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A Note from the President

William F. Buckley Jr. had a special ability to bring together a range of viewpoints, to unite a broad coalition of those who believed that a free society best nurtures the individual and the culture at large. While it is inevitably true that the number of those who knew WFB personally will dwindle, it is my honor to expand the circle of those who are touched by his spirit and influenced by the principles he championed.

As we reinvigorate the National Review Institute’s programs, our newly formed team is eager to work with old and new friends alike.

Thank you for your support.



Lindsay Young Craig

Learn more about NRI’s programs, accomplishments, and recent growth in the below End-of-Year Newsletter.


Join Us to Further WFB’s Legacy: Support NRI with a tax-deductible gift

National Review Institute is a non-profit, 501(c)(3), journalistic think tank, established to advance the conservative principles William F. Buckley Jr. championed, and complement the mission of National Review magazine by supporting and promoting NR’s best talent. All contributions to it are deductible for income, gift, and estate tax purposes. EIN# 13-3649537