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DPAD News Archive

Monthly Briefing

Highlights of the Monthly Briefing on the World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP), No. 73.

  • ƒƒFurther appreciation of the U.S. dollar
  • Japan registers technical recession during the third quarter
  • Lower inflation rates in many countries across the world as oil prices decline


WESP 2015

Global Economic Outlook

The Global economic outlook of the World Economic Situation and Prospects 2015 was launched on Wednesday, 10 December at 10:30 am EST. The press briefing, featuring DPAD Director Pingfan Hong and Senior Economic Affairs Officer Matthias Kempf was webcast live at http://webtv.un.org/


Monthly Briefing

Highlights of the Monthly Briefing on the World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP), No. 72.

  • Sharp decline of oil prices and renewed volatility in financial markets
  • Low inflation in Europe remains a concern
  • Diverging monetary policies in developed economies


UN/DESA Expert Group Meeting on the world economy
October 22-24, New York

The annual UN/DESA Expert Group Meeting on the World Economy (also known as the Project LINK Meeting) starts today in New York and will lead off with a discussion on the world economic outlook facilitated by Peter H. Pauly, Vice-Dean and Professor of Economics at the University of Toronto; Juan Francisco Yepez-Albornoz of the International Monetary Fund; Marc Stocker of the World Bank, and Pingfan Hong, Director of the Development Policy and Analysis Division in UN/DESA.

This year's three-day meeting will include presentations by a wide range of participants from academia, economic research institutions and international economic organizations including Kanemi Ban of Kochi University of Technology in Japan, Gregory Daco of Oxford Economics, Pavlos Karadeloglou of the European Central Bank and David Turner of the OECD. United Nations colleagues from the regional commissions of ECA, ECE, ECLAC, ESCAP and ESCWA will also be on hand to present the issues and outlook for their respective regions.

Project LINK is an international collaborative research group for econometric modelling, coordinated jointly by the Development Policy and Analysis Division of UN/DESA and the University of Toronto. Inputs from the meeting will be incorporated in the flagship publication, World Economic Situation and Prospects 2015, to be released in January 2015.

Expert group meeting on the World Economic and Social Survey 2015


Monthly Briefing


Staffmembers from across DESA and other UN offices and agencies convened their first expert group meeting on 16 October in New York, to discuss the sketches of the five chapters that will comprise the 2015 World Economic and Social Survey (WESS). DPAD Director, Pingfan Hong, noted that the WESS 2015 theme MDG Lessons for Post-2015 is a "good opportunity, as well as a daunting challenge, for the team to provide Member States and the general public with a timely and useful study on lessons for achieving the Millennium Development Goals that will pave the way for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals". The Survey is scheduled for publication in July 2015.

Monthly Briefing

Highlights of the Monthly Briefing on the World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP), No. 71.

  • Sharp appreciation of the U.S. dollar
  • Western European economy continues to struggle
  • Ebola takes severe tolls in West Africa


MDG Gap Task Force Report 2014

The State of the Global Partnership for Development

The MDG Gap Task Force Report 2014: The State of the Global Partnership for Development was launched today, Thursday, 18 September 2014, in a press briefing at 11 am EST featuring Wu Hongbo, Under Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, Thomas Gass, Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Inter-Agency Affairs, Magdy Martinez Soliman, Assistant Secretary-General, United Nations Development Programme and Pingfan Hong, Director of the Development Policy and Analysis Division, UN/DESA. The recorded press briefing can be viewed below. For more information, visit the MDG Gap page or iif.un.org


Economics: The User's Guide

Economics Seminar

Dr. Ha-Joon Chang, Faculty of Economics at University of Cambridge, was the featured speaker at the Development Policy Seminar held at the UN Headquarters today. Speaking on his most recent book, Economics: The User's Guide, Dr. Chang introduced a wide range of economic theories, from neo-classical to Schumpetarian, revealing their strengths and weaknesses and demonstrating why there is no one way to explain economic behaviour.

Download the PowerPoint presentation >>

Monthly Briefing

Highlights of the Monthly Briefing on the World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP), No. 70.

  • Russian Federation and European Union economies affected by reciprocal economic sanctions
  • U.S. labour market situation presents challenge to setting monetary policy
  • Brazil falls into recession, while India expands faster than expected


Global governance and global rules for development in the post-2015 era

CDP Policy Note cover imageThe Committee for Development Policy has released its 2014 Policy Note on Global governance and global rules for development in the post-2015 era. In this Policy Note, the Committee analyses how intergovernmental cooperation could be strengthened to better manage the increasing interdependence among countries, reduce large inequalities among and within countries and contribute to the implementation of the post-2015 sustainable development agenda, while preserving the necessary policy space for government action at the country level. On 7 July during the ECOSOC High-level segment, Professor Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, Vice Chair of the Committee, will deliver a statement on the global governance and global rules for development post-2015.

DPAD welcomes new Director

Pingfan HongPingfan Hong was appointed Director of the Development Policy and Analysis Division (DPAD) effective 1 July 2014.

A Chinese national, Pingfan Hong joined the United Nations in 1989 and has since worked mostly in the areas of economic research and policy analysis, particularly global economic outlook, macroeconomic policies, and international policy coordination. Since April 2013, Dr. Hong has been serving dual roles as Acting Director of DPAD and Chief of the Global Economic Monitoring Unit. He is the lead author and coordinator of the World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP) and has also worked extensively with Project LINK in global modelling and forecasting. Dr. Hong worked as an Officer in the State Planning Commission of China and as a Research Fellow and Assistant to Professor Lawrence Klein at the University of Pennsylvania. He earned a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania, a Dual Master in Computer Sciences and Management Sciences from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and a Bachelor in Engineering from Wu Xi Institute of Light Industrial Technology. He is the World Bank McNamara Fellow of 1985.

DPAD completes capacity development project in Jordan

On 3-5 June 2014 in Amman, Jordan, DPAD led the final workshop and activities under the capacity development project “Strengthening Macroeconomic and Social Policy Coherence through Integrated Macro-Micro Modelling”. During the workshop participants received guidance on how to simulate policies that were specifically designed to inform the country’s economic development plan (EDP). Modelling frameworks were used to assess economic impacts as well as changes in poverty, inequality, and human development indicators resulting from simulated policies.

Facebook chat on the world economy

WESP 2014 mid-cover

Economists from the Global Economic Monitoring Unit of the Development Policy and Analysis Division (DPAD) held a Facebook chat on the world economy today following the release of its mid-year update of the World Economic Situation and Prospects. The online community raised questions ranging from macroeconomic issues, such as quantitative easing and interest rate policy, to more specific regional and national economic issues. Over 180 Facebook followers participated in the one-hour chat.

Monthly Briefing

Highlights of the Monthly Briefing on the World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP), No. 67.

  • The world economy is expected to accelerate in 2014-2015
  • North American and European economies will experience a similar growth trajectory
  • Developing economies face stronger challenges, but will continue with relatively robust economic expansion


Global Economic Outlook

As projected in the World Economic Situation and Prospects 2014, the world economy is expected to strengthen in 2014-2015, although the latest updated global growth trajectory is slightly lower than previously forecast. Recovery in the developed economies will continue, but the growth prospects for the developing economies and the economies in transition have been revised downward, largely because of worsened economic and/or political conditions in a number of countries in these two latter groups. The LINK Economic Outlook June 2014 report presents the short-term prospects for the global economy in 2014-2015, including major risks and policy challenges.


Bolivian Minister thanks and praises DPAD for its capacity building

The Minister of Planning & Development (MPD) of Bolivia, Ms. Viviana Caro Hinojosa (pictured), has expressed her gratitude for DPAD’s capacity development activities as these Roberto-Gallardo-Costa-Rica-2014are helping to “support the ministers in policy decision-making by measuring the economic and social impacts of external shocks and policies using the modelling tools developed by UN-DESA”.

Ms. Caro Hinojosa considers that “this work has also provided the first indications of the additional spending required to achieve the MDGs, the best source of financing to cope with this cost, and the specific policy priorities needed to implement this agenda and align it with the country's Agenda Patriótica 2025.”

The Minister has also expressed her satisfaction with the increased technical capacities of Bolivian technicians as a result of the most recent UN-DESA project, following two other similar projects, noting that this has benefitted national authorities by improving the quality of the advice they rely on for policy decisions.

World Economic Situation and Prospects as of mid-2014


The World Economic Situation and Prospects as of mid-2014 will be launched on 21 May 2014 at 11 am at the Secretariat Press Briefing Room. Join Pingfan Hong, Acting Director of DPAD/DESA and economists from the Global Economic Monitoring Unit as they present the latest updates on global growth and identify risks and uncertainties for the world economy.

The latest updated global growth trajectory from the World Economic Situation and Prospects as of mid-2014 is 2.8 per cent in 2014 and 3.2 per cent in 2015, slightly lower than previously forecast in the World Economic Situation and Prospects 2014 released in January. The recovery in the developed economies will continue, but the growth prospects for the developing economies and the economies in transition have been revised downward, largely because of challenging economic and/or political conditions in a number of countries in these two latter groups.

This mid-year update identifies a number of risks and uncertainties for the world economy, including international spill-overs from the future unwinding of the monetary easing by major developed economies; vulnerabilities of emerging economies on both external and domestic fronts; remaining fragilities in the euro area; unsustainable public finances in the longer run for many developed countries; and risks associated with geopolitical tensions.

The press launch will be webcast live at http://webtv.un.org/.

WESP Weekly Highlights

Change in world trade of goods and services

Over the past decades, there has been a noticeable shift in the sources of global trade. Developing countries are exporting an increasing share of both goods and services as a fraction of total world trade. Over the period from 1998 to 2012, developing countries' share of world trade in goods and services rose from about 27 per cent to over 40 per cent, while developed countries' share fell from over 71 per cent to about 55 per cent.

Read more>>

Macroeconomic Modelling Presentation in Uganda


On 15 April, 2014, Dr. Albert Musisi, of the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, presented a paper titled "Uganda Public Sector Borrowing Requirements, Financing Options and the Implications for Economic Performance", highlighting Uganda's need for significant additional investment capital in the next 6 years to finance the country's investment plans. Dr. Musisi's presented his work at the National Development Policy forum, held at the office of the president of Uganda, where experts discussed financing options to meet the country's infrastructure plans.

Dr. Musisi was the leader of a technical team in Uganda formed by a capacity development project led by UN-DESA, which transferred knowledge to government staff to analyze economic and policy changes and provide advice to policy-makers. In his paper, Dr. Musisi uses the modelling tools imparted by DESA's capacity development activities to highlight the implications that the investment projects and their financing have on the general macroeconomic stability of the country. With total government spending expected to increase to an average of 24 per cent of the GDP between 2014/15 and 2017/18, there is fear that commercial borrowing could crowd-out private sector investments.

The policy dialogue and the successful transfer of knowledge are key accomplishments of DESA’s capacity development project Strengthening Macroeconomic and Social Policy Coherence through Integrated Macro-Micro Modelling

Costa Rica recognizes DPAD's capacity development work

The Minister of National PlanninRoberto-Gallardo-Costa-Rica-2014g and Economic Policy of the Republic of Costa Rica, Mr. Roberto J. Gallardo, has expressed his gratitude for DPAD’s capacity development activities that have benefited colleagues at the Ministry and other government agencies.

Mr. Gallardo considers that “the importance of these exercises demands from us continued work with them with a view of building more capacities and generating a multiplier effect that benefits other colleagues of the Ministry, as well as continuing improving the analytical work on issues of national interest and contributing key information for decision making”.

The Minister has also expressed his satisfaction with the policy recommendations he is receiving on issues of taxation, investments in infrastructure and government transfers. The recommendations are prepared by government staff using policy simulation analyses that have been developed as part of the project Strengthening Macroeconomic and Social Policy Coherence through Integrated Macro-Micro Modelling

Millennium Development Goals Scenarios to 2015 and Beyond: An Integrated Micro-Macro Modelling Approach

In February 2014, experts of the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS), with technical support from UN-DESA, released a discussion paper titled "Millennium Development Goals Scenarios To 2015 And Beyond: An Integrated Micro-Macro Modelling Approach".

It shows that the costs of reducing poverty rates in half by 2015, an MDG goal, are prohibitive, and that reaching the goal by 2025 will require significant investment in poverty reduction for another 10 years. Financing this investment requires careful consideration by authorities to avoid excessive growth of foreign debt.

The paper is a result of the capacity development project "Strengthening Macroeconomic and Social Policy Coherence through Integrated Macro-Micro Modelling", led by UN-DESA and in coordination with the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) and UNDP-Philippines.

Description of the discussion paper (PIDS website) >>

Read more about the project >>

The global consumption and income database: material living standards within and across countries over 50 years


On 12 February 2014, Sanjay Reddy, Associate Professor of Economics at the New School for Social Research, made an inaugural presentation of a new database on material living standards within and across countries for the past 50 years, developed through joint research with Arjun Jayadev of Boston University and Rahul Lahoti, an independent scholar on inequality, poverty and gender.

The database covers income and consumption and allows the calculation of poverty incidence, income and consumption inequality and the measurement of levels of well-being based on consumption and income profiles. The steps taken to compile the data, standardize the distributions, estimate the means of the dataset and addressing missing data were explained. The dataset presently covers 148 countries and has numerous potential applications, including for example the study of the evolution of absolute and relative living standards, or tracing whether growth has been inclusive over time. The Development Policy Seminar was attended by analysts from across DESA, academics from New School and New York University and staff of some Member States representations (Finland and Argentina).

The Great Escape: Health, Wealth and the Origins of Inequality


Professor Angus Deaton, Professor of Economics and International Affairs at Princeton University, will be the guest speaker at the Development Policy Seminar to be held on January 22, Wednesday, from 3:00 to 4:30 pm at S-2727.

Prof. Deaton will be discussing his recently published The Great Escape: Health, Wealth and the Origins of Inequality which tells the remarkable story of how, starting 250 years ago, some parts of the world began to experience sustained progress, opening up gaps and setting the stage for today's hugely unequal world. Deaton will take an in-depth look at the historical and ongoing patterns behind the health and wealth of nations, and will address what needs to be done to help those left behind.

WESP 2014

World Economic Situation and Prospects 2014

The World Economic Situation and Prospects 2014 will be released today with a regional launch scheduled in Geneva. Launches are scheduled in Pretoria and Moscow on January 21; Addis Ababa on January 23; and Beirut on January 24. A regional launch in Bangkok and New Delhi will take place at the end of January.

View Video clip >>


Sustainable Development Challenges: Towards Sustainable Cities and Long-term Policy Coherence

The Development Strategy and Policy Analysis Unit of DPAD will host a side event on Sustainable Development Challenges during the 7th Session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals on Thursday, 9 January, 1:15 pm at Conference Room A. DPAD staff Alex Julca and Marco Sanchez-Cantillo will be presenting on sustainable cities and sustainable development simulations, respectively.

Launch of WESP 2014: The Global Economic Outlook

WESP 2013

The Global Economic Outlook, chapter 1 of the World Economic Situation and Prospects 2014, was launched today in a press briefing by the Assistant-Secretary-General for Economic Development, Shamshad Akhtar, and Acting Director of the Development Policy and Analysis Division of UN/DESA, Pingfan Hong.

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Postponed: The Great Escape: Health, Wealth and the Origins of Inequality


Due to the inclement weather in the New York City area, today's Development Policy Seminar is postponed until January. DPAD apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause.

Today, Professor Angus Deaton, Professor of Economics and International Affairs at Princeton University, will be the guest speaker at the Development Policy Seminar from 3:00 to 4:30 pm at the DC2-23rd floor Conference Room.

Prof. Deaton will be discussing his recently published The Great Escape: Health, Wealth and the Origins of Inequality which tells the remarkable story of how, starting 250 years ago, some parts of the world began to experience sustained progress, opening up gaps and setting the stage for today's hugely unequal world. Deaton will take an in-depth look at the historical and ongoing patterns behind the health and wealth of nations, and will address what needs to be done to help those left behind.

Alternative development strategies for the post-2015 era

ads-p2015-nov-2013The Committee for Development Policy (CDP) held a briefing on "Alternative Development Strategies for the Post-2015 Era" on 25 November as part of the 5th Session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals.

In her opening statement, Shamshad Akhtar, Assistant-Secretary-General for Economic Development, said that "the CDP has taken upon itself the task to examine and draw lessons from past experiences so that we can formulate more effective, comprehensive approaches in identifying durable and equitable solutions to the development challenges the world confronts today...There is no one size fits all, no silver bullets. However, there are some common elements among those successful policies which provide important lessons for us in formulating an alternative development strategy." The briefing featured CDP members José Antonio Alonso, Giovanni Andrea Cornia, Sakiko Fukuda-Parr and José Antonio Ocampo.

• Read more about the briefing >>

• About The Committee for Development Policy >>

DPAD presents policy research notes to high-level officials in Honduras

On 30 October 2013 in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, DPAD led the final workshop and activities under its capacity development project in the country. During the workshop participants presented a final summary of the project's accomplishments in Honduras and the work produced by experts from the Central Bank of Honduras trained in the framework of the project.

• Read more about the presentation

• About the project "Strengthening Macroeconomic and Social Policy Coherence through Integrated Macro-Micro Modelling"

• About Capacity Development and Advisory Services>>

Millennium Development Goals for a More Just World

icf-south-africaRehman Sobhan, Chairman of Centre for Policy Dialogue, a prominent think tank in Bangladesh, presented a seminar on "Designing Millennium Development Goals for a More Just World" in New York. Prof. Sobhan, who also served as a member of Bangladesh Planning Commission and the Economics Affairs Adviser (Minister) to the Caretaker Government in 1991, drew upon his extensive research into the issues of poverty and inequality and his policy experience. In particular, he referred to ideas and suggestions that he had put forward in his recent book Challenging the Injustice of Poverty: Agendas for Inclusive Development in South Asia (Sage 2010). He thought that, instead of looking at the symptoms of poverty and inequality, it is necessary to go into their structural causes and address them effectively. In particular, he noted the importance of redistribution of assets, increasing the share of the primary producers in the value added, giving people more stake in the productive enterprises, improvement in the access to quality education and health care, democratization of governance, and establishment of a more just global order. He thought that the discussion of post-2015 goals should take up all these issues for consideration. The seminar was organized by the Development Policy and Strategy Analysis Unit of DPAD/DESA as part of the Development Policy Seminar Series.

DPAD presents policy research notes to high-level officials in Uganda

On 16 October 2013 in Kampala, Uganda, DPAD led the presentation of the final of policy research papers prepared under its capacity development activities in Uganda. DPAD also participated in the launch of the country's MDG report and held meetings with high level policy officials on future collaboration in preparing the Second National Development Plan.

• Read more about the presentation

• About the project "Strengthening Macroeconomic and Social Policy Coherence through Integrated Macro-Micro Modelling"

• About Capacity Development and Advisory Services>>

UN/DESA Expert Group Meeting on the World Economy (Project LINK)

icf-south-africa DESA/DPAD, in collaboration with the Project LINK Research Center of the University of Toronto, held its annual Expert Group Meeting on the World Economy (Project LINK conference) from October 21 to 23 in New York.

The conference was attended by some 80 experts from about 60 countries and several international agencies, including the IMF, World Bank, ILO and OECD, as well as representatives from the UN regional commissions and the UNCTAD. The conference covered three major themes: (1) the economic outlook for the world and regions; (2) international economic and policy issues; and (3) econometric modeling techniques.

• Click here for the presentations

Global Economic Outlook

More than five years after the global financial crisis erupted, the world economy has not fully recovered. Most developed economies are still toiling up a bumpy path. A number of emerging economies, which have already experienced a notable slowdown in the past two years, are facing more headwinds in the international economic environment. Meanwhile, the least developed countries have seen a decline in international official development aid. Read the full report of the LINK Global Economic Outlook 2014-2015.

