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Fetal Rights

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Alfie Evans dies

Alfie Evans dies

Alfie Evans died two weeks short of his second birthday after doctors detached ventilators from the infant. Alfie Evans died on April 28 at 2:30 am at the Alder Hey NHS (National Health Service) Foundation hospital, following a long-running legal ordeal between the Liverpool children’s hospital and the infant’s parents, Thomas Evans and Kate James. Numerous ... (Continue reading)

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Bill protecting pregnant mothers introduced in Parliament

Conservative MP Cathay Wagantall (Yorkton-Melville) tabled C-225, a private members bill in Parliament that would, if passed, recognize the loss of pre-born babies in crimes committed against their mothers. Wagantall, a rookie MP, calls her bill Cassie and Molly’s Law, after Cassandra Kaake, a Windsor woman murdered in 2014, and Molly, her unborn daughter who died in the womb. Matthew Brush is facing one first-degree murder charge for allegedly killing Kaake when she was seven months pregnant, but does not face ... (Continue reading)

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Why Molly Matters

Why Molly Matters

Cassandra Kaake, and her unborn baby girl Molly. On Dec. 11, 2014 Cassandra Kaake, 31, was found bludgeoned to death in her scorched Windsor home by fire fighters. She was seven months pregnant at the time of her death meaning both she and her unborn baby were killed, but only one of them was recognized by Canadian law as being a victim of ... (Continue reading)

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The moral pollution of abortion

The moral pollution of abortion

Few issues in public discourse are as prominent as concern for the climate. Celebrities, politicians, and activists preach an apocalyptic gospel of environmental repentance because there is a crisis, we are told, just slightly out of the reach of our senses. Carbon emissions and average temperature are used to substantiate fears about a looming disaster which can be felt everywhere but seen nowhere. And advocates insist that, if we ... (Continue reading)

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Mary Wagner, abortion staff testify

Mary Wagner, abortion staff testify

At her trial for mischief and failing to comply with probation order, Mary Wagner (pictured above) testified that she felt justified approaching women ... (Continue reading)

Gendercide motion deemed non-votable, mini revolt ensues

Mark Warawa did not take the decision to nix his private member’s motion condemning sex-selective abortion laying down. After the sub-committee on private member’s business deemed M-408 non-votable on March 21 claiming the House of Commons already dealt with a similar issue earlier this Parliament and that it infringed on provincial jurisdiction, the Langley, British Columbia, Conservative MP attempted to speak about his bill on the House floor but was prevented from doing so by Chief Government Whip Gordon O’Connor. It ... (Continue reading)

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Status of Women Minister urged to ‘stand up for the girl-child in the womb’

Pro-life women have urged Rona Ambrose, Minister for the Status of Women, to support M-408, a private member’s motion that condemns sex-selective abortion. Last Fall, Ambrose shocked some political observers when she joined ten of her cabinet colleagues and a majority of her caucus to support Stephen Woodworth’s private member’s motion calling for a scientific inquiry about the child in the womb. The motion was defeated and unions and feminist groups called for Ambrose’s resignation. Ambrose stated that she supported the ... (Continue reading)

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Not our right to protect one life and snuff out another

“We’re stepped out upon the world’s stage now – the fate of human dignity is in our hands.” With the words above, Steven Spielberg’s Abraham Lincoln faces his cabinet down and reminds them of the challenge facing his bleeding nation. He insists that they take a stand before the world, and fight on to abolish and criminalize slavery once and for all. Whether the real Lincoln said these exact words we will never know, but that they reflect the challenge of ... (Continue reading)

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Canadian MP ramps up campaign for motion on sex-selective abortion

Canadian MP ramps up campaign for motion on sex-selective abortion

Mark Warawa launches his campaign to have Parliament condemn gendercide during a Dec. 5 press conference. Immediately after Stephen Woodworth’s M-312 was defeated in September, Conservative MP Mark Warawa (Langley) announced he was introducing a private member’s motion condemning the practice of sex-selective abortion. The motion – which expresses the view of the House of Commons and does not affect any law – states “that the House condemn discrimination against females ... (Continue reading)

MP introduces motion condemning sex-selective abortion

MP introduces motion condemning sex-selective abortion

Mark Warawa wants Parliament to condemn gendercide. On Sept. 26, immediately following the defeat of M-312 in a House vote, Conservative MP Mark Warawa (Langley) announced he would introduce Motion 408 which condemns sex-selective abortion, which will likely come up for debate in early 2013. Warawa, an MP since 2004, introduced his motion on a topic that has garnered increased media attention over the past year, with the Society of Obstetricians ... (Continue reading)

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M-312 defeated 203-91

On Sept. 26, four Liberal MPs and more than half the Conservative caucus, including 10 members of the government, voted for M-312, Stephen Woodworth’s private member’s motion calling for a debate on the beginning of human life. Woodworth, a Conservative MP from Kitchener Centre, hoped to launch a special committee to re-examine section 223 of Canada’s Criminal Code, which stipulates that a child only becomes a human being once he or she has fully proceeded from the womb. While pro-life leaders ... (Continue reading)

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Minister of Status of Women attacked for supporting M-312

Minister of Status of Women attacked for supporting M-312

Rona Ambrose is under fire for supporting a pro-science, pro-debate motion. Feminist groups, the abortion lobby, and unions organized a campaign within minutes of Rona Ambrose’s vote for M-312. Ambrose, who said she is especially concerned with sex-selective abortion, was one of ten members of Stephen Harper’s cabinet who voted for Stephen Woodworth’s motion, but pro-abortionists singled the minister out for attack because she is the Minister of State (Status of ... (Continue reading)

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Anti-debate extremism

Watching the debate on M-312 does not inspire confidence in Canadian parliamentary democracy. Those who spoke in favour of Stephen Woodworth’s private member’s motion were eloquent in their defense of why the Criminal Code definition of human being, based on a 400-year-old law, needs to be re-examined. Sadly, the opposition MPs were hysterical in their criticism of M-312 which they believe rolls back “hard-fought” “women’s rights” on abortion. M-312 does not mention abortion, but that did not prevent the opposition MPs ... (Continue reading)

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Woodworth answers critics

When MP Stephen Woodworth addressed the Kitchener Pro-Life Forum, he was given rock-star treatment, getting a standing ovation when he was introduced. The applause was an acknowledgement of his work bringing forward for debate a private member`s bill, M-312, which if passed would require Parliament to re-examine the Criminal Code definition of human being using modern scientific evidence. Currently, Section 223 (1) of the Code says that a preborn child does not become a human being until it has fully ... (Continue reading)

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Fetal pain laws gain steam as scientific knowledge improves

On August 2, in Phoenix, Arizona, U.S. District Court Judge James Teilborg decided to uphold the ban on abortions after 20 weeks except in cases of medical emergency. The law was founded on the substantial medical evidence available that proves an unborn child can feel pain during an abortion by at least 20 weeks gestation. Other states that maintain similar fetal-pain laws include Alabama, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma. According to Americans United for Life’s Legal Guide for 2012, ... (Continue reading)

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