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Wall Street Journal
Breaking news, investigative reporting, business coverage and features from The Wall Street Journal.
Breaking news, investigative reporting, business coverage and features from The Wall Street Journal.


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“Star Wars: The Last Jedi” lives most vividly in two of its women: General Leia Organa, who is played by Carrie Fisher for the last time, and Daisy Ridley’s Rey.
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Amazon won’t name names, though New York, Boston, Atlanta and Nashville are among those that have made their bids public.
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In 10 years, the iPhone has become one of the best-selling products in history, altering the way people work and play—and it has remade Apple.
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China's online shopping market is so big that it makes up 40% of the world's package deliveries. Will groceries be the next trend?
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A real-estate magnate is financing Google’s and Facebook’s new trans-Pacific internet cable, the first such project that will be majority-owned by a single Chinese company.
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Traditional diplomacy is colliding with the new realities of covert surveillance. The clash turned Robin Raphel's life upside down.
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Amazon has had talks with the NBA, MLB and NFL among other leagues as it pursues a premium sports package for Prime members.
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AT&T turns to television with its $80 billion agreement to buy Time Warner, while Verizon bets on Silicon Valley with deals for AOL and Yahoo.
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AT&T has reached an agreement to buy Time Warner for between $105 and $110 a share, with a deal likely to be announced as soon as Saturday evening.
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Snapchat is launching sunglasses called Spectacles that record video when you tap a button near the hinge.
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