International capital flows and financialisation of the South African economy

The Development Policy and Analysis Division (DPAD) joined hands with the Economic Development Department  (EDD) of South Africa to organize a high-level policy workshop on the International Capital Flows and Financialisation of the South African Economy: Policy Options for Stimulating Employment-driven New Growth Path in Pretoria, South Africa on 3-4 October 2013. Ms. Shamshad Akhtar, Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development, delivered the keynote address at the workshop. Taking into account the persistently high level of unemployment (around 24%) and income inequality (Gini coefficient of 0.69) confronting South Africa, Ms. Akhtar underscored that the Government needed to rely on an appropriate set of capital market and macro-prudential regulations, prudent macroeconomic management, and structural reforms to optimize the benefits of private capital flows and promote long-term investment in the productive sector.

icf-south-africaMinister of Economic Development Embrahim Patel (at right) thanked the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA) for playing a “catalytic role” in bringing together all stakeholders in South Africa to discuss these critical policy challenges. He expressed his optimism that UN/DESA would continue to support the capacity development efforts of EDD for evidence-based research and policy analysis.

The policy dialogue brought together a group of Ministers, including Rob Davies, Minister for Trade and Industries; Thembelani Nxesi, Minister for Public Works; and Jeremy Cronin, Deputy Minister for Public Works. The workshop also included 60 senior officials from various economic ministries, including the National Treasury and the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) as well as 18 central bankers and finance officials from the Republic of Korea, Chile, India, Swaziland, Lesotho, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Indonesia.

WESP Weekly Highlights

Inequality and Gresham's Law: Does the bad drive out the good?

Jan Vandemoortele, former Director of the UNDP Poverty Group and UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator to Pakistan, presented his paper on "Inequality and Gresham's Law: Does the bad drive out the good?" in an open forum organized by DPAD/DESA today. Using a combination of research and philosophy, Vandemoortele makes a compelling case that "bad inequalities drive out good inequalities in that high inequalities of outcomes make equality of opportunity virtually impossible". He concluded by suggesting that the objective of decreasing inequalities should be reflected in the post 2015 UN development agenda and he reflected on various ways in which it could be formulated: as a goal in its own right; through the formulation of targets; or by adjusting monitoring indicators to reflect inequalities.

• Paper

• Presentation

DPAD presents final notes to high-level officials in Nicaragua

On 10-13 September 2013 in Managua, DPAD lead the presentation of two policy research papers and three policy notes produced by government experts trained in the framework of the project, and worked to fine-tune policy simulations. The results were presented to 150 experts at the Central Bank, and to 30 experts from different government institutions at the Ministry of Finance. DPAD also held meetings with high level policy officials on the impact of the policy notes will have on informing policy makers and follow-up activities. This marks the successful completion of activities conducted in Nicaragua under the project "Strengthening Macroeconomic and Social Policy Coherence through Integrated Macro-Micro Modelling".

• Read more about the presentation

• About the project "Strengthening Macroeconomic and Social Policy Coherence through Integrated Macro-Micro Modelling"

• About Capacity Development and Advisory Services>>

DPAD completes training in Bolivia

On 27 August 2013 in La Paz, Bolivia, DESA/DPAD staff held a working meeting and took part in the final workshop to discuss policy notes to be presented to government officials. The notes reported simulation results and recommendations by government experts from UDAPE and the Central Bank of Bolivia covering three areas of analysis: economic growth and financing scenarios for MDG achievement by and post 2015, the impact of remittances on economic growth and poverty, and the impact of food price crises on food security and poverty. This marked the successful completion of training activities in Bolivia, but DESA/DPAD will continue to provide technical backstopping to the participating institutions if needed to ensure the sustainability of capacities.

• Read more about the workshop

• About the project "Strengthening Macroeconomic and Social Policy Coherence through Integrated Macro-Micro Modelling"

• About Capacity Development and Advisory Services>>

DPAD completes training in the Philippines

On 21-22 August 2013 in Manila, Philippines, DESA/DPAD staff held a working meeting and took part in the final workshop to discuss the results of policy simulations. These results will form the basis for policy notes on issues ranging from financing scenarios for MDG achievement, impact of social programmes, agricultural price shocks, and others. This marked the successful completion of training activities in the Philippines, but DESA/DPAD will continue to provide technical backstopping to the participating institutions if needed to ensure the sustainability of capacities.

• Read more about the meeting and workshop

• About the project "Strengthening Macroeconomic and Social Policy Coherence through Integrated Macro-Micro Modelling"

• About Capacity Development and Advisory Services>>

The Challenge We Face

"All partners must deliver on commitments – on official development assistance, climate finance and domestic resource mobilization...For all our efforts, we will need one thing above all: a renewed and stronger global partnership – and we are here today to help advance that effort for one and all". Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

The MDG Gap Task Force Report 2013: The Challenge We Face, launched today in New York, reports that while there are advances in increasing access to new technologies and some essential medicines, in achieving greater duty-free access for exports from developing countries, and in completing the debt relief initiatives, the international community is not fully delivering on many of its commitments. For the first time since 1997, official development assistance fell for a second year in a row; negotiations to reach an agreement on a development-oriented multilateral trade are stalled; more developing countries are in need of debt restructuring; and essential medicines are still unaffordable and insufficiently available in many countries.

A renewed global partnership for development

DPAD completes training in Costa Rica

On 8-9 August 2013 in San José, DESA/DPAD staff conducted a hands-on refresher on modelling methodologies for members of the Forecasting Unit of the Ministry of Planning, marking the successful completion of the project in Costa Rica. The Chief of the Forecasting Unit, Mr. Mario Robles, expressed his and the Minister's gratitude for DESA/DPAD's support and the accomplishments of the project. DESA/DPAD will continue to provide technical backstopping to the Ministry and other participating institutions if needed to ensure the sustainability of capacities.

• About the project "Strengthening Macroeconomic and Social Policy Coherence through Integrated Macro-Micro Modelling"

• About Capacity Development and Advisory Services>>

WESP Weekly Highlights

Live Facebook chat on WESS 2013: Sustainable Development Challenges

The Development Strategy and Policy Analysis Unit (DSP) of DESA-DPAD organised a live Facebook chat on the World Economic and Social Survey 2013 which focuses on Sustainable Development Challenges. DSP wishes to use the social media to reach out to interested audiences across the globe. The chat engaged 1,364 Facebook users from all over the world and also invited comments and questions from users of Twitter. The panellists included Willem van der Geest, Chief DSP and the authors of the WESS2013.

The questions asked covered a broad range of topics, such as energy transformation, food and nutrition security, sustainable cities—directly related to WESS 2013—to population policies, the progress on the MDGs and the involvement of youth in realizing sustainable development. It was found that many young professionals from Africa, Asia and Latin America were keen to engage with the WESS authors in a discussion on the sustainable development challenges that confront their countries. Many comments proposed immediate collective action for policy makers as well as for civil society organizations.

