Just as Eddie DeBartolo wrapped up a touching eulogy for fallen 49er Dwight Clark at a Grace Cathedral memorial Wednesday morning, the church bells rang out to announce high noon.

It was kind of spooky. And kind of special. It felt like Clark was giving his old boss a round of applause, from somewhere up above.

“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” the former 49ers owner told the gathered crowd. “ALS took so much from Dwight. But it couldn’t break his spirit. And it didn’t dare touch his heart and his great smile. I’m so thankful that I’ve had so many moments that he left me to cherish.”

Then the church bells began to ring. Right on time.

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Carmen Policy, Huey Lewis remember Dwight Clark

Media: SFChronicle

Of course, Clark always had impeccable timing. When former 49ers head coach Bill Walsh came to Clemson to recruit a touted quarterback in 1979, Clark, a wide receiver, was there to catch passes and impress his future coach. When the 49ers drafted quarterback Joe Montana a few weeks later, Clark was right behind him, ready to become roommates, friends and legends. And on Jan. 10, 1982, on an overcast day at Candlestick Park, Clark was right on time to leap into history as the author of “The Catch.”

The guy who threw that pass was on hand to reminisce. “Dwight always used to tell me, ‘You know, they don’t call it The Throw,’” joked Montana, in his own touching speech. “Yes, that’s true my friend. I will catch you on the other side. I love you. I miss you. And it was a pleasure having you in my life.”

That was a consistent theme with everyone who spoke publicly, or privately, Wednesday. Clark’s friends flat-out loved him.

In many ways, Clark lived a dream existence, enjoying the glories of fame, fortune, family and friendship. That one play made him immortal in NFL circles. But he couldn’t beat ALS, a merciless killer that knows no cure. He fought as hard as he could before succumbing June 4 at age 61.

Nearly two months later, his surviving family, friends, teammates, coaches and admirers gathered at the private service atop Nob Hill to remember a man who was truly adored.

“This is probably one of the toughest things I’ve ever done,” said Montana, who developed an especially close bond with his buddy over the years. “I think as we look around the room, at all the people who’ve come from so far. ... It speaks a lot about Dwight. ... What he gave.”

It was an impressive guest list, to say the least. Among public figures, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was joined by former San Francisco Mayors Willie Brown and Frank Jordan. Current 49ers’ owners John York, Denise DeBartolo York and Jed York were on hand. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell attended, along with former 49ers President Carmen Policy.

The list of notable players and coaches stretched long, including Jerry Rice, Ronnie Lott, Harris Barton, Dwight Hicks, Brent Jones, Keena Turner, Roger Craig, Merton Hanks, Jesse Sapolu, George Seifert, Steve Mariucci, Steve Bono and Bubba Paris.

They all paid homage to a man who left his mark on the game.

“The Catch was a remarkable moment for the NFL,” Goodell said after the ceremony. “It changed the future of the team, and the future of the league.

“He was much more than that. He treated everyone with respect.”

Singer Huey Lewis was on hand to pay respects to his longtime friend. He looked back and remembered what it meant to the city when those 49ers emerged.

“He’s a part of our history. The Catch changed the history here in San Francisco,” Lewis said. “San Francisco was coming out of Zodiac, Harvey Milk, Moscone, the SLA. The 49ers raised us up. They knew what they brought to the community. ...

“And Dwight was such a personable guy. Such a wonderful guy, just through and through.”

Clark’s wife, Kelly, was on hand, along with his brother Jeff and other family members. You could see the grief in their eyes as they walked down the aisle at the conclusion of this “celebration of life.” But you could also see the gratitude in their faces.

Perhaps they were recalling something DeBartolo had said.

“Today I can imagine Dwight getting an earful from Bill Walsh,” said DeBartolo, imaging a heavenly reunion. “... Although he left us all way too soon, I know he was ready to soar again. This time, Dwight Clark has touched the heavens.”

Al Saracevic is the Sports Editor of The San Francisco Chronicle. E-mail: asaracevic@sfchronicle.com Twitter: @alsaracevic