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Violent altercation at Ryerson will not deter pro-lifers

Violent altercation at Ryerson will not deter pro-lifers

Katie Somers was assaulted at Ryerson University during a pro-life demonstration On Oct. 1, Katie Somers of Toronto Against Abortion (TAA) was assaulted at Ryerson University during a pro-life demonstration. TAA released video of a peaceful discussion between pro-life activists and a number of pro-abortion counter-protesters that was interrupted by Ryerson Reproductive Justice Collective (RRJC) member Gabby Skwarko, when the pro-abortion ... (Continue reading)

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CLC Youth coordinator assaulted at LifeChain

CLC Youth coordinator  assaulted at LifeChain

Jordan Hunt was arrested and charged for assaulting Marie-Claire Bissonnette; while she participated in a peaceful LifeChain demonstration. A man in his 20s roundhouse kicked a woman in her 20s while discussing abortion during a LifeChain demonstration in Toronto. On LifeChain Sunday, Sept. 30, CLC Youth Coordinator was assaulted by a self-described male feminist for holding a sign against abortion and engaging with ... (Continue reading)

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Persistently incorrect population worries

Persistently incorrect population worries

Population Bombed: Exploding the Link Between Overpopulation and Climate Changeby Pierre Desrochers and Joanna Szurmak (Global Warming Policy Foundation, $15.99 pb, $7.75 Kindle, 259 pages) Worries about over-population are a seeming constant in debates of world issues, returning regularly to stoke fear about the rising number of people inhabiting the planet. Earlier this year, Paul Ehrlich, author of the 1968 book The Population Bomb, told The Guardian that ... (Continue reading)

Diversity is our strength

Diversity is our strength

Talk Turkey Josie Luetke Hear me out. During this summer, I participated in the “Question Abortion project” on Ryerson’s campus. The project involves surveying passersby about the legal status of abortion in Canada, and then segueing into a dialogue about abortion more generally. During one hour, I had productive conversations with three “pro-choice” women. Each of them expressed their thanks that I wasn’t displaying graphic images of ... (Continue reading)

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The importance of the culture wars

The importance of the culture wars

It’s easy to believe that society is falling apart, especially if you spend any time on social media. My liberal friends are certain that the earth is on the verge of an imminent ecological disaster – probably climate change, but they’ll take resource depletion or overpopulation in a pinch. My conservative friends fill their Facebook feeds with stories and memes about the threat of unchecked, invasive immigration, or warnings ... (Continue reading)

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How the courts allowed pornography

How the courts allowed pornography

For the past 30 years, Canadians have been increasingly inundated with the most disgusting exhibitions of pornography on television, in the movies, and on-line. How can that be? Throughout this period, the Criminal Code of Canada has clearly stated that everyone commits an offence punishable by up to two years imprisonment who (a) makes, prints, publishes or circulates any “obscene” thing whatever or (b) publicly exhibits “an indecent show.” As ... (Continue reading)

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Gosnell a powerful film

Gosnell a powerful film

Were it not for a police investigation into illegal drug trafficking, Kermit Gosnell might still be murdering babies. The Pennsylvania Department of Health turned a blind eye to complaints about his inner city clinic in Philadelphia. Officials in the legal system put political concerns above justice. The mainstream media was nowhere to be found. The truth was so sordid that it was natural fodder for an adapted screenplay. Gosnell: The Trial ... (Continue reading)

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B.C. voters should oppose proportional representation

B.C. voters should oppose proportional representation

  British Columbians will vote by mail in a referendum on what voting system the province should use for its elections. The referendum is being held by mail from Oct. 22 to Nov. 30. All B.C. residents over the age of 18 can vote in the referendum. This is the third time provincial voters will have their say on electoral reform, having said no to proportional representation (PR) ... (Continue reading)

The Church scandal and the pro-life movement

The Church scandal and the pro-life movement

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò In late August, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former nuncio to the United States (essentially the Vatican’s ambassador to America), issued an open letter alleging widespread cover-up of the sexual crimes of former Washington D.C. Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, a cover-up that includes the Pope himself. The letter was shocking but unsurprising. It has massive implications for the Catholic Church. Less obvious, it illustrates issues ... (Continue reading)

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The Interim at 35

The Interim at 35

In March 1983, this paper was launched to inform readers of the “day-to-day battle to protect unborn babies.” That first paper announced that “the philosophy of this monthly will always be one of no compromise on abortion,” because “a human life, from the moment of conception represents an individual, precious gift from God.” We have stayed true to that mandate, and since then our mandate has expanded from covering ... (Continue reading)

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A burgeoning industry

A burgeoning industry

George Jefferson from TV show All in the Family. Until I did some research, it hadn’t occurred to me that there might be a cache of racial slurs that target whites. Well, apparently there are plenty of the allegedly offensive epithets. I say “apparently” and “allegedly” because I’ve never heard of most of the entries, and the ones I know about don’t offend ... (Continue reading)

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The dangers of compelled speech

The dangers of compelled speech

Andrew Lawton This summer marks one year since the implementation of Bill C-16, the legislation that catapulted Professor Jordan Peterson to fame and galvanized a much-needed discussion about freedom of expression in Canada. Though we have yet to see the first public prosecution under the bill, its free speech implications are still very much alive. The bill updated the Criminal Code and the Canadian Human Rights Act to add “gender identity ... (Continue reading)

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Killing the Kennedy mystique

Killing the Kennedy mystique

There’s a visual shorthand you see in movies and on TV shows that’s meant to let you know you’re in the presence of Roman Catholics, and probably Irish ones. It’s a picture of John F. Kennedy hanging on the wall of someone’s bedroom, dining room or living room, or in some bar, barber shop or police chief’s office. It might be accompanied by a portrait of whatever Pope is ... (Continue reading)

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Amnesty International officially backs abortion-on-demand

Amnesty International officially backs abortion-on-demand

During its July 6-8 Global Assembly in Warsaw, Amnesty International delegates voted in favour of advocating for abortion-on-demand. Since 2007, the international human rights group has supported abortion in limited cases such as calling for decriminalization of abortion in cases of rape or when the mother’s life or health were at stake. Previous to that, its abortion activism was limited to criticism of the U.S. Mexico City Policy prohibiting ... (Continue reading)

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Pro-life policies win at Conservative convention

Pro-life policies win at Conservative convention

Grassroots pro-life and pro-family delegates scored a number of victories at the Conservative policy convention in Halifax, August 23-25. Campaign Life Coalition vice president Jeff Gunnarson, said, “overall, the pro-life-and-family movement had a hugely successful convention,” despite missing out on what he called “the top prize” of deleting Article 65. That article, added to the policy handbook in 2016, commits a Conservative government to not introducing any legislation on abortion, CLC ... (Continue reading)

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