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Britannica Academic Edition

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Britannica Online Academic delivers fast and easy access to high-quality, comprehensive information. The combination of the Encyclopædia Britannica and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus, magazines and periodicals, and many other research tools provides the variety of reliable sources students need for research—all in one place. (MORE)

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Image Quest
More than three million stunning images from top international collections, rights-cleared for educational use.

Britannica eBooks
Nonfiction texts covering a wide range of academic subjects. Idea for research papers, reference, and classroom use.

Merriam-Webster Unabridged Online
Librarians, educators, and students can trust this comprehensive database of words and robust search functionality, which allow users to research language and study words in a variety of exciting ways.

Original Sources
Original Sources gives you instant access to an extensive, continuously increasing collection of over 420,000 e-Works of classic, primary source, and general reference materials in twelve subject areas: World History, U.S. History, Political Science, Law, Literature, Science, Mathematics, Social Science, Philosophy, Religion, Language, and Language Arts.

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