Link to the Facebook Chat: http://on.fb.me/1dABucQ

WESP Weekly Highlights

Open Forum on Sustainable Development Challenges

In an open forum on Sustainable Development Challenges held today, Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development, Shamshad Akhtar, emphasized the need for immediate collective action to address the challenges of food security, energy transformation and sustainable cities to achieve sustainable development. Also speaking at the forum were the staff of the Development Strategy and Policy Analysis Unit of DPAD/DESA who are the lead authors of the World Economic and Social Survey 2013. The Survey contributes to the deliberations on addressing sustainable development challenges with a focus on three important cross-sectoral issues: sustainable cities, food security and energy transformation.

Sustainable Development Challenges

The World Economic and Social Survey 2013: Sustainable Development Challenges was launched today in Geneva by the Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development, Shamshad Akhtar, and the Chief of the Development Strategy and Policy Analysis Unit of DPAD, Willem Van Der Geest, during the High-level session of the Economic and Social Council. The Survey focuses on the challenges that will have to be addressed to achieve sustainable development. The UN Conference on Sustainable Development—Rio+20—set out a framework for action and follow-up. The Survey zooms in on three critical challenges – food security, energy transformation and sustainable cities.

Global Economic Outlook

Despite some improvements in global financial conditions and reduced short-term risks, the world economy continues to expand at a subdued pace. After the downturn in 2011/12, global economic activity is expected to slowly gain momentum in the second half of 2013 and 2014, but growth will continue to be well below potential and employment gains will remain weak at best. The LINK Economic Outlook June 2013 presents short-term prospects for the global economy in 2013-2014, including in-depth regional analysis as well as major global risks and policy challenges.

Sub-Saharan Africa's subprime borrowers

In an article published in Project Syndicate today, Prof. Joseph Stiglitz of Columbia University and Hamid Rashid, Senior Advisor for Macroeconomic Policy in DPAD, discuss the recent spree of sovereign bond issues by a number of sub-Saharan economies and their impact on macroeconomic stability, long-term debt sustainability and development. They conclude, "There are no easy, risk-free paths to development and prosperity. But borrowing money from international financial markets is a strategy with enormous down-side risks, and only limited upside potential – except for the banks, which take their fees up front. Sub-Saharan Africa's economies, one hopes, will not have to repeat the costly lessons that other developing countries have learned over the past three decades."

Statistics and indicators for the post-2015 development agenda

Statistics and indicators for the post-2015 development agenda

DESA/DPAD held an informal presentation of the work being done on the statistical issues to be considered in choosing a new set of indicators to follow the Millenium Development Goals. The work, which represents the collective thinking of over 50 UN entities, presents the lessons learned from the MDG process, the guiding principles and the best practices that can serve to develop the indicators for a new development agenda. The preview of the study "Statistics and Indicators for the post-2015 development agenda" was presented by Robert Johnston, consultant for DPAD/DESA, on Friday, June 21. The final version of the study will be launched at a side event during the ECOSOC High Level Session on July 4, in Geneva.

WESP Weekly Highlights

Development Policy Seminar on June 19

Dr. Eduardo Zepeda Miramontes, Intra-regional Policy Coordinator in DPAD/DESA, will present his study on "Inclusive Development Policy in India: Evaluating the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme" on Wednesday, June 19th at 3 pm in S-1518. This presentation is part of the Development Policy Seminar series sponsored by the Development Strategy and Policy Analysis Unit of DPAD.

Read more>>

World economic situation and prospects mid-2013

World economic situation and prospects mid-2013

The World economic situation and prospects as of mid-2013 was launched today by ASG for Economic Development Shamshad Akhtar, DPAD Acting Director Pingfan Hong and Economic Affairs Officer Ingo Pitterle. According to the report, global growth will remain subdued in 2013 despite improved financial conditions and reduced short-term risks.

Read more>>

A renewed global partnership for development

DPAD conducts training workshop in Honduras

On 7-10 May 2013 in Tegucigalpa, DPAD, in collaboration with UNDP-Honduras provided practical training for government experts in the use of modeling tools needed for development policy analysis and methods for assessing human development strategies aimed at achieving the Millennium Development Goals.

• About the Workshop>>

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Inter-temporal macroeconomic trade-offs and payoffs of human development strategies

Marco V. Sánchez, Economic Affairs Officer in the Development Strategy and Policy Analysis Unit of DPAD, presented a background paper, co-written with Martin Cicowiez, at the Development Policy Seminar held on April 23. The presentation focused on the drivers of potential, medium- to long-run economic gains from past human development investments in pursuance of the MDGs. These gains have been quantified through policy analyses, drawing on a computable general equilibrium model for four developing countries: Bolivia, Costa Rica, Uganda and Yemen.

A renewed global partnership for developmentA renewed global partnership for development

The global partnership for development, as crystallized in Millennium Development Goal 8, has played a crucial role in galvanizing international support for development. Given the global challenges at hand there is an urgent need for true collective action from all countries to create an enabling environment for development at all levels. A renewed global partnership for development, which is broader in scope and deeper than the current one, is needed to underpin any post-2015 development agenda.

Read the latest report of the UN System Task Team on the Post-2015 UN Development Agenda which provides a set of recommendations on the global partnership for development in the post-2015 era.

WESP experts

The Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development, Ms. Shamshad Akhtar, presented the World Economic Situation and Prospects 2013 (WESP) report in a briefing to a meeting of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) today in New York. The report outlines the state of the world economy, the issues that are restraining global growth and the policy challenges that will need to be overcome to move towards a sustainable growth path. The session was chaired by the President of the Council, His Excellency Néstor Osorio (Colombia), and was well received by the representatives of the member states.

Development Policy Seminar Series

“Will the Poor be ‘Always With Us’? Global Growth, Distribution and the Prospects for Poverty Eradication in a Carbon-Constrained World” presented by David Woodward on Tuesday, 19 February 2013, 10.30 to 12:30 a.m. 27th floor Conference Room in the Secretariat building (S-2725BR). David Woodward is currently an independent writer and researcher, based in the Netherlands.

DPAD conducts final training workshop in Nicaragua

On 22-25 January 2013 in Managua, DPAD provided practical training for government experts on the use of modelling tools needed to evaluate policies and strategies, including spending and financing options for attaining the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and the effect of external shocks on the economy and the MDGs. The workshop is the latest in a series of activities conducted in Nicaragua under the project "Strengthening Macroeconomic and Social Policy Coherence through Integrated Macro-Micro Modelling".

