Podcasts | The McCarthy Report

The McCarthy Report

Latest Episodes

Episode 19: When in Saudi Arabia. . .

The implications of a journalist’s murder in Saudi Arabia, the radical background of U.S. Representative Kyrsten Sinema, and much more.

Episode 18: Heavily Redacted

Andy and Rich discuss an accusation that the FBI was limited in its Kavanaugh investigation, look into a troubling insurance policy, and much more.

Episode 16: What’s the Point?

Andy and Rich break down yesterday’s hearings, explaining the wrongful demands for an FBI investigation, the point of the proceedings, and much more

Episode 15: The Cycle of Chaos

The Kavanaugh accusations, developments in the Manafort trial, and whether or not Trump could pardon Manafort.

Episode 14: Where’s the Crime?

Andy and Rich discuss developments in the case of former FBI agent Peter Strzok and lawyer Lisa Page and analyze ongoing FISA abuses.

Episode 12: The Guilty and The Victorious

Andy and Rich discuss the damage done by Michael Cohen pleading guilty, Trump’s need for forthrightness in dealing with the Cohen outcome, and more.

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Politics & Policy

A Conspiracy of Dunces

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is Jonah Goldberg’s weekly “news”letter, the G-File. Subscribe here to get the G-File delivered to your inbox on Fridays. Dear Reader (Especially all incompetent conspiracy plotters), When I was in eleventh grade, my English teacher, Mrs. Bab, made me sit in the front ... Read More
Economy & Business

Prosperity, in the Present

From where I’m standing, it looks like Michael Tomasky has a terrible sense of timing. Writing in the New York Times, Tomasky argues that Democrats are in dire need of those two magical commodities — “spin,” as the headline puts it, and “narrative” — to best the Republicans on the economic ... Read More