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Articles Tagged ‘Conscience Legislation’

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The importance of the culture wars

The importance of the culture wars

It’s easy to believe that society is falling apart, especially if you spend any time on social media. My liberal friends are certain that the earth is on the verge of an imminent ecological disaster – probably climate change, but they’ll take resource depletion or overpopulation in a pinch. My conservative friends fill their Facebook feeds with stories and memes about the threat of unchecked, invasive immigration, or warnings ... (Continue reading)

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How the courts allowed pornography

How the courts allowed pornography

For the past 30 years, Canadians have been increasingly inundated with the most disgusting exhibitions of pornography on television, in the movies, and on-line. How can that be? Throughout this period, the Criminal Code of Canada has clearly stated that everyone commits an offence punishable by up to two years imprisonment who (a) makes, prints, publishes or circulates any “obscene” thing whatever or (b) publicly exhibits “an indecent show.” As ... (Continue reading)

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CLC launches petition asking Doug Ford to scrap anti-free speech bubble zones

Canada’s national pro-life, pro-family lobbying group launched a petition in August asking Ontario Premier Doug Ford to drop Bill 163, which came into effect February. The bill prohibits all pro-life witness, including showing “disapproval” of abortion, within 50 meters of Ontario’s eight abortion centers. It also allows hospitals and pharmacies to apply for zones of up to 150 meters in which all pro-life witness is banned. Elected in a PC landslide in June, Ford “has given us fresh hope his administration ... (Continue reading)

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B.C. voters should oppose proportional representation

B.C. voters should oppose proportional representation

  British Columbians will vote by mail in a referendum on what voting system the province should use for its elections. The referendum is being held by mail from Oct. 22 to Nov. 30. All B.C. residents over the age of 18 can vote in the referendum. This is the third time provincial voters will have their say on electoral reform, having said no to proportional representation (PR) ... (Continue reading)

The problem with pornography

The problem with pornography

A scourge for individuals and society In February, the New York Times Magazine ran a long cover story, “What Teenagers Are Learning From Online Porn.” Based on interviews with boys selected to take part in the porn literacy class in a peer-leadership program for Boston teenagers, the article relates in depressing detail the habits of teenage users of pornography and how what they view affects their expectations in ... (Continue reading)

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U.S. Supreme Court affirms religious rights

U.S. Supreme Court affirms religious rights

National Affairs Rory Leishman In a significant seven-to-two ruling in Masterpiece Cake Shop Ltd. v. Colorado on June 4, the Supreme Court of the United States struck down a ruling by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission that a Christian baker had no right in law to refuse on grounds of sincere religious conviction to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. That baker can count himself lucky to live in ... (Continue reading)

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Canadian Supreme Court evicerates religious rights

Law Matters John Carpay You know a court ruling is bad when judges deliberately ignore the evidence placed before them. But reality was brushed aside in the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision to repudiate, nullify, and revoke the fundamental Charterfreedoms of Trinity Western University (TWU), its staff, and its students. According to the justices, Charter-protected freedom of religion was narrowed only to what a religion “absolutely requires,” not ... (Continue reading)

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Vriend has diminished our freedom

Vriend has diminished our freedom

Law Matters John Carpay On March 19, the University of Alberta held a public event to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Supreme Court of Canada decision in Vriend v. Alberta. In 1998, the court ordered Alberta to add “sexual orientation” to its human rights legislation. When pondering the Vriend ruling, it is important to remember that, during the 1990s, activists across Canada were claiming that adding “sexual orientation” to human rights ... (Continue reading)

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The courts vs. conscience rights

National Affairs Rory Leishman On Jan. 31, the Ontario Divisional Court held in The Christian Medical and Dental Society of Canada v. College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, that pro-life physicians have no constitutional right to refuse to collaborate in killing or assisting in the death of a suicidal patient upon request. Who bears primary responsibility for this appalling decision? In this case, as in so many ... (Continue reading)

CLC protests bubble zone

CLC protests bubble zone

On Feb. 1, the first day that the Safe Access to Abortion law came into effect in Ontario, 40 pro-life supporters in Ottawa called for the bubble zone law to be repealed. Demonstrating outside the 50-meter bubble zone surrounding the Morgentaler abortuary on Bank Street in the nation’s capital, the pro-life advocates carried signs calling attention to the restricted free speech zone: “Aid to women ends here” and “Free speech ... (Continue reading)

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70-year-old man first to be arrested under bubble zone law

70-year-old man first to be arrested  under bubble zone law

Cyril Winters being arrested on Feb. 7 for allegedly breaking the Safe Access for Abortion Services Act. A longtime pro-life advocate has become the first person arrested under Ontario’s new bubble zone law that outlaws pro-life speech outside abortion centres. Cyril Winter, 70, was first arrested Feb. 7 and then again two days later in ... (Continue reading)

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“Trudeau’s abortion litmus test”

Ottawa Won't fund students summer jobs unless employers support abortion The Liberal government of Justin Trudeau will ban any employer from receiving summer job grants for students if the employer doesn’t first sign an “attestation” that they agree with abortion and transgender “rights.” The new criteria were sent to all MPs and was made public when the Canada Summer Jobs Program opens December 19, 2017. In order to receive federal ... (Continue reading)

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Bill 163 committee hearing

Silent No More, midwives, and a city councilor among presenters On Oct. 19, 17 stakeholders and other interested parties made presentations to the standing committee on general government to speak for or against Bill 163, the  Protecting a Woman’s Right to Access Abortion Services Act, 2017, which was introduced by the provincial Attorney General two weeks earlier and was being fast-tracked to be passed before the end of the month by an all-party agreement. Making presentations against Bill 163 were ... (Continue reading)

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Ontario doctors fight law forcing them to help kill their patients

Ontario doctors fight law forcing them to help kill their patients

Lawyer Albertos Polizogopoulos says doctors should not have to choose between their conscience and their practice. Five doctors and three doctors’ groups were in an Ontario court June 13-15 arguing a policy from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) violates their Charter rights to freedom of conscience and religion. The CPSO forces ... (Continue reading)

Tourloukis appeal heard

Tourloukis appeal heard

Hamilton father of two Steve Tourloukis sued his school board to uphold his parental rights. He lost in 2016 and appealed the decision. The latest battle in the sever-year war between Steve Tourloukis and the Hamilton Wentworth public school board over what the father of two claims is his right to receive advance notice when and how his children will be taught about controversial topics was an Ontario appeal ... (Continue reading)

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