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World Briefs

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And then there was this …

Canada The Canadian Paediatric Society is recommending that teen girls use intra-uterine devices (IUDs) as their first choice of artificial birth control. In an article in the May 31 National Post, the Society waxed eloquent on the positive aspects of IUDs, while playing down any negative effects. But what truly stands out is the inability or unwillingness of the Society to urge young girls to refrain from sexual intimacy at all, and rather develop healthy relationships of a non-intimate ... (Continue reading)

World Briefs

International Australian euthanasia advocate Philip Nitschke has created a suicide machine that can be manufactured on so-called 3D printers. The “Sarco” – short for sarcophagus – is a detachable coffin with a nitrogen container and it is designed to “provide people with a death when they wish to die” the euthanasia doctor told the Agence-France Presse. Nitschke said he has provided safeguards including having a psychological test to ensure purchasers were sane and then they would be sent an ... (Continue reading)

World Briefs

Spanish intellectuals petition against abortion MADRID - Approximately 1000 scientists, physicians, academics, and intellectuals have signed the Madrid Manifesto, a statement rejecting further legalization of abortion in Spain. The Socialist Worker's Party has proposed permitting abortion on demand for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and the manifesto is meant to counter the move. "We subscribe to the present Manifesto in defense of human life in its initial, embryonic, and fetal stages, and we reject its manipulation at the ... (Continue reading)

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World Briefs

UN honours abortion, gay-rights activists NEW YORK - UN General Assembly president Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann announced the 2008 winners of the UN Prize in the Field of Human Rights, an award for "outstanding contribution to the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms," and they included former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour and Human Rights Watch, both staunch global advocates for abortion and homosexual rights. Brockmann called Arbour ahd HRW "an inspiration to all of ... (Continue reading)

World Briefs

New pro-abortion UN human rights chief TURTLE BAY – United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon named abortion advocate Navanethem “Navi” Pillay of South Africa as the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights. The New York Times reported that the United States privately raised concerns about Pillay’s nomination to the top human rights post because of her strong support for abortion. Pillay is a ... (Continue reading)

World Briefs

One-child policy relaxed in disaster area CHENGDU, China - Local officials announced that China’s one-child policy will be relaxed for parents whose only child was killed or severely injured in a May 12 earthquake. It is estimated that nearly 7,000 classrooms were destroyed during the quake that struck at 2:28 p.m. on a school day, resulting in the deaths of an ... (Continue reading)

World Briefs

Planned Parenthood statement to UN NEW YORK –The International Planned Parenthood Federation released a statement endorsing the theme of the 41st session of the Commission on Population and Development: “Population distribution, urbanization, internal migration and development.” The session is scheduled to take place April 7-11. According to the IPPF, “Urban growth is predominantly fuelled by natural population increase rather than migration.... (Continue reading)

World Briefs

Illegal abortuaries raided in Spain BARCELONA – Police in Barcelona have discovered bone-crushing machines attached to drains in four abortion facilities run by Peruvian Carlos Morin. The abortuaries, which advertise across Europe, are suspected of committing abortions in the eighth month of pregnancy and police say the bones were crushed and drained into the city’s public drains. In Spain, ... (Continue reading)

World Briefs

Mixed signals on U.S. funding of foreign abortion groups WASHINGTON – White House Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte announced that the Bush administration will deny funding to the United Nations Population Fund for the sixth year in a row, on the grounds that the program co-operates with forced abortion and sterilization in China. At the same time, the Senate voted 53-41 to reaffirm the Kemp-Kasten Amendment, a measure that has prohibited American funding of coercive population control measures ... (Continue reading)

Bits & Pieces

Canada 2006 census figures released by Statistics Canadashow that same-sex couples with children are more likely to get “married” than same-sex couples without children. University of B.C. law professor Fiona Kellyhas found that “married” lesbians usually cite their children as the reason for getting married … The Vancouver Sunreports fully one-quarter of clients at one unnamed fertility clinic in that city are lesbians …Andrea Mrozekof the Institute of Marriage and Family Canadawrites in the National Postthat, despite being one ... (Continue reading)

World Briefs

Christians leaving Middle East due to religious intolerance WASHINGTON - A report released by the Hudson Institute's Centre for Religious Freedom says there is an increasing exodus of Christian and other religious minorities in the Middle East, who are facing increasing harrassment and decreasing rights to practise their faiths in predominantly Muslim countries. Paul Marshall, of the ... (Continue reading)

World Briefs

Planned Parenthood continues U.S. slaughter WASHINGTON – Planned Parenthood has released its “service numbers,” reporting that it killed 264,943 unborn babies in 2005. As American Life League vice-president Jim Sedlak notes, that is 5,095 babies each week – a number representing more victims than either the attacks on Pearl Harbour (2,403) or 9/11 (2,985). Sedlak said that since PP began ... (Continue reading)

U.S.A. and World Briefs

Congress votes for ESCR funding WASHINGTON – By a vote of 253-174, the newly elected Democratic House of Representatives voted to lift current limits on federal funding of embryonic stem cells. In 2001, President George W. Bush restricted federal funding for ESCR to existing stem cell lines, but some scientists complained these stem cell colonies were ... (Continue reading)

World Briefs

Woman’s death exploited by Nicaraguan pro-aborts MANAGUA – Hot on the heals of Nicaragua tightening its already strong pro-life laws, abortion advocates have claimed Jazmina Bojorge and her unborn five-month baby died in a Managua hospital after she was admitted for an unknown cause with symptoms that included abdominal pains. Juanita Jimenez of the Women’s Autonomous Movement of Nicaragua claimed that doctors should have immediately aborted ... (Continue reading)

World Briefs

Comatose patients could be used for experiments MELBOURNE – An Australian medical official has suggested using incapacitated patients - people in a so-called permanent vegetative states - for medical experiments. Dr. Steven Curry, of the University of Melbourne, says that, “Those who are in a PVS ... have no continuing interest in their own ... (Continue reading)

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