Day 2 of the 2017 Mega Conference has begun!
The trade show floor is now open at the 2017 Mega Conference.
Live from the welcome reception at #2016megaconf

Condé Nast’s New Yorker magazine will hire its subcontracted fact-checkers and editors as direct employees, a change that comes amid ongoing contract negotiations with the magazine’s newly unionized staff.
Condé Nast’s New Yorker magazine will hire its subcontracted fact-checkers and editors as direct employees, a change that comes amid ongoing contract negotiations with the magazine’s newly unionized staff.

Tech products can encourage and amplify existing racial biases. And Stanford University psychology professor Jennifer Eberhardt says companies can take meaningful steps to reduce that effect—although it may come at a cost...
Stanford psychology professor Jennifer Eberhardt, the author of Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do, says Nextdoor reduced racial profiling by 75 percent by introducing a tiny bit of friction for users.