DPAD presents results of training in Costa Rica

DPAD presents results of training in Costa Rica

On 28 January 2013 in San José, members of Costa Rica's technical national team participating in capacity development activities presented policy notes to government officials of that country. The notes present assessments of policy issues of national relevance and are the result of the activities led by DESA/DPAD, UNDP and the Ministry of Planning and Economic Policy of Costa Rica. The notes will be released as part of a single official policy bulletin of the Government in the coming weeks.

Realizing the Future We Want For All: Report to the Secretary-General

Working group on the global partnership for development beyond 2015

Members of the UN System Task Team on the Post-2015 UN Development Agenda published a set of think pieces on the global partnership for development beyond 2015. The pieces focus on a series of specific themes relevant to renewing global partnerships post-2015 and lessons learned from MDG8.

DPAD conducts training workshop and technical meetings in Ecuador

On 15-18 January 2013 in Quito, DPAD and UNDP-Ecuador provided practical training for government experts in the use of modelling tools needed for development policy analysis and methods for assessing human development strategies aimed at achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The workshop was followed by technical meetings to identify ongoing data requirements and to address methodological issues.

WESP expertsThe Global Economic Monitoring (GEM) Unit of the Development Policy and Analysis Division held a Brown Bag lunch discussion today to share the major findings and policy recommendations presented in the recently published World Economic Situation and Prospects 2013. The panel was led by Pingfan Hong, Chief of GEM unit, and included Economic Affairs Officers Grigor Agabekian, Clive Altshuler, Hung-yi Li, Ingo Pitterle and John Winkel. Ms. Shari Spiegel, Chief of the Development Finance and External Debt Unit of the Financing for Development Office, contributed to the discussion on international finance for development.

World Economic Situation and ProspectsWESP 2013

The World Economic Situation and Prospects 2013 (WESP) is being launched today in cities across the globe: Addis Ababa, Bangkok, Beirut, Geneva, Mexico City, New Delhi; and on January 22nd in Moscow. The definitive report of the United Nations on the state of the world economy, the WESP is a joint publication of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the five UN Regional Commissions. The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) contributed to a section on the global tourism outlook.

DPAD makes presentation to the President of Costa Rica

On 15 January, 2013 in San José, DESA/DPAD representative Marco V. Sanchez-Cantillo briefed the President of Costa Rica, Her Excellency Ms. Laura Chinchilla, and the Council of Ministers of the Government of Costa Rica on the implementation of the capacity development activities and on the main findings of the UN-DESA assessment of strategies to achieve the MDGs in Costa Rica.

DPAD presents the Minister of Costa Rica the findings of the project

On 17 December, 2012, UN-DESA staff presented the Minister of Planning and Economic Policy (MIDEPLAN) of Costa Rica, Mr. Roberto Gallardo, in San Jose, the main findings of UN-DESA's assessment of strategies to achieve the MDGs in Costa Rica. The presentation has followed the final training workshop held on 10-14 December, 2012.

Honduras expert team acquires expertise in Social Accounting Matrix building

In the continuous effort to develop capacities of the government experts of Honduras, DPAD has provided an expertise in building a Social Accounting Matrix to the expert team from the Central Bank of Honduras as part of the project "Strengthening Macroeconomic and Social Policy Coherence through Integrated Macro-Micro Modelling".

The Global Economic Outlook

WESP 2013

Join the Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development Shamshad Akhtar and DPAD Director Rob Vos as they launch the Global Economic Outlook, Chapter 1 of the World Economic Situation and Prospects 2013, on Tuesday, 18 December at the DHL Auditorium at 11.00 am.

DPAD conducts training workshop and technical meetings in Honduras

On 10-12 December 2012 in Tegucigalpa, DPAD and UNDP-Honduras provided practical training for government experts on the use of statistical tools needed to estimate the impact of socio-economic and policy factors on Millennium Development Goals. DPAD also met with Honduran technical experts to coordinate future work.

Working meetings and training sessions are held in San José

On 28 November 2012, DPAD, MIDEPLAN and UNDP Costa Rica held working meetings and training sessions with the Government representatives of Costa Rica to discuss the progress of the capacity development activities and support the on-going work on simulation analysis.

Towards a sustainable social model: implications for the post-2015 agenda

Towards a sustainable social model seminar

Dr. Nazrul Islam, DPAD Senior Economics Affairs Officer, presented "Towards a sustainable social model: implications for the post-2015 agenda" today as part of the Development Policy Seminar Series hosted by the Development Strategy and Policy Analysis Unit of DPAD.

Towards a sustainable social model: implications for the post-2015 agenda

Join Dr. Nazrul Islam, DPAD Senior Economics Affairs Officer, as he presents "Towards a sustainable social model: implications for the post-2015 agenda" on Thursday, 6 December, 3 to 5 pm at S-2724 as part of the Development Policy Seminar Series hosted by the Development Strategy and Policy Analysis Unit of DPAD.

A Systemic Approach to Sustainable Development Strategies and Food Security

In order to achieve sustainable development, a good understanding of the interactions between economic, social and environmental factors is critical. In a Development Policy Seminar organized by DPAD, Dr. John Shilling of the Millennium Institute presented the Threshold 21 Model, a systemic approach to understanding these interactions and feedback loops. Scenario analysis based on the Threshold 21 model can be used to better understand the economic, social and environmental impacts of changing food consumption patterns, which is of interest for the Division's work on the post-2015 development agenda.

Keeping the momentum beyond 2015

"We hope to bring views from all corners of the world together because what we are striving for is an agenda that will take us to a shared, secure and sustainable global development for all, our generation and all future ones".
— Rob Vos

UN System Task Team on the Post-2015 UN Development Agenda

More than 900 participants took part in a live Facebook chat on "Keeping the momentum beyond 2015: Moving forward towards a new global development agenda". Panelists from the UN System Task Team on the Post-2015 Development Agenda included DPAD Director Rob Vos with DPAD colleagues Diana Alarcon and Sabrina Axster, Fred Soltau from the Division for Sustainable Development and Jose Dallo and Gina Lucarelli from the UNDP Bureau of Development Policy. The live chat was jointly organized by DESA and UNDP to engage various stakeholders in the preparations for a global development agenda beyond 2015 that can build on the progress of the MDGs and meet the new challenges ahead.

Training workshop and technical meetings took place in Jordan

DPAD and the Government of Jordan jointly organized practical training on November 12-14 for fifteen government experts on the use of modelling tools needed to evaluate MDG financing strategies, other public policies, and external shocks. The training was followed by technical coordination meetings with counterparts at the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation of Jordan. The workshop is the latest in a series of activities conducted under the project "Strengthening Macroeconomic and Social Policy Coherence through Integrated Macro-Micro Modelling".

Keeping the momentum beyond 2015

Join DPAD Director Rob Vos and a panel of UN experts on Tuesday, November 27 from 9 to 11 am EST (2-4 pm GMT) for a live Facebook chat on how the world community can keep moving forward towards a new global development agenda. Post your questions on Facebook or on Twitter using #beyond2015.

