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Articles Tagged ‘Human rights’

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Whatcott arrested for pride parade antics

Whatcott arrested for pride parade antics

Bill Whatcott and others infiltrated the 2016 Toronto Pride parade to distribute pamphlets describing the dangers of homosexual activity. Christian activist Bill Whatcott, 51, of Leduc, Alberta, surrendered himself to the Calgary policy on June 22, following the Toronto Police Service issuing a Canada-wide arrest warrant for charges related to hate-crime complaints. In ... (Continue reading)

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Canadian Supreme Court evicerates religious rights

Law Matters John Carpay You know a court ruling is bad when judges deliberately ignore the evidence placed before them. But reality was brushed aside in the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision to repudiate, nullify, and revoke the fundamental Charterfreedoms of Trinity Western University (TWU), its staff, and its students. According to the justices, Charter-protected freedom of religion was narrowed only to what a religion “absolutely requires,” not ... (Continue reading)

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Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey and thinking about the future

Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey and thinking about the future

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the release of Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, a film widely regarded as one of the best and most important in the history of cinema. I’m not here to dispute this judgment – I’m a big fan of the film, and have been since my brother-in-law took me to see a road show screening during its 10th anniversary. ... (Continue reading)

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Eric McLuhan, scholar and pro-lifer, RIP

Eric McLuhan, scholar and pro-lifer, RIP

Eric McLuhan was one of The Interim's first columnists Eric McLuhan, son of the famous Marshall McLuhan, was a renowned scholar of media in his own right, and used his expertise to help the pro-life cause. Eric McLuhan, a former columnist for The Interimand popular pro-life speaker, passed away May 18 in Bogota, Colombia, where he had just delivered the inaugural speech ... (Continue reading)

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Attestation fallout continues

Attestation fallout continues

Poll finds policy ‘unfair,’ critics call it totalitarian Andrew Bennett, head of the Cardus Religious Freedom Institute, called the Trudeau abortion attestation 'totalitarian'. Canadian MPs have approved grants to employ summer students and youth are settling into their summer jobs, but the pro-abortion attestation requirement imposed on small businesses, charities, and organizations that apply for ... (Continue reading)

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Feds ban ‘Mr.,’ ‘Mrs.,’ ‘mother,’ ‘father’ to be more inclusive

Radio Canada, the French-language arm of the CBC, reported that Canadian government employees who talk directly to users of government services can no longer refer to those citizens as “sir,” “madam,” or any other gender-specific term while doing so, and must eschew terms like mother or father also. The documents also reveal that “father” and “mother” have been removed from the Social Insurance Number application form. Service Canada’s front-line staff must “use gender-neutral language or gender-inclusive language” to avoid “portraying a perceived ... (Continue reading)

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Root out white nationalism within our ranks

Talk Turkey Josie Luetke On March 20, 2017, famed white supremacist Richard Spencer declared, “We should recognize that the pro-life movement – this is not the alt-right, this has nothing in common with identitarians … Pro-lifers want to be radically dysgenic, egalitarian, multi-racial human rights thumpers – and they’re not us.” In response, I commented on my Facebook wall, “Well, thanks! I never expected to be so sincerely ... (Continue reading)

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Political fallout over summer jobs attestation

Political fallout over  summer jobs attestation

On March 19, the Liberals and NDP teamed up to defeat a Conservative motion to drop the Canada Summer Jobs attestation – which requires small businesses and charities to attest to their support of abortion and same-sex “marriage” to qualify for subsidies for summer student employment – for organizations that are not involved in political advocacy. It was a bit of political gamesmanship designed to embarrass the government, ... (Continue reading)

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British hospitals, courts conspire against life of infant

British hospitals, courts conspire against life of infant

Alfie Evans, the British infant at the centre of a battle between doctors and his parents about how to proceed with medical care. A year after British infant Charlie Gard captured international attention over a battle between his parents and the hospital over continuing care to allow their ... (Continue reading)

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Parliament defeats Conservative motion on abortion attestation

Parliament defeats Conservative motion on abortion attestation

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau remains steadfast in enforcing his ideological litmus test for recipients of summer student subsidies. The House of Commons defeated a Conservative Party motion to exempt certain groups from the government’s Summer Jobs program attestation which requires employers to attest that they support so-called Charter rights like abortion and same-sex ... (Continue reading)

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The Gospel of Jordan Peterson

The Gospel of Jordan Peterson

My first glimpse of Jordan Peterson was almost a decade ago, when he appeared on TVO’s current affairs show The Agenda with Steve Paikin alongside my friend, the writer Kathy Shaidle. She was on the show arrayed against a dismal group of evangelical atheists, including then-United Church minster Gretta Vosper – the God-botherer against the God-deniers, a hard hour of media labour that might have made turning down a ... (Continue reading)

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Reaction to Trudeau’s summer jobs policy

Editor’s Note:  There was a great deal of commentary and response to Justin Trudeau’s pro-abortion, pro-LGBQT ideological litmus to receive Canada Summer Jobs program funding. Below is a sampling of reaction to the government policy.  “The language is overbroad ... it infringes the fundamental right of freedom of religion and conscience in a way that is not justifiable.” University of Saskatchewan law professor Jason MacLean “I think it’s offensive to some Canadians because it’s saying: ‘if you hold these values, you are not worthy ... (Continue reading)

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Ontario bubble zones come into force Feb. 1

Ontario bubble zones come into force Feb. 1

In December, Ontario Attorney General Yasir Navqi’s office notified Campaign Life Coalition and other pro-life groups that the Safe Access to Abortion Services Act, 2017, would come into effect on Feb. 1. The law, passed in October, establishes a minimum bubble zone prohibiting pro-life speech and assembly within 50 meters of the property of eight existing free-standing abortion facilities and 150 meters within the homes of a “protected service ... (Continue reading)

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Government maintains ideological litmus test for Summer Jobs program

Government maintains ideological litmus test for Summer Jobs program

Trudeau suggests pro-lifers out of step with society Justin Trudeau In December, the federal government announced changes to the Canada Summer Jobs program which now requires employers to sign an attestation of support for what the application process called Charter rights and underlying values, including reproductive and LGBQT rights. In January, the Trudeau government faced a backlash from religious groups and columnists who decried the violation of conscience ... (Continue reading)

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Summer jobs depend on agreeing with state religion

Summer jobs depend on agreeing with state religion

Law Matters John Carpay The fascist disease of ideological coercion continues to spread in Canada’s body politic. For a charity to receive federal government funding through the Canada Summer Jobs program, the charity must now express agreement with Canada’s state religion, including support for legal abortion, transgenderism, and LGBTQ ideology. The Canada Summer Jobs program exists to create summer employment for students, and to make it financially attractive for ... (Continue reading)

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