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Human rights

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The dangers of compelled speech

The dangers of compelled speech

Andrew Lawton This summer marks one year since the implementation of Bill C-16, the legislation that catapulted Professor Jordan Peterson to fame and galvanized a much-needed discussion about freedom of expression in Canada. Though we have yet to see the first public prosecution under the bill, its free speech implications are still very much alive. The bill updated the Criminal Code and the Canadian Human Rights Act to add “gender identity ... (Continue reading)

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Whatcott arrested for pride parade antics

Whatcott arrested for pride parade antics

Bill Whatcott and others infiltrated the 2016 Toronto Pride parade to distribute pamphlets describing the dangers of homosexual activity. Christian activist Bill Whatcott, 51, of Leduc, Alberta, surrendered himself to the Calgary policy on June 22, following the Toronto Police Service issuing a Canada-wide arrest warrant for charges related to hate-crime complaints. In ... (Continue reading)

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U.S. Supreme Court affirms religious rights

U.S. Supreme Court affirms religious rights

National Affairs Rory Leishman In a significant seven-to-two ruling in Masterpiece Cake Shop Ltd. v. Colorado on June 4, the Supreme Court of the United States struck down a ruling by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission that a Christian baker had no right in law to refuse on grounds of sincere religious conviction to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. That baker can count himself lucky to live in ... (Continue reading)

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Canadian Supreme Court evicerates religious rights

Law Matters John Carpay You know a court ruling is bad when judges deliberately ignore the evidence placed before them. But reality was brushed aside in the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision to repudiate, nullify, and revoke the fundamental Charterfreedoms of Trinity Western University (TWU), its staff, and its students. According to the justices, Charter-protected freedom of religion was narrowed only to what a religion “absolutely requires,” not ... (Continue reading)

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In search of true federalism in Canada – Old Canada, New Canada, and ‘Canada Three’

It is argued that a return to true federalism – i.e., strengthening the role of provinces and regions in Canada – may lead to a more balanced society in the future. While there is no returning to the Old Canada which existed “before the ‘60s,” it is possible that the “New Canada” could reach out to incorporate some better aspects of the Old Canada, to create a new synthesis, “Canada Three,” rather than continue on the path of ever-intensifying left-liberalism. What is ... (Continue reading)

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Root out white nationalism within our ranks

Talk Turkey Josie Luetke On March 20, 2017, famed white supremacist Richard Spencer declared, “We should recognize that the pro-life movement – this is not the alt-right, this has nothing in common with identitarians … Pro-lifers want to be radically dysgenic, egalitarian, multi-racial human rights thumpers – and they’re not us.” In response, I commented on my Facebook wall, “Well, thanks! I never expected to be so sincerely ... (Continue reading)

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British hospitals, courts conspire against life of infant

British hospitals, courts conspire against life of infant

Alfie Evans, the British infant at the centre of a battle between doctors and his parents about how to proceed with medical care. A year after British infant Charlie Gard captured international attention over a battle between his parents and the hospital over continuing care to allow their ... (Continue reading)

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Cyril Winter, RIP

Cyril Winter, RIP

First person arrested under Ontario’s bubble zone law dies Cy Winter, the first Ontarian charged under the province's new bubble zone law, passed away. Cyril Winter, 70, passed away March 9 at the Ottawa Heart Center following complications from stenting surgery to fix several coronary arteries. Hours before he passed away, Winter wrote on Facebook: ... (Continue reading)

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Vriend has diminished our freedom

Vriend has diminished our freedom

Law Matters John Carpay On March 19, the University of Alberta held a public event to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Supreme Court of Canada decision in Vriend v. Alberta. In 1998, the court ordered Alberta to add “sexual orientation” to its human rights legislation. When pondering the Vriend ruling, it is important to remember that, during the 1990s, activists across Canada were claiming that adding “sexual orientation” to human rights ... (Continue reading)

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Reaction to Trudeau’s summer jobs policy

Editor’s Note:  There was a great deal of commentary and response to Justin Trudeau’s pro-abortion, pro-LGBQT ideological litmus to receive Canada Summer Jobs program funding. Below is a sampling of reaction to the government policy.  “The language is overbroad ... it infringes the fundamental right of freedom of religion and conscience in a way that is not justifiable.” University of Saskatchewan law professor Jason MacLean “I think it’s offensive to some Canadians because it’s saying: ‘if you hold these values, you are not worthy ... (Continue reading)

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Ontario bubble zones come into force Feb. 1

Ontario bubble zones come into force Feb. 1

In December, Ontario Attorney General Yasir Navqi’s office notified Campaign Life Coalition and other pro-life groups that the Safe Access to Abortion Services Act, 2017, would come into effect on Feb. 1. The law, passed in October, establishes a minimum bubble zone prohibiting pro-life speech and assembly within 50 meters of the property of eight existing free-standing abortion facilities and 150 meters within the homes of a “protected service ... (Continue reading)

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Government maintains ideological litmus test for Summer Jobs program

Government maintains ideological litmus test for Summer Jobs program

Trudeau suggests pro-lifers out of step with society Justin Trudeau In December, the federal government announced changes to the Canada Summer Jobs program which now requires employers to sign an attestation of support for what the application process called Charter rights and underlying values, including reproductive and LGBQT rights. In January, the Trudeau government faced a backlash from religious groups and columnists who decried the violation of conscience ... (Continue reading)

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Summer jobs depend on agreeing with state religion

Summer jobs depend on agreeing with state religion

Law Matters John Carpay The fascist disease of ideological coercion continues to spread in Canada’s body politic. For a charity to receive federal government funding through the Canada Summer Jobs program, the charity must now express agreement with Canada’s state religion, including support for legal abortion, transgenderism, and LGBTQ ideology. The Canada Summer Jobs program exists to create summer employment for students, and to make it financially attractive for ... (Continue reading)

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An ideological litmus-test

An ideological litmus-test

At America’s founding, the moral character of slavery was not in doubt. The contradiction of self-evident truths of man’s God-given rights being held in tandem with an iniquitous institution that violated those right by treating people as property was a scandal even then. Laws proposing slavery’s eventual abolition were discussed, and bans on slavery in new territories were proposed; its eventual elimination was a universal goal. The contradiction, however, ... (Continue reading)

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Tourloukis loses parental rights case

Tourloukis loses parental rights case

Hamilton father Steve Tourloukis opposes the teaching of certain value judgements to his children. A Christian father has lost his appeal in a landmark parental rights case that pitted him against his public school board, the province of Ontario, and the elementary teachers’ union for his attempts to protect his children from possible LGBTQ indoctrination at school. In ... (Continue reading)

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