Social media posts are asking residents to leave water out for fleeing wild animals in the wake of the California's wildfires.

"If you live anywhere near the fires," the posts usually begin, "please be aware that wild animals are fleeing the fires and they may show up in your yards."

"Please put out buckets of water for them — they are scared, exhausted, and have also lost their homes — they need to refuel," the post continues.

Despite the good intentions behind those who share this message, you shouldn't do this, California Fish and Wildlife spokesman Peter Tira said. These same messages about helping wildlife have previously circulated during other wildfires. A similar post was shared countless times during the Wine Country fires in 2017.

"If you encounter a wild animal in your neighborhood, leave it alone," said Tira last year. "Fire or no fire, just let the animals be."

And that advice still holds true. Buckets of water won't help animals "refuel," as the post says. Instead, you're conditioning them to come to your house and becoming "dependent on people," Tira told the San Gabriel Valley Tribune.

"You are not doing them a favor by attracting them to dwellings that catch fire," Tira said.

The region's waterways should provide enough to drink for wildlife, and the animals have the ability to adapt and survive, Tira said, meaning leaving water out for them is unnecessary — and inadvisable.

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