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IMF lines up behind Treasury on Brexit costs

The managing director of the IMF has laid out a long list of concerns. They won’t be a surprise to the Treasury.

17 September 2018
Kamal Ahmed Economics editor

Can Labour's shares giveaway work?

John McDonnell's plans for business: Worker engagement or smash and grab?

24 September 2018
Simon Jack Business editor

How China is fighting back in the trade war

Businesses in China remain defiant in the face of escalating trade threats from the United States.

24 September 2018
Karishma Vaswani Asia business correspondent

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Index Value Change
FTSE 100 7,461.69 -0.38%
Dow Jones 26,633.68 -0.41%
Nasdaq 7,957.72 -0.37%
Nikkei 225 23,869.93 +0.82%
15 minute delay. Last updated 15:37

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