Top News

Workers Hardest Hit by Recession Are Joining in the Recovery

  • Unemployment among those without a high school diploma has declined by two-thirds since the economy’s low point, the latest jobs report shows.
  • Over all in July, employers increased payrolls by 157,000, while the unemployment rate edged downward to 3.9 percent, near the 18-year low achieved in May.


The Saturday Profile

The Italian discus thrower Daisy Osakue addressed the media outside the hospital in Turin on Monday after she was hit in the face by an egg hurled from a car. Credit Alessandro Di Marco/ANSA, via Associated Press

Athlete Is Hurt in Egg Attack, and Italy Debates ‘a Racism Emergency’

Daisy Osakue, whose eye was struck in an assault, has become the bandaged face of a question confronting Italy: Is it more racist under the anti-immigrant government?

Still Processing

‘Still Processing’: We Blaxplain Blaxplaining

We trace the evolution of black American cinema from blaxploitation in the 1970s to what we’re calling “blaxplaining” in 2018.


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Vehicle tracks

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The Old Beer Hall in the Bronx

A wooden building in Eastchester, which was torn down in 1960, had a long history — possibly dating to the 17th century — as a watering hole.

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Gender Letter

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The Children at the Trump Rallies

What is it like to see young people exposed to so much anger? Heartbreaking, says a Times photographer.

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