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The Moneyist

Do you have questions about inheritance, tipping, weddings, re-gifting, or any tricky money issues relating to family and friends? Send them to MarketWatch’s Moneyist.
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My wife wants her name on my house, bank and retirement accounts—or else we’re through

He is her fourth husband and she is his second wife, and they have been married for 8 months.

11:27 p.m. July 28, 2018
My ex-wife stopped payments on our home and racked up credit-card debt in my name

This man says his credit score was damaged by his former partner’s shenanigans.

10:08 a.m. July 28, 2018
Should I sell the $15,000 silver tea set gifted to me by 80-year-old mother—or give it back?

This woman wonders whether she should give her brothers a chance to own this family heirloom.

10:04 a.m. July 28, 2018
My wife revealed she has $220,000 in student loans—what do we do now?

This happily married dad feels like an ‘economic slave.’

6:46 p.m. July 27, 2018
My brother borrowed $100,000 from my father before he died—how do we get it back?

This letter writer wonders if her brother can be forced to repay the debt.

8:24 a.m. July 26, 2018
My sister wrote $10,000 checks from our late mother’s bank account—what can I do?

This woman believes her sister took advantage of their ailing mother’s last days.

5:23 p.m. July 23, 2018
I paid off my wife’s student loans — then she filed for divorce after two years of marriage

This husband feels like his wife used him for his money.

8:14 p.m. July 22, 2018
My in-laws co-signed on my mortgage—now my brother-in-law lives there at a discount

This woman is concerned about the unforeseen consequences of a complicated financial arrangement involving her family.

8:08 p.m. July 22, 2018
While visiting my dying stepmother, I discovered her children had looted my father’s estate

‘A word of warning to your readers: Don’t trust anyone.’

8:07 p.m. July 22, 2018
I paid for my girlfriend’s rent, food, vacations and utilities while she was in college—now we’re breaking up

This man wants to know whether he has any legal recourse after supporting his girlfriend for three years.

8:00 p.m. July 22, 2018
My grandmother and uncle destroyed my late grandfather’s will—and put the wrong date on his headstone

This woman says her grandmother and uncle are conspiring to exclude other children from inheriting a dime.

7:57 p.m. July 22, 2018
My ex-husband took $15,000 from our daughter’s 529 plan and bought a $10,000 car with her inheritance

This New Jersey woman wonders if she has any recourse against his actions.

7:55 p.m. July 22, 2018
I paid my boyfriend’s rent and bills to improve his credit score—then he bought a house without telling me

This New Jersey woman wonders whether her partner is using her for a mortgage.

10:21 a.m. July 22, 2018
My new wife wanted to live with me for free, even though she had $800,000 in the bank—so I asked her to move out

This man wants to know how they should split their assets.

10:17 a.m. July 22, 2018
My fiancé postponed our wedding, secretly bought a house—and told me I could pay rent

They were due to get married on April 18, but he delayed the wedding and bought a house instead.

10:16 a.m. July 22, 2018
I earned $5 million in my lifetime—now my long-lost son keeps hitting me up for money

This man says he tried to find the son he fathered in his teens, but his son found him and discovered he was loaded.

7:15 p.m. July 15, 2018
My sister sold our parents’ home and pocketed the cash—what should I do now?

This woman believes her sister may have run away with her father’s money.

10:06 a.m. July 15, 2018
I earn $13 per hour babysitting two boys, but their mother wants to hire another girl and pay me 50% of my hourly rate

‘Listen to your instincts. If you start now, you will hone those skills.’

9:32 a.m. July 15, 2018
My mom, 60, lives with a con artist with a history of theft, deception and bad credit

This daughter is concerned her mother is being taken for all she is worth.

3:15 p.m. July 8, 2018
My only son has a brain tumor—how I can make sure the government doesn’t garnish his inheritance for medical bills?

This father that is worried his estate will be drained by expenses related to his son’s illness.

3:15 p.m. July 8, 2018
My father wants me to co-sign on a $300,000 mortgage—what should I do?

The letter writer is concerned this man is a deadbeat dad.

10:55 a.m. July 7, 2018
My husband cashed out his retirement and, after 36 years, filed for divorce

This soon-to-be divorced couple also has $30,000 in credit-card debt and no 401(k).

10:48 a.m. July 7, 2018
I love my girlfriend, but she spends all her money on vacations and clothes

This 22-year-old man saw his mother lose everything during the Great Recession and doesn’t want history to repeat itself.

6:16 a.m. June 24, 2018
My sister lent my father the down payment for his home and put her name on the mortgage — then he refinanced

She’s concerned her sister will end up carrying the can for the down payment.

1:26 p.m. June 23, 2018
I asked my son to buy a condo unit with me as an investment — now I want my money

This father has four options for repayment. His wife and his son disagree with them.

1:22 p.m. June 23, 2018
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