Survey ReportsDecember 5, 2017

Worldwide, People Divided on Whether Life Today Is Better Than in the Past

People in Vietnam, India and South Korea are generally positive about life today in their countries compared with 50 years ago. But in many places, like Latin America, peoples’ outlooks are more negative.

Survey ReportsJune 5, 2017

Global Publics More Upbeat About the Economy

Nearly a decade after the Great Recession, economic spirits are reviving around the world. But many are pessimistic about the next generation’s financial future.

Survey ReportsOctober 15, 2015

Deep Divisions in Turkey as Election Nears

Turks are split on whether their democratic system is working, and views of Erdogan are at their lowest since 2012. But they still prefer a democratic form of government over a strong leader to guide their country.

Survey ReportsSeptember 24, 2015

Corruption, Pollution, Inequality Are Top Concerns in China

Most people in China say they are better off financially than they were five years ago. At the same time, they’re worried about corrupt officials, air and water pollution, crime and economic inequality.

Survey ReportsSeptember 17, 2015

The Modi Bounce

Indians give high marks to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and his appeal is a driving force behind their positive mood. Indians approve of the way Modi is handling a variety of issues, such as access to clean toilets, unemployment and terrorism.

Survey ReportsSeptember 16, 2015

Health Care, Education Are Top Priorities in Sub-Saharan Africa

As the United Nations prepares to ratify new global development goals, a new Pew Research Center survey finds that people in major sub-Saharan African nations are feeling more optimistic about the future than many others around the world. Having experienced relatively high rates of economic growth in recent years, African publics are more likely than […]

Survey ReportsAugust 27, 2015

Declining Ratings for Mexico’s Peña Nieto

Three years after being elected president, Mexico’s Enrique Peña Nieto is increasingly unpopular, and his ratings on specific issues, such as education, corruption and fighting drugs and crime, have dropped sharply.

Survey ReportsJuly 23, 2015

Global Publics: Economic Conditions Are Bad

Seven years after the beginning of the global financial crisis, a Pew Research Center survey of 40 nations finds that publics in fewer than half the countries have a positive view of their economy.

Survey ReportsJune 10, 2015

NATO Publics Blame Russia for Ukrainian Crisis, but Reluctant to Provide Military Aid

Publics of key NATO member nations blame Russia for the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, but few support sending arms to Ukraine. And half of Russians see NATO as a military threat, while Ukrainians favor joining NATO.

Survey ReportsJune 2, 2015

Faith in European Project Reviving

In the wake of the euro currency crisis, public support for the EU and the belief that European economic integration was good for one’s country had declined precipitously across Europe, reaching a low point in 2013. But in 2015, favorable views of the EU and faith in the efficacy of creating a single market are generally rebounding in major EU member states.

Survey ReportsFebruary 12, 2015

Discontent with Politics Common in Many Emerging and Developing Nations

People in emerging and developing countries around the world are on balance unhappy with the way their political systems are working.

Survey ReportsOctober 9, 2014

Emerging and Developing Economies Much More Optimistic than Rich Countries about the Future

As they continue to struggle with the effects of the Great Recession, most people in advanced economies are pessimistic about the financial prospects of the next generation. In contrast, emerging and developing nations are more optimistic that the next generation will have a higher standard of living.

PublicationsSeptember 9, 2014

Developing Countries Most Satisfied with Economy

Six years after the beginning of the Great Recession, amid an uneven global economic recovery, publics around the world remain glum. A global median of 60% see their country’s economy performing poorly.

Survey ReportsSeptember 9, 2014

Global Public Downbeat about Economy

Six years after the beginning of the Great Recession, amid an uneven global economic recovery, publics around the world remain glum. In most nations, people say their country is heading in the wrong direction and most voice the view that economic conditions are bad,

Survey ReportsNovember 8, 2013

Despite Challenges, Africans Are Optimistic about the Future

Survey Report Even though many in Africa continue to face serious financial adversity, their economic outlook is more positive than many others around the world, and they are hopeful about their children’s future. Overall, Africans, along with Asians and Latin Americans, tend to express more positive views about economic conditions than do Europeans and Middle […]

PublicationsMay 23, 2013

Global Econ Quiz

Test how much you know about economic attitudes in the world, based on an international survey by the Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project.

PublicationsMay 23, 2013

Widespread Dissatisfaction with Economy

Publics around the world are decidedly unhappy about their nations’ economies. However, citizens of emerging market countries are overall more pleased with their economies than are people in advanced or developing economies. A median of 53% in emerging markets say their national economy is doing well, compared with 33% in developing countries and 24% in […]

Survey ReportsMay 23, 2013

Economies of Emerging Markets Better Rated During Difficult Times

Publics around the world are decidedly unhappy about their nations’ economies. Most are displeased with current economic conditions and concerned about rising economic inequality; few are optimistic about the coming year. However, at the same time, most global publics say their personal finances are in better shape than their national economies, according to a […]

CommentaryDecember 28, 2012

What Americans Want in 2013

In 2013, downbeat domestic attitudes coupled with reticence about international engagement poses challenges for a world that still may need a strong United States.

CommentaryDecember 10, 2012

U.S.-China Economic Relations in the Wake of the U.S. Election

What does Obama’s return to the White House portend for U.S.-China economic relations? The U.S. public wants Washington to ratchet up the pressure on Beijing, but history suggests that there are geo-political constraints to doing so.