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Feminists in Line for Free Lipstick

Nothing says “I’m a woman” like a red lip. But a red lip costs $18.50 plus tax.

By Mary Mann

Ms. Mann is a researcher and a writer.

CreditLan Truong

We were in a line that wrapped halfway around a city block, and we were talking about color: red versus pink, shimmery versus matte. One woman liked that peach gloss Michelle Obama goes for; another thought Meghan Markle had a nice defined nude thing going.

“Somebody might come out with swatches,” said the woman in front of me. “Last year a girl came out and showed us the shades so that once you got up there, you knew.”

“I was just trying to Google for them, actually,” said a brunette in workout clothes.

“Well, if you want that, I get the emails,” said the first woman, and a group of us quickly clustered around her phone to study a digital rendering of nine lipstick shades, all free today only, only one per person, in honor of National Lipstick Day.

“I want Moxie,” said the woman with the phone, whose superior knowledge and experience had quickly made her our leader. “But I’d settle for Dare You if they run out.”

A curly-haired little girl with a tiny gold purse, waiting with her mom farther up the line, dashed past us and back again. We would all be standing there a half-hour later when her dad stopped by in a football jersey to take her home for her nap, and her voice would lift into a wail, her arms stretched back toward the crowd of women whose choice of Sunday morning activity suggested a shared commitment to both femininity and thrift.

It’s not easy to commit to both. Femininity is expensive. A tube of MAC lipstick costs $18.50 plus tax and, with nothing pressing on my day’s schedule, it seemed practical to take advantage of a free lipstick deal.

It feels good to get that small win, especially since capitalism so often makes us the losers. Women’s products cost on average 7 percent more than men’s, a disparity known as the “pink tax” because many of the things we’re buying are virtually identical, except that they’re pink. The widest gap I’ve seen was a sparkly pink kids’ Radio Flyer scooter that cost $49.99, when the exact same model in red was $24.99.

This has prompted people like Elizabeth Nolan Brown, a writer and libertarian feminist, to declare that the pink tax is a myth because women could, and should, just choose to buy the cheaper product — that it’s their own fault if they fall for the marketing ploy. Ms. Nolan cites his and hers razors as an example: Pink or blue, razors are just blades set at an angle, so you might as well save yourself a couple of bucks and buy the manly ones. But the argument dries up pretty quickly after that. You can’t save money by switching to a man’s lipstick, for example, because there aren’t any.

Why wear lipstick at all? I don’t usually, but I’ve been trying to wear it more often as I get older and vie for higher-paying jobs. It’s a strategy, and it works. If you look at photos of successful women — whether chief executives or actresses or politicians — they’re all wearing lipstick. These women appear confident, responsible and sure of everything, a surety that starts with their gender. Nothing says “I’m a woman” like a red lip.

This is what you pay $18.50 for: category affiliation. The same applies to clothes made for women and haircuts for women, which are exponentially more expensive than for men.

I do not need to pay more for these things, and many times I haven’t. I cut my own hair for many years and got most of my clothes at clothing swaps, and you could tell. I worked at a college and was often mistaken for a student, and not in a “You look so young” kind of way, but in a “Hey, kid, will you carry these books” kind of way. This did not bode well for a promotion, and I resolved to start taking grooming cues from the few tenured female professors, with their neat bobs and Eileen Fisher wardrobes, though the often better compensated male professors who far outnumbered them tended to be wild-haired wearers of moth-eaten tweed.

As the journalist Danielle Kurtzleben put it, “You’re paying extra to play a made-up role that society pays you less for inhabiting.”

I had a lot of time in the lipstick line to think about all this — the fact that the pink tax is unfair to women while also revealing us to be complicit weirdos.

In a way, this made revolutionaries of all the women in line. Our culture demands that we look a certain way, and we had all dedicated our morning to ensuring that we could look that way without paying for it.

But alas, the category of free is filled with even more land mines than the category of woman. An hour into our wait, I was fully aware that if I had worked that hour instead, I would have made enough to buy a lipstick and maybe even liner to match. I’d also given away my email address and been instructed to wave my arms and cheer for a National Lipstick Day video. I turned my back to the camera and left soon after.

If I’ve learned anything from lipstick, it’s that my face is worth at least $18.50, plus tax.

Mary Mann is the author of “Yawn: Adventures in Boredom.”

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A version of this article appears in print on , on Page A19 of the New York edition with the headline: Feminists in Line for Free Lipstick. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe
