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The Interim at 35

The Interim at 35

In March 1983, this paper was launched to inform readers of the “day-to-day battle to protect unborn babies.” That first paper announced that “the philosophy of this monthly will always be one of no compromise on abortion,” because “a human life, from the moment of conception represents an individual, precious gift from God.” We have stayed true to that mandate, and since then our mandate has expanded from covering ... (Continue reading)

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Intimacy’s imitations

In our cultural lexicon, the phrase “the birds and the bees” has been, for generations, a quaint shorthand for the natural mysteries of fecundation and generation which manifest themselves in the regular rhythms of nature. As winter thaws, we see bodies join with bodies to bring forth new bodies in due time. The symbolism attached to these animals and insects works for good reason – for what if the young birds of spring, instead of frolicking with each other, merely ... (Continue reading)

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Humanae Vitae at 50

Humanae Vitae at 50

On July 25, 1968, Pope Paul VI promulgated Humanae Vitae, the epoch-making encyclical through which the Catholic Church affirmed her opposition to all forms of artificial contraception. Despite the widespread confusions wrought by the internal and external upheavals of the times, the Church did not compromise its moral teaching about the procreative dimension of the sexual act within marriage and, instead, drew on the authority of both revelation and the natural law to clarify her unchanged position. In revisiting this ... (Continue reading)

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Ted Falk is right

On May 9, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau repeated something he has said too often. He called abortion a right. Conservative MP Ted Falk (Provencher) challenged the Prime Minister, saying “it is not a right.” The Prime Minister should know that. Campaign Life Coalition national president Jim Hughes wrote to him last fall noting the legal and constitutional facts that abortion is not a part of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, no law has ever been passed to declare abortion ... (Continue reading)

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How to vote after the Granic Allen debacle

How to vote after the Granic Allen debacle

It was incredibly disappointing to see Ontario Progressive Conservative leader Doug Ford throw Tanya Granic Allen under the bus after the Liberals released videos showing the former PC leadership contender and PC candidate for MPP in Mississauga Centre saying some politically incorrect things about the gay community (see page three for the story). We would have obviously preferred to see Ford stand up to the Liberal bullies who think ... (Continue reading)

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Philip Roth, accidental truth-teller

Philip Roth, accidental truth-teller

Philip Roth Novelist Philip Roth passed away May 22 at the age of 85. Roth is certainly in the pantheon of famous and accomplished 20th century American authors. During the 1990s, he won a National Book Award, the PEN/Faulkner Award, and a Pulitzer Prize for literature for three different novels. Roth had a number of early successes with a collection of stories (Goodbye, Columbu... (Continue reading)

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On bubble zones

Since last December, patrons of a Toronto institution have been harassed as they enter. The sidewalk outside is regularly picketed by protesters shouting “Murderer!” and “You’ve got blood on your hands!” at those within, many of whom are visibly rattled by the ordeal. The owners of this institution regularly call the police, but the right to assembly of these protesters is clearly protected by section 2a of the Charter and they shall not be infringed. The institution in question, of course, ... (Continue reading)

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How to vote

How to vote

Traditionally, Campaign Life Coalition reminds its supporters that they should vote for the local pro-life candidate for MPP regardless of party affiliation. If there is more than one pro-life candidate, voters could then look at other issues and choose among the pro-life candidates that best represents their overall views. Unfortunately, not many voters have that opportunity; there are few ridings in which there is more than one pro-life candidate. It ... (Continue reading)

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Toys ‘N’ Us

Toys ‘N’ Us

In one of Ernest Hemingway’s novels, a character identifies the two ways he went bankrupt: “gradually and then suddenly.” For decades, pro-lifers have been raising the alarm about the gradual, subtle, but ultimately disastrous effects that the legal acceptance of pre-natal infanticide has on culture, all under the spurious banner of “choice.” Pregnant mothers in dire situations are deprived of the ability to make any other choice when abortion ... (Continue reading)

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The courage to believe

The courage to believe

To the victor go the spoils; fortune favours the bold; who dares, wins. These are just a few of the idioms that convey the enduring connection between victory and audacity. Triumph is often a kind of retrospective blessing upon the prophets of action whose visionary deeds favourably shape the arenas in which they struggle. Those who would win must first have the courage to believe. Regrettably, our Prime Minster is ... (Continue reading)

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An ideological litmus-test

An ideological litmus-test

At America’s founding, the moral character of slavery was not in doubt. The contradiction of self-evident truths of man’s God-given rights being held in tandem with an iniquitous institution that violated those right by treating people as property was a scandal even then. Laws proposing slavery’s eventual abolition were discussed, and bans on slavery in new territories were proposed; its eventual elimination was a universal goal. The contradiction, however, ... (Continue reading)

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It is a cliche of modern life that New Year’s resolutions are made to be broken. Perhaps by the time you have read this editorial you have already returned to the bad habits or behaviour you vowed to cease in 2018. We hope, though, that there is a resolution we all make that we all keep this year: a solid commitment to increase our pro-life activism. We must follow this commitment faithfully all year long. Every pro-life group in Canada needs ... (Continue reading)

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The rape exception

When the story broke that several Saskatchewan Party leadership contenders were pro-life, the reaction focused on the fact that Ken Cheveldayoff did not have an exception for rape. Within 24 hours, the presumptive frontrunner in the race to replace Brad Wall was backing down from his principled pro-life position. Of course, he said, he supported a “woman’s right to choose” in “circumstances where abortion is necessary.” Not surprisingly, he pointed to an exception for rape: “let me be very clear ... (Continue reading)

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It is a cliche of modern life that New Year’s resolutions are made to be broken. Perhaps by the time you have read this editorial you have already returned to the bad habits or behaviour you vowed to cease in 2018. We hope, though, that there is a resolution we all make that we all keep this year: a solid commitment to increase our pro-life activism. We must follow this commitment faithfully all year long. Every pro-life group in Canada needs ... (Continue reading)

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Christ, our hope

Christ, our hope

Spring, in December, is unthinkable. Nature is a husk of faded flowers and fallen fruit: its breezes have become blizzards, its streams have all stopped. And yet we know that there is a term to the world’s cold fury, a limit past which its tempests may not pass. The endless cycle of seasons is a permanent lesson in transience, a lesson so transparent and powerful that the preacher uses ... (Continue reading)

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