

  1. Photo
    CreditPier Paolo Cito/Associated Press

    The Truth About Cardinal McCarrick

    The Catholic Church needs an inquest into what the pederast cardinal's colleagues knew, and when.

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    CreditRose Wong

    How Elite Schools Stay So White

    Admissions policies hurt nonwhite applicants through slippery definitions of “merit” and by giving preference to athletes and children of alumni.

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    CreditSarony & Co., via Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division

    The New Know-Nothings

    Trump’s G.O.P. is not the party of Reagan and Bush, but of a much older, darker American political tradition.


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    R.I.P. Ivanka Inc.

    As the first daughter folds her fashion brand, a to-do list.

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    Do-It-Yourself Legislative Redistricting

    A Michigan ballot initiative points the way to reforming gerrymandering, one of the most anti-democratic practices in American politics.

Op-Ed Columnists

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    America First or Trump First?

    Arnold Schwarzenegger had it right when he asked, “What’s the matter with you?”