Religion | Politics

Nadia Murad and Yazidi Sex Slavery Under ISIS

Stories of those forcefully taken from their homes by ISIS militants and sold into slavery are haunting reminders of the tyranny that Daesh (ISIS) has wrought on so many during its seizure of power in Iraq and Syria. Yazidi women were some of the worst affected by ISIS, as many witnessed their families butchered, homes destroyed and […]

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Religion | Politics

A Kingdom of Tears: Male Guardianship in Saudi Arabia

One of the largest kingdoms in the Arabian Peninsula, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (abbreviated “KSA”) lays claim to many things; notably, Islam’s holiest sites — Mecca and Medina — and oil reserves that span across its large desert. KSA, however, is also home to an archaic system of laws that get their reinforcement from culture, […]

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