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Iscritto a ottobre 2008


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  1. 24 minuti fa

    "You want 'Medicare for all?' Stop using the Scandinavian countries as examples - those are small, ethnically and socially homogenous countries. Look at Italy," writes Andy in a comment on the Op-Ed, "How Republican Hypocrisy Lifts Social Democrats."

  2. 51 minuti fa

    "Sadly no one can avoid the math that is coming like inflation and much higher interest rates, that will affect all Americans," writes Brad Burns in a comment on the Op-Ed, "How Republican Hypocrisy Lifts Social Democrats."

  3. 1 ora fa

    "We are the polluters, you and I. And we could all use a nudge, like a carbon tax, to change our behavior."

  4. 2 ore fa

    The pope's declaration that the death penalty is intolerable creates a dilemma for many Catholic judges and politicians.

  5. 2 ore fa

    Our culture demands that we look a certain way. Along with dozens of other women, I had devoted my Sunday morning to ensuring that I could look that way for free. Does that make me complicit or revolutionary?

  6. 3 ore fa

    Small talk, when done correctly, is actually an extremely efficient way of getting acquainted with people.

  7. ha ritwittato
    4 ore fa

    Heartbreaking, thoughtful work from photographer Damon Winter – The Children at the Trump Rallies

  8. 3 ore fa

    "The term "Populist" was never, and will never be, accurate in describing him. The word "demagogue" is the shoe that fits," writes Pono in a comment on 's column, "Stop Calling Trump a Populist."

  9. 3 ore fa

    Times photographer Damon Winter on the Trump rallies he attends: "I remember being heartbroken that children were exposed to this anger, were learning from it and participating in it."

  10. 3 ore fa

    Several recent studies show that keeping even a top performing harasser is not worth the costs to companies.

  11. ha ritwittato
    8 ore fa

    My, these photos by Damon Winter. The Children at the Trump Rallies

  12. 4 ore fa

    Is there any place for the media in Trump's America that isn't as an enemy of the people?

  13. 4 ore fa

    If you can afford to get out of town, or just take a staycation, be sure to make the most of it — which can mean finding the time to do nothing at all

  14. 5 ore fa

    How many Trump supporters are ready to take the next step against the media, who the president cries are the enemy of the people? In the age of the active shooter, the number isn’t zero.

  15. 5 ore fa

    From : What topics need to be banned at weekend barbecues?

  16. 5 ore fa

    A Times photojournalist felt the hatred from Donald J. Trump and the crowds that surrounded him, day after day. What happened when he turned his lens to the parents and children in the crowd?

  17. 5 ore fa

    Connected to each other, individuals organize the self-defense that is cross-border community. It is closed systems that kill, writes .

  18. 6 ore fa

    Clearly, fame offers no protection from suicidal urges. And in many ways, it makes things worse. If you kill yourself, everyone will want to know why. Fans who love you will feel betrayed.

  19. ha ritwittato

    In addition to having writing a fantastic debut piece, also has what is now the single best author photo at the

  20. 7 ore fa

    Damon Winter, a Times photographer, sought connection at a recent Trump rally in Pennsylvania. His search, it seemed, was in vain.


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