

  1. The 52 Places Traveler

    CreditJada Yuan/The New York Times

    The 52 Places Traveler: Finding the Real Prague

    Getting to know Prague beyond its tourist veneer took effort, insider tips and luck. But by the time I left, I had glimpsed a tiny slice of the creativity and cultural pride that courses through the city.

  2. Footsteps

    CreditAndy Haslam for The New York Times

    Ireland’s Aran Islands, Hiding in Plain Sight

    Just as in the days of J.M. Synge, who wrote his celebrated plays there, the Arans can feel like a place lost in time.

  1. Photo
    CreditWard Sutton

    8 Ways to Make Your Flight Better

    From scoring the best seat assignment to zipping past security lines: how to make air travel more tolerable.

The 52 Places Traveler

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  1. The 52 Places Traveler


    The 52 Places Traveler: A Pilgrimage to Ypres

    In this small city in Belgium, the remembrance of World War I — and all the soldiers who lost their lives there — is ritualized and steadfast.


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  1. Surfacing


    Where Fairies Are Real. (Just Squint.)

    Living among us are hundreds of fairy gardeners, who maintain a sense of childlike wonder and whimsy by embracing miniature gardening with fairies, gnomes and other mythical figurines.



    They’ve ‘Seen Things’

    A group in Los Angeles has attracted U.F.O. enthusiasts from all over the world. They’ve formed together around the common question: What are these things in the sky, exactly, and how can they know more about them?

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