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U.S. and Europe Ease Trade Feud With Tentative Deal on Tariffs

  • The United States and the European Union stepped back from the brink of a trade war after President Trump said the Europeans agreed to work toward lowering tariffs and other trade barriers.
  • The announcement defused, for the moment, a battle that began with tariffs on European steel and aluminum exports.


The Daily

Listen to ‘The Daily’: The Tariff War

President Trump’s $12 billion aid package for American farmers is a sign that he plans to continue the trade conflict that is hurting them.


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A group of climbers on Wednesday after they were told to leave by employees at Yosemite National Park. Credit Jim Wilson/The New York Times

Shrouded in Smoke, Yosemite Park
Is a Virtual Ghost Town

Plumes from a raging 38,000-acre wildfire nearby have blanketed one of the country’s most popular national parks.

Was the Toronto Gunman Mentally Ill, or Acting for ISIS?

There’s no evidence to support the Islamic State’s claim that Faisal Hussain was one of them, but one thing is beyond dispute: The group is skilled at luring vulnerable young men and women.

It’s Summer. Finally.

Our new limited-run newsletter will spotlight New York City’s coolest summer activities each week. Food and drink included.

Gender Letter

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From Manus to Trump’s America

I first met Imran Mohammad in one of Australia’s offshore detention camps. Now he’s in the United States. Will trauma or hope prevail?

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