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Articles Tagged ‘youth’

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The problem with pornography

The problem with pornography

A scourge for individuals and society In February, the New York Times Magazine ran a long cover story, “What Teenagers Are Learning From Online Porn.” Based on interviews with boys selected to take part in the porn literacy class in a peer-leadership program for Boston teenagers, the article relates in depressing detail the habits of teenage users of pornography and how what they view affects their expectations in ... (Continue reading)

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Ford repeals Wynne’s sex-ed program but problems remain

Ford repeals Wynne’s sex-ed program but problems remain

Ontario Premier Doug Ford In July, the Doug Ford government confirmed it would repeal the 2015 Kathleen Wynne’s sex-ed program, fulfilling a leadership and campaign promise to rescind the controversial curriculum while the government carried out a new, inclusive consultation process. The rollout was botched, with no details of what the consultations would look like and Education Minister Lisa Thompson initially telling reporters that the full curriculum ... (Continue reading)

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Trudeau government sued over summer job attestation

A coalition of Canadian companies and a Christian student ministry are taking Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government to court over its requirement that they declare support for legal abortion and other political stances in order to participate in the country’s summer jobs program. The Canada Summer Jobs Program offers money to groups that hire students for summer positions. In a break from previous years, it now requires participating organizations to sign an attestation that their “core mandate” agrees ... (Continue reading)

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Attestation fallout continues

Attestation fallout continues

Poll finds policy ‘unfair,’ critics call it totalitarian Andrew Bennett, head of the Cardus Religious Freedom Institute, called the Trudeau abortion attestation 'totalitarian'. Canadian MPs have approved grants to employ summer students and youth are settling into their summer jobs, but the pro-abortion attestation requirement imposed on small businesses, charities, and organizations that apply for ... (Continue reading)

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GSA confusion

Law Matters John Carpay Supporters of mandatory gay-straight alliances (GSAs) in schools want to have their cake and eat it too. On the one hand, they insist that GSAs are merely peer support groups and harmless social clubs, which do not indoctrinate kids into any political or sexual agenda. On the other hand, they object to parents being notified if their kids are exposed to sexual content ... (Continue reading)

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Legal pot dangerous for kids

The Convention on the Rights of the Child Treaty was ratified in 1989 and remains the most universally endorsed human rights treaty globally. The CRC is specific about the legitimate right all children have to be protected from the use of illicit drugs. Four articles within the CDC speak directly to this: Article 3: “In all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the child ... (Continue reading)

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The Interim produces curriculum for teachers, home-schoolers

The Interim produces curriculum for teachers, home-schoolers

For the past 16 years The Interim has been fighting climate change; not the fake kind allegedly impacting our planet, but rather the genuine intellectual pollution that brings on confusion and undermines true education, so crucial to the formation of an informed and honest citizenry. Our secular state, in the name of tolerance and modernization demands a secular approach toå education for its citizens in a pluralistic and democratic Canada. At the same time, the role of the classroom teachers is ... (Continue reading)

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Tourloukis appeal heard

Tourloukis appeal heard

Hamilton father of two Steve Tourloukis sued his school board to uphold his parental rights. He lost in 2016 and appealed the decision. The latest battle in the sever-year war between Steve Tourloukis and the Hamilton Wentworth public school board over what the father of two claims is his right to receive advance notice when and how his children will be taught about controversial topics was an Ontario appeal ... (Continue reading)

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Hawkes prosecution failed for want of a trauma expert

Hawkes prosecution failed for want of a trauma expert

Rev. Brent Hawkes “It’s like a David and Goliath story, right from the start,” said the wife of the complainant. Only, this time Goliath won. She was reacting to the Jan. 31 acquittal of Rev. Brent Hawkes, senior pastor of Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto, on historical sexual assault charges from the mid-1970s when he was a teacher and coach. When it came to this prosecution at Kentville provincial ... (Continue reading)

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Student unions held to account on free speech

Law Matters John Carpay Campus free speech hits a temporary road block in October, wih an Ontario court ruling against Students for Life at Ryerson. Since 2013, these pro-life students have been denied their right to set up a campus club by the Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU). Without status as a registered campus club, the students cannot set up a table on clubs day, cannot advertise, and cannot readily ... (Continue reading)

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CLC hires new youth leader

CLC hires new youth leader

Marie-Claire Bissonnette Marie-Claire Bissonnette grew up pro-life. Her family has been involved in pro-life activism since she was a child, taking the kids along to LifeChain, the National March for Life, and Show the Truth. She jokes that part of her family tradition was to go to Show the Truth rather than summer vacation. In Grade 7, she gave a speech about abortion and showed pictures of a developing ... (Continue reading)

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Gay-Straight Alliances: the clash of religions

Gay-Straight Alliances: the clash of religions

Law Matters John Carpay Alberta’s education minister has launched a formal inquiry into two Edmonton-area Baptist schools, ostensibly to ensure a “welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) students.” This inquiry has its origins in Bill 10, passed in a matter of hours, without public consultation. This new law requires every school to set up and host a Gay-Straight Alliance ... (Continue reading)

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Surviving university

Surviving university

University of Western Ontario Early this summer I attended a graduation party for a small, private Catholic high school where the children of several friends were saying farewell to classmates and teachers they had known for years – some of them since kindergarten. Many of these young men and women were babies when I first met them, so this pleasant evening was tinged with melancholy thoughts about ... (Continue reading)

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University censorship: darkness extends beyond campus pro-life clubs

University censorship:  darkness extends beyond campus pro-life clubs

John Carpay, founder of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms. The routine censorship of pro-life speech at Canadian universities has now expanded into a new realm. In early April, the Men’s Issues Awareness Society launched a court action against the Ryerson Students’ Union for having denied this student group official recognition as a campus club. Without official club status, MIAS cannot easily or readily book rooms, host speakers, sponsor debates, ... (Continue reading)

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BC Court of Appeals upholds campus pro-life ban

In a decision with potentially wide implications for freedom of speech on Canadian campuses, the British Columbia Court of Appeals has upheld the University of Victoria’s decision to ban a campus pro-life demonstration. The case goes back to 2013, when the University of Victoria’s student society had denied the pro-life club, Youth Protecting Youth, club status over its pro-life messaging. As a result, the university denied YPY the use of a well-frequented public space and implicitly threatened YPY members with expulsion ... (Continue reading)

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