Tax cooperation could yield $200 billion for development

Improved international tax cooperation could yield up to $200 billion annually for developing countries, almost double the amount of development assistance currently provided to them. A background paper by Prof. Valpy FitzGerald, commissioned in preparation for the World Economic and Social Survey 2012: In Search of New Development Finance, argues that changes to the existing international tax structures, which allow citizens and firms of developing countries to evade taxes on a staggering scale, could starkly reduce their aid dependence and raise significant resources for development.

DPAD continues training in Kyrgyzstan

In Bishkek, DPAD continues to provide practical training workshops for government experts on the use of an integrated macro-micro modelling framework to evaluate policy options and the impact of external shocks on attaining the Millennium Development Goals. The trainings activities are conducted by a DPAD-trained national consultant and are attended by representatives of different institutions of Kyrgyzstan's Government. The workshops are part of the activities conducted in Kyrgyzstan under the project "Strengthening Macroeconomic and Social Policy Coherence through Integrated Macro-Micro Modelling", implemented in close collaboration with UNDP's Office in Kyrgyzstan and the Ministry of Economy and Antitrust Policy (MEAP).

Innovative Finance, 2015 and Beyond

New sources of innovative financing can play an important role in raising resources for development and the financing of global public goods post 2015. Rob Vos, Director of DPAD, highlighted this and other findings published in the World and Economic and Social Survey 2012—In search of New Development Finance in a presentation at the panel discussion "Innovative Finance, 2015 and Beyond", jointly organized by DPAD and the Missions of Cyprus, France and Mauritius.

Other panellists highlighted their country-specific experiences with innovative financing mechanisms and the positive contributions that such mechanisms have made, but also considered them in the context of much larger financing flows from other sources, such as traditional development assistance and foreign direct investment.

DPAD representatives demonstrate policy tool to 150 experts in Nicaragua

On 26 October in Managua, at the request of the President of Nicaragua's Central Bank, DPAD presented the integrated macro-micro modelling framework to the entire Economic Division of the Central Bank of Nicaragua. The framework is needed to conduct development policy analysis and assess human development strategies to attain the Millennium Development Goals. The presentation was followed by a lively Question and Answer session.

DPAD representatives will hold high level meetings to discuss technical advisory efforts

On 25 October in Managua, DPAD met with high level representatives of the Government of Nicaragua and of the UNDP country office to brief officials on the ongoing training efforts, and to ensure close coordination with the project organizers and the country stakeholders. The meetings were attended by Mr. Alberto Guevara (President of the Central Bank), Mr. Ovidio Reyes (Chief of Research, Ministry of Finance), Mr. Francisco Abea (Chief Tax Official, Minister of Finance), Mr. Pablo Mandeville (UNDP Resident Representative), and Mr. Benigno Rodríguez (UNDP Deputy Resident Representative). High level meetings were also held with representatives from UNICEF and the Inter-American Development Bank to inform them about DPAD's capacity development activities and exchange ideas on future collaborations.

DPAD conducts training workshop and technical meetings in Nicaragua

On 23-26 October 2012 in Managua, DPAD provided practical training for government experts on the use of modelling tools needed to evaluate policies and strategies to attain the Millennium Development Goals. The training workshop was followed by technical coordination meetings with counterparts in the Nicaraguan government. The activities were jointly organized by DPAD, the UNDP Office in Nicaragua, and the Government of Nicaragua. The workshop is the latest in a series of activities conducted in Nicaragua under the project "Strengthening Macroeconomic and Social Policy Coherence through Integrated Macro-Micro Modelling".

Global Economic Outlook

LINK Global Economic Outlook

Four years after the eruption of the global financial crisis, the world economy is still in a precarious situation. Growth has weakened considerably during 2012 and the prospects for the next two years continue to be challenging, fraught with a number of uncertainties and risks slanted towards the downside. Read the full report of the LINK Global Economic Outlook 2012-2013.

Joint Meeting of the Second Committee and the ECOSOC on the Global Economic Outlook

"The global economy is still in a very precarious situation and the outlook is most sobering". Robert Vos, Director of the Development Policy and Analysis Division of UN/DESA, presented the Global Economic Outlook at a special joint Second Committee and ECOSOC meeting in New York today and outlined three key messages on the current global economic situation:

  • First, the weaknesses in the major developed countries continue to be at the root of these global economic woes. Most of these countries, particularly in Europe, are dragged in a vicious downward spiral, where heightened sovereign risks, continued banking fragility, fiscal austerity measures, slower growth and rising unemployment are feeding into each other.
  • Second, the risks and uncertainties are slanted to the downside. Immediate risks are the further deepening of the euro crisis and the continued budget policy impasse in the United States that could lead to a renewed global recession. Many emerging economies could also face the risk of a hard landing after having grown very fast in the last decade.
  • Finally, although there have been major efforts to break out of this vicious cycle, particularly with an emphasis on monetary expansion and structural reforms, the effects have been muted at best. The UN/LINK Global Economic Outlook proposes a different and more comprehensive policy approach, moving away from the current emphasis on fiscal austerity to focus more on short- and long-term measures to stimulate jobs growth, including by investing in green growth, accelerate financial sector reforms, and better coordination of fiscal and monetary policies at the national and international levels.

A full webcast of the meeting is available from UNTV

Support Measures Portal for LDCs

Launch of the redesigned version of the Support Measures Portal for Least Developed Countries

The new interactive platform compiles and catalogues information about LDC-specific international support measures provided by development partners. It allows users to learn about what the measures are, who the main suppliers are, and how they can access to these resources. Users can also participate in discussions, make comments, present views, ask questions and highlight their own experience.

Twenty Philippines government officials participated in the workshop organized by DPAD

DPAD launched a capacity development project in the Philippines on 2-3 October 2012 in Manila. During the inception workshop, DPAD's technical team discussed the objectives of the project with government officials and described the integrated macro-micro modelling framework to workshop participants. The activities were jointly organized by DPAD and the Philippines Government.

Making rhetoric a reality

"Do not place the burden of fiscal austerity on the backs of the poor," Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged the international community, as he launched the MDG Gap Task Force Report 2012 in New York today . The Report gives specific, concrete recommendations on how to strengthen MDG 8, the Global Partnership for Development, which has experienced significant backsliding in various areas including official development assistance, trade protectionism and debt sustainability.

DPAD conducts training workshop in Uganda

On 11-14 September 2012 in Kampala, DPAD provided intensive practical training for government experts on the use of an integrated macro-micro modelling framework to assess and maximize the use of support measures and human development strategies. The activities were jointly organized by DPAD, the UNDP Office in Uganda, and the Government of Uganda. The workshop is the latest in a series of activities conducted in Uganda under the project "Strengthening Macroeconomic and Social Policy Coherence through Integrated Macro-Micro Modelling".

World Economic and Social Survey 2012: In Search of Development Finance

The Secretary-General will launch the MDG Gap Task Force Report 2012 : The Global Partnership for Development—Making Rhetoric a Reality on 20 September 2012 at 11:30 am at the Dag Hammarskjöld Auditorium. This year's report depicts a more somber picture of the global partnership for development, which has suffered backsliding in various areas such as official development assistance, trade protectionism and debt sustainability.

DPAD conducts training workshop and technical meetings in Ecuador

On 28-30 August 2012 in Quito, DPAD conducted training to introduce government officials to modelling tools needed to evaluate human development strategies and how these can be influenced by economic shocks. It was followed by two days of technical coordination meetings.

World Economic and Social Survey 2012: In Search of Development Finance

WESS on e-books

The World Economic and Social Survey 2012:
In Search of New Development Finance is now available as an e-book on iBooks, Kindle and Nook.

Government officials in Bolivia received practical training on modelling tools for use in policymaking

On 24-27 July 2012 in La Paz, Bolivia, DPAD provided intensive practical training for Government experts on the use of the modelling tools adapted to evaluate the impact of external shocks on attaining the Millennium Development Goals, among other objectives. The activities were jointly organized by DPAD, the UNDP Office in Bolivia, and UDAPE (a technical unit of the Ministry of Development Planning of Bolivia). The workshop is the latest in a series of activities conducted in Bolivia under the project "Strengthening Macroeconomic and Social Policy Coherence through Integrated Macro-Micro Modelling".

Training workshop for government officials in Bolivia

A workshop on "Strengthening Macroeconomic and Social Policy Coherence through Integrated Macro-Micro Modelling" will be held on 24-27 July 2012 in La Paz, Bolivia. Jointly organized by UDAPE (i.e, a technical unit of the Ministry of Development Planning of Bolivia), UNDP and UN-DESA, this workshop will provide intensive practical training on the use of the modelling methodologies needed to evaluate the impact of external shocks on attaining the Millennium Development Goals, and other policies.

Government officials in Honduras received an introduction on modelling tools for use in policymaking

On 10 and 11 July 2012 in Tegucigalpa, DPAD conducted a workshop to introduce government officials to modelling tools needed to evaluate the impact of external shocks on attaining the Millennium Development Goals. The activities were jointly organized by DAPD, UNDP and the Central Bank of Honduras.

Training workshop for the government officials in Honduras

The workshop on "Strengthening Macroeconomic and Social Policy Coherence through Integrated Macro-Micro Modelling" will be held on 10 and 11 July 2012 in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Jointly organized by DPAD, UNDP and the Government of Honduras, this workshop will provide training on the use of the modelling methodologies needed to evaluate the impact of external shocks on attaining the Millennium Development Goals.

World Economic and Social Survey 2012: In Search of Development Finance

In search of new development finance

The World Economic and Social Survey 2012 was launched today in New York. The need for additional and more predictable financing has led to a search for new sources – not as a substitute for aid, but as a complement to it. A number of innovative initiatives have been launched during the past decade, mainly to fund global health programmes aimed at providing immunizations, AIDS and tuberculosis treatments to millions of people in the developing world. WESS 2012 finds that while these initiatives have successfully used new methods to channel development financing to combat diseases, they have hardly yielded any additional funding on top of traditional development assistance.

Realizing the Future We Want For All: Report to the Secretary-General

Realizing the Future We Want for All

The report: Realizing the Future We Want for All contains the main findings and recommendations of the UN System Task Team on the post-2015 UN Development Agenda to the UN Secretary-General. This report is to serve as a first reference for the broader consultations on the post-2015 UN development agenda which are currently taking place.

Monthly Briefing #44

Global health funds should be consolidated

A new policy brief on global health funds argues that disease-specific vertical health funds should be consolidated into a single global health fund. While vertical funds have been purpose effective, disease-specific interventions have often been difficult to align with national health programmes, particularly in low-income countries with weak health systems. A unified global health fund would reduce the transaction costs of aid and could improve national ownership thanks to better alignment with national priorities.

Policymakers in Costa Rica received the second intensive technical training on integrated macro-micro modelling

A training workshop on "Strengthening Macroeconomic and Social Policy Coherence through Integrated Macro-Micro Modelling" was conducted by DPAD on 28 May – 1 June 2012 in San-Jose, Costa Rica.

Climate Protection and Development

Required reading for Rio+20

Climate Protection and Development
edited by Rob Vos, Richard Kozul-Wright
and Frank Ackerman

The climate and development crises will be solved together, or not at all. And the faster we begin, the less painful—and more possible—the solutions will be. Writing about climate change often falls into one of two opposite traps, both of which this book avoids. This is not a story of gloom and doom, of inevitable climate catastrophe. On the contrary, it spells out, in more detail than usual, what can and should be done to avert the real risks of disaster. But neither is it a story of complacent congratulations for "win-win" initiatives, cautiously incremental steps, and "green" consumer choices. It summons us to an endeavour worthy of the resources and ingenuity of the twenty-first century, to bold initiatives with big costs—and much bigger benefits. The book presents an abridged version of the research undertaken for the World Economic and Social Survey 2009: Promoting Development, Saving the Planet.

Global growth forecast to remain tepid; most regions expanding at below-potential pace

Global Economic Outlook June 2012

The Highlights of the Global Economic Outlook June 2012

  • Developed countries struggle to overcome vicious cycle
  • Growth in developing countries moderating
  • Euro area crisis poses biggest downside risk

Darkening skies over the world economy

World economic situation and prospects mid-2012 launch

The World economic situation and prospects as of mid-2012 was launched today in New York by Assistant Secretary-General Jomo Kwame Sundaram and DPAD Director Rob Vos. The report notes that the global economic situation is challenging, with heightened risks of a severe downturn. Global growth will likely remain tepid for the rest of the year as most regions are projected to expand at a below-potential pace. The euro area debt crisis continues to be the biggest threat to the world economy. The report calls for a shift away from self-defeating fiscal austerity and towards a renewed stimulus that directly supports job creation and green growth.

Tracking Support for the Millenium Development Goals

Tracking support for the MDGs

The Secretary-General launched today the website of the Integrated Implementation Framework (IIF): "Tracking Support for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)" at an informal meeting of the General Assembly. The site will provide searchable information of the progress on commitments made towards the achievement of the MDGs, tracked by the MDG Gap Task Force. The website will serve as a one-stop resource for policymakers, academics, researchers and civil society interested in what governments and the international community have done and are doing in support of the achievement of the MDGs by 2015. With less than three years left before the target year, the site will provide a reality check for all those involved and will hopefully assist in identifying remaining gaps.

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