

  1. Frugal Traveler

    CreditEye Ubiquitous/UIG, via Getty Images

    Spoiled by Beauty and Deals on the Irish Coast

    Our columnist sets out on a road trip to take advantage of what the Irish countryside had to offer — and finds that it more than delivers on its promises.

  2. Favorite Place

    CreditDanielle Villasana for The New York Times

    My Armenia

    A poet returns to his ancestral country where, after the recent “velvet revolution,” the sense of a new era is palpable.

  3. Footsteps

    CreditTom Jamieson for The New York Times

    The Legacy De Gaulle Left in London

    In exile during the Nazi occupation of France, the great general spent three years in the British capital, a period that defined his sense of destiny.

  4. Bites

    CreditJakub Cervenka, Manifesto

    A Prague Food Market Spans the Globe

    At the Manifesto Market, set in an unlikely spot in the Czech capital, you can enjoy everything from Hawaiian poke to Czech dumplings.

  1. 36 Hours

    CreditSusan Wright for The New York Times

    36 Hours in Istria

    Truffle aficionados aren’t the only ones who will appreciate this food lover’s paradise in northern Croatia. Ancient hill towns, craggy shorelines and a rich history are only a few of the peninsula’s other attractions.

  2. Update

    CreditAndrew Urwin for The New York Times

    Another Hit for Turkish Tourism?

    Visitor numbers were rebounding this year, but with the recent crisis, this one economic, many wonder if another setback is looming.

  3. Choice Tables

    CreditDavid Azia for The New York Times

    Beyond Porridge and Boiled Mutton: A Taste of London

    A newcomer to the city’s recent flowering as a culinary destination samples restaurants from Shoreditch to the West End, and finds flavors from India, Basque Country, the Mediterranean and more.

The 52 Places Traveler

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    They’ve ‘Seen Things’

    A group in Los Angeles has attracted U.F.O. enthusiasts from all over the world. They’ve formed together around the common question: What are these things in the sky, exactly, and how can they know more about them?



    Nascar’s Future Depends on These 5-Year-Olds

    For families whose children harbor racing aspirations, quarter-midget tracks offer one of the earliest possible introductions to motor sports — leading some children to race before they can read.

Travel Tips and News

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  1. Q&A;


    Two for the Road in 80 Countries (and Counting)

    A Seattle couple near retirement in 2013 decided to globe trot full-time. So far, Michael and Debbie Campbell have visited 80 countries. The fifth anniversary of their journey in July seemed like a good time to check in.