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This page is organized by survey, where each dataset is identified by the name of the survey, and below each dataset are links to the reports released from that data. In some cases, reports draw from multiple datasets.

Typically, survey data are released two years after the reports are issued. See this post for information on how to access and download our datasets. Pew Research Center staff are available to answer questions and to provide limited assistance in importing and analyzing the data. If you have questions about the datasets, or if the information you are interested in is more than two years old but is not here, please contact the Center.


Spring 2016 Survey Data

19-Nation survey conducted March 29 – July 9, 2016

Publications from this dataset:

February 1, 2017

What It Takes to Truly Be ‘One of Us’

In U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia and Japan, publics say language matters more to national identity than birthplace

November 14, 2016

In Key African Nations, Widespread Discontent With Economy, Corruption

But most are optimistic about future in South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya

October 31, 2016

Japanese Back Global Engagement Despite Concern About Domestic Economy

Roughly half see U.S. as a threat, majority see U.S. in decline

October 24, 2016

Even in Era of Disillusionment, Many Around the World Say Ordinary Citizens Can Influence Government

Health care, poverty, education are top motivators for political action

October 5, 2016

Chinese Public Sees More Powerful Role in World, Names U.S. as Top Threat

Domestic challenges persist: Corruption, consumer safety, pollution

September 19, 2016

India and Modi: The Honeymoon Continues

Indians remain upbeat about Modi and see India playing larger role in the world, but growing partisan take on Modi’s record

September 13, 2016

Hostile Neighbors: China vs. Japan

View each other as arrogant, violent; disagree on WWII legacy

August 9, 2016

Views on National Economies Mixed as Many Countries Continue to Struggle

Mood positive in China, India, Australia; big differences across EU

July 11, 2016

Europeans Fear Wave of Refugees Will Mean More Terrorism, Fewer Jobs

Sharp ideological divides across EU on views about minorities, diversity and national identity

June 29, 2016

As Obama Years Draw to Close, President and U.S. Seen Favorably in Europe and Asia

Few overseas confident that Trump can handle foreign policy

June 20, 2016

As Elections Near, Most Australians Trust Turnbull’s Handling of World Affairs

But many frustrated over climate change, economy and refugees

June 13, 2016

Europeans Face the World Divided

Many question national influence and obligations to allies, but share desire for greater EU role in global affairs

June 7, 2016

Euroskepticism Beyond Brexit

Significant opposition in key European countries to an ever closer EU


Spring 2015 Survey Data

40-Nation survey conducted March 25 – May 27, 2015

Publications from this dataset:

April 27, 2016

The Divide Over Islam and National Laws in the Muslim World

Varied views on whether Quran should influence laws in countries

February 22, 2016

Smartphone Ownership and Internet Usage Continues to Climb in Emerging Economies

But advanced economies still have higher rates of technology use

December 3, 2015

Wide Ideological Divides on Most Major Issues as Venezuela's Elections Near

Venezuelans not keen to embrace Maduro or Chávez’s legacy

November 18, 2015

Global Support for Principle of Free Expression, but Opposition to Some Forms of Speech

Americans Especially Likely to Embrace Individual Liberties

November 5, 2015

Global Concern about Climate Change, Broad Support for Limiting Emissions

U.S., China Less Worried; Partisan Divides in Key Countries

October 15, 2015

Deep Divisions in Turkey as Election Nears

But Turks Share Negative Views of Foreign Powers

October 6, 2015

Canadians Satisfied with U.S. Relationship

Most Have Positive View of U.S. but Disagree with Americans over Keystone Pipeline

September 24, 2015

Corruption, Pollution, Inequality Are Top Concerns in China

Many Worry about Threats to Traditions and Culture

September 17, 2015

The Modi Bounce

Indians Give Their Prime Minister and Economy High Marks, Worry about Crime, Jobs, Prices, Corruption

September 16, 2015

Health Care, Education Are Top Priorities in Sub-Saharan Africa

Most Are Optimistic about Economic Future

September 9, 2015

Americans’ Concerns about China: Economics, Cyberattacks, Human Rights Top the List

Republicans Especially Likely to See Threats from China

September 2, 2015

How Asia-Pacific Publics See Each Other and Their National Leaders

Japan Viewed Most Favorably, No Leader Enjoys Majority Support

August 27, 2015

Declining Ratings for Mexico’s Peña Nieto

Fewer Say Government Is Making Progress against Drug Cartels

August 5, 2015

Russia, Putin Held in Low Regard around the World

Russia’s Image Trails U.S. across All Regions

July 23, 2015

Global Publics: Economic Conditions Are Bad

But Positive Sentiment Rebounding in Europe, Japan, U.S.

July 21, 2015

Latin Americans Approve of U.S. Re-establishing Diplomatic Ties with Cuba

But Publics Have Mixed Views of Cuba and Little Confidence in Raul Castro

July 16, 2015

Extremism Concerns Growing in West and Predominantly Muslim Countries

Worries Especially Widespread in Western Europe and U.S.

July 14, 2015

Climate Change Seen as Top Global Threat

Americans, Europeans, Middle Easterners Focus on ISIS as Greatest Danger

July 8, 2015

A Global Middle Class Is More Promise than Reality

From 2001 to 2011, Nearly 700 Million Step Out of Poverty, but Most Only Barely

June 23, 2015

Global Publics Back U.S. on Fighting ISIS, but Are Critical of Post-9/11 Torture

Asian Nations Mostly Support TPP, Defense Pivot – but Also Value Economic Ties with China

June 18, 2015

Iran’s Global Image Mostly Negative

Israel, Arab States Share Unfavorable View of Middle East Neighbor

June 10, 2015

NATO Publics Blame Russia for Ukrainian Crisis, but Reluctant to Provide Military Aid

In Russia, Anti-Western Views and Support for Putin Surge

June 2, 2015

Faith in European Project Reviving

But Most Say Rise of Eurosceptic Parties Is a Good Thing

May 27, 2015

Spring 2015 Survey Data


Spring 2014 Global Attitudes

44-Nation survey conducted March 17 - June 5, 2014

Publications from this dataset:

April 15, 2015

Cell Phones in Africa: Communication Lifeline

Texting Most Common Activity, but Mobile Money Popular in Several Countries

March 19, 2015

Internet Seen as Positive Influence on Education but Negative on Morality in Emerging and Developing Nations

Internet Usage More Common Among the Young, Well-Educated and English Speakers

February 12, 2015

Discontent with Politics Common in Many Emerging and Developing Nations

Widespread Belief That Wealthy Have Too Much Influence

December 18, 2014

Many in Emerging and Developing Nations Disconnected from Politics

Participation Highest in Middle East

December 11, 2014

Pope Francis’ Image Positive in Much of World

Less Well-Known Outside of Latin America and Europe

November 6, 2014

Crime and Corruption Top Problems in Emerging and Developing Countries

Most National Institutions Respected, Especially Military

October 30, 2014

People in Emerging Markets Catch Up to Advanced Economies in Life Satisfaction

Asians Most Optimistic about Future, Middle Easterners the Least

October 16, 2014

Middle Easterners See Religious and Ethnic Hatred as Top Global Threat

Europeans and Americans Focus on Inequality as Greatest Danger

October 15, 2014

Tunisian Confidence in Democracy Wanes

Ratings for Islamist Ennahda Party Have Declined Since Revolution

October 9, 2014

Emerging and Developing Economies Much More Optimistic than Rich Countries about the Future

Education, Hard Work Considered Keys to Success, but Inequality Still a Challenge

September 16, 2014

Faith and Skepticism about Trade, Foreign Investment

September 9, 2014

Global Public Downbeat about Economy

Many Wary of the Future

August 27, 2014

A Less Gloomy Mood in Pakistan

Sharif Gets High Marks, while Khan’s Ratings Drop

August 26, 2014

Mexican President Peña Nieto’s Ratings Slip with Economic Reform

Fewer Mexicans Report Having Friends or Family in the U.S.

July 30, 2014

Turks Divided on Erdogan and the Country’s Direction

About Half Support Gezi Park Protests

July 14, 2014

Global Opposition to U.S. Surveillance and Drones, but Limited Harm to America’s Image

Many in Asia Worry about Conflict with China

July 9, 2014

Russia's Global Image Negative amid Crisis in Ukraine

Americans’ and Europeans’ Views Sour Dramatically

July 1, 2014

Concerns about Islamic Extremism on the Rise in Middle East

Negative Opinions of al Qaeda, Hamas and Hezbollah Widespread

June 25, 2014

Mounting Pessimism about Two-State Israeli-Palestinian Solution

June 18, 2014

Iran’s Global Image Largely Negative

Favorable Ratings Fall Further in the Middle East

June 16, 2014

Syria’s Neighbors Want Assad to Step Down, But No Appetite for Aid to Rebels

Many Fear Extremists Could Take Control of Syria

June 11, 2014

On Eve of World Cup, Brazil Well-Regarded in Much of the World

Young People Especially Positive

June 5, 2014

Spring 2014 Survey Data

June 3, 2014

Brazilian Discontent Ahead of World Cup

President Rousseff Gets Poor Marks on Key Issues

May 22, 2014

One Year after Morsi’s Ouster, Divides Persist on El-Sisi, Muslim Brotherhood

Frustration Mounts as Confidence in Democracy Wanes

May 12, 2014

A Fragile Rebound for EU Image on Eve of European Parliament Elections

EU Favorability Rises, but Majorities Say Their Voice Is Not Heard in Brussels

May 8, 2014

Despite Concerns about Governance, Ukrainians Want to Remain One Country

Many Leery of Russian Influence, as Putin Gets Boost at Home


Spring 2013 Survey Data

39-Nation Survey Conducted March 2 - May 1, 2013

Publications from this dataset:

May 1, 2014

Public Health a Major Priority in African Nations

Improving Hospitals, Dealing with HIV/AIDS are Top Issues

April 15, 2014

Global Views on Morality

Compare Values across 40 Countries

March 19, 2014

Emerging and Developing Nations Want Freedom on the Internet

Young Especially Opposed to Censorship

March 13, 2014

Worldwide, Many See Belief in God as Essential to Morality

Richer Nations Are Exception

February 13, 2014

Emerging Nations Embrace Internet, Mobile Technology

Cell Phones Nearly Ubiquitous in Many Countries

January 30, 2014

Attitudes about Aging: A Global Perspective

In a Rapidly Graying World, Japanese Are Worried, Americans Aren’t

November 8, 2013

Despite Challenges, Africans Are Optimistic about the Future

Economic Outlook More Positive in Africa than Europe or Middle East

October 24, 2013

Mexicans and Salvadorans Have Positive Picture of Life in U.S.

Widespread Concern about Drugs and Gangs at Home

October 17, 2013

Saudi Arabia’s Image Falters among Middle East Neighbors

Mixed Views of Saudi Influence, Record on Civic Freedoms

September 19, 2013

Environmental Concerns on the Rise in China

Many Also Worried about Inflation, Inequality, Corruption

September 17, 2013

UN Retains Strong Global Image

Robust Support in America, Especially among Democrats

September 12, 2013

Tunisians Disaffected with Leaders as Conditions Worsen

Doubts about Democracy; Most Support Political Role for Islam

September 10, 2013

Muslim Publics Share Concerns about Extremist Groups

Much Diminished Support for Suicide Bombing

September 3, 2013

Global Opinion of Russia Mixed

Negative Views Widespread in Mideast and Europe

July 25, 2013

As Mali Votes, Mixed Reception to French Intervention from Publics in Africa and Middle East

Most French Approve

July 18, 2013

America’s Global Image Remains More Positive than China’s

But Many See China Becoming World’s Leading Power

July 11, 2013

Japanese Public’s Mood Rebounding, Abe Highly Popular

China and South Korea Very Negative Toward Japan

June 24, 2013

Climate Change and Financial Instability Seen as Top Global Threats

June 11, 2013

Global Views of Iran Overwhelmingly Negative

Opposition Still Widespread to Tehran Obtaining Nuclear Arms

June 4, 2013

The Global Divide on Homosexuality

Greater Acceptance in More Secular and Affluent Countries

May 23, 2013

Economies of Emerging Markets Better Rated During Difficult Times

May 16, 2013

Egyptians Increasingly Glum

Not Optimistic about Economy or Certain They Are Better Off Post-Mubarak

May 13, 2013

The New Sick Man of Europe: the European Union

May 9, 2013

Despite Their Wide Differences, Many Israelis and Palestinians Want Bigger Role for Obama in Resolving Conflict

May 7, 2013

On Eve of Elections, a Dismal Public Mood in Pakistan

May 1, 2013

Spring 2013 Survey Data

May 1, 2013

Widespread Middle East Fears that Syrian Violence Will Spread

No Love for Assad, Yet No Support for Arming the Rebels

April 29, 2013

U.S. Image Rebounds in Mexico

Fewer See Better Life North of the Border, but 35% Would